• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

1.25 released! (Better late than never)

Yet another question: when a corporation/syndicate gets bankrupt?
So Xyth, when you designed Syndicates what was your purpose?

They help balance the benefits of corporations, make corporate competition a bit more interesting and challenging, help include every resource in the system, and act as a late game reduction to economic growth (that targets successful civs over struggling ones).

About Syndicates: I guess I should avoid to create those syndicates that deal with those resources I own. So I founded The Triads, since I have few of those resources this syndicate deals with. And then I should expect this syndicate expands over AI cities while avoiding my cities... and my benefit is exclusively to bother my opponents. Isn't it?

Pretty much. They're not necessarily something you want to found if you're doing well, unless your opponents will be affected worse than you. They're probably most useful if you're behind and want to destabilise a stronger opponent a bit.

First: I'm not sure is worth for me to create syndicate agents in order to expand, they are very expensive to produce.

Agents and Executives are deliberately expensive as I wanted Syndicates and Corporations to act outside of direct player control. You can direct them a bit, but it's costly. Can be worthwhile if you've got a lot of shares and the share price is high though.

Second: I've got a quest where I'm tasked to attack and takeover from opponents Silk, Amber and Jade (all of them resources related to the Syndicate The Triads). I feel it not coherent, since I should prefer not to own those resources in order to don't get The Triads expanded over my cities.

Events and quests are something I never got around to reviewing for HR. They're updated to account for HR's changes but sometimes they may not make much sense.

Yet another question: when a corporation/syndicate gets bankrupt?

Their headquarters and all their offices, executives, and shares are removed.
Hi folks,

It seems the Common Market agreement (diplomacy) does not work properly.
If you open the attached file and press "pass turn" button, Israel will break the Common Market agreement we were involved in. Then suddenly I will lose ALL of the resources I had, even all of those that were on my territory.


  • Common Market bug.CivBeyondSwordSave
    783.6 KB · Views: 26
Hi I just discovered this mod on the forum and I'm looking forward to trying it out.
I still have two questions: how long does a game last?
I am also a fan of realism invictus but it takes forever even on normal speed. Is there a speed for which this mod was developed and how many rounds lasts a game at this speed?

My other question is about the feature that some cities can split off. Does this only affect the civics or are there other factors that can cause cities to split off?
how long does a game last?
About the same as usual turn-wise, but it can be micromanagement-heavy.
I am also a fan of realism invictus but it takes forever even on normal speed.
Well, you are pop-capped most of the game, so no wonder. In HR you also need 2x food to grow per pop, but it's easily modified, except it makes unrest even harder to manage.
My other question is about the feature that some cities can split off. Does this only affect the civics or are there other factors that can cause cities to split off?
The more cities you have, the earlier you have to invest into culture, especially if your is undermined by neighbours (it doesn't even need to touch to be affected by diffusion). Happiness/Health deficit hurts a lot, so mines and floodplains are costly. Afaik foreign religions (including non-adapted native religion) are -15 each and you get -1 happiness on top of it until you build their temple. Overall, unrest guarantees that there are no unimportant systems - each affects how many cities you can control and how good you are at surviving culture pressure in a race for new resources. For the full list of factors just hover unrest bar. Priest spam can salvage mostly anything as long as you've prepared enough slots, traditional leaders can also build culture at 100% rate and Golden Ages reset unrest almost completely.
Wow that sounds good. Can't wait to play more tonight.
Also excited to see expanded possibilities with diplomacy and corporations.
One last question.
I read that the cities that secede become barbarian. Can't you just conquer them back?
Wow that sounds good. Can't wait to play more tonight.
Also excited to see expanded possibilities with diplomacy and corporations.
One last question.
I read that the cities that secede become barbarian. Can't you just conquer them back?
Yes, they can secede and become barbarian. But in case you accumulate enough unrest in various of your cities, they can secede and spawn a new civilization.
You are able always to conquer them back.
I read that the cities that secede become barbarian. Can't you just conquer them back?
You still lose buildings and it especially hurts in HR with whipping being unviable, also you lose all the culture (which is actually worth a lot).
Wow that sounds good. Can't wait to play more tonight.
Also excited to see expanded possibilities with diplomacy and corporations.
Actually, diplomacy is in a terrible condition currently - you get punished for AIs breaking agreements with you and you get permanent malus for each time you've changed religion, not reset by adopting a common one. Balance and pace suck too, I've tried making a patch, but there isn't enough people around to calibrate it further. I'll attach it here. Xyth is busy IRL, so we are on our own.


  • HRTweaks.rar
    75.7 KB · Views: 22
Thanks I will try. What does your Patch Do?

In the scenarios I can find only one World map for Windows and a worldbuildersave (which) doesnt work.
Is there a smaller World map available?
What does your Patch Do?
Mostly what Casual Terrain in my sign does + adressing most blatant cases of imbalance specific for HR like slavery being completely unviable, Land Tenure being better than everything else in it's category (except arguably Nationalism with it's hammer and culture), Academy and other science boosters being too impactful, Renaissance tech about x1.5 cost and later x2 cost to salvage the pace somewhat, food for growth per pop lowered to 3 (2 in Vanilla, 4 in HR).
Are you Sure with food for pop?
I just checked it and every Pop eats two food like in BTS.
Are you Sure with food for pop?
I just checked it and every Pop eats two food like in BTS.
For growth. Not consumed. The maximum value of stockpiled food before growth occurs increases each proc.
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