"1/3 old, 1/3 improved, 1/3 new"

The old game with a new feature or two would be awesome, right? The gameplay needs an overhaul, maybe they can streamline hings here and there, introduce a new concept or two and voila, the game is ready to be played over and over again! :)
I'm really looking forward to this. Heck, the announcement actually made me get really back into Civ4 too and pick up the expansions, which I had not done before (too busy with work and anything Civ-like is really not helping ;)). Really glad they decided to re-do Colonization. I'm not fond of the name, but from a branding perspective it may make sense (not really sure about that as it also gives the impression that it's an expansion or a mod). I also feel that Col may appeal to players who may not enjoy Civ as much.
As long as they keep the good old possibility to sell the natives 100 tobaco for 2000+ gold I am happy! And of course the ability the remove one rival the first 20 turns by sending your lone soldier into his colony :lol:

On the serious note: I really liked colo in the begining when you struggle the get resources and enough colonists (with trade-ofs like let him work a mine or be a scout/soldier). So I hope they can keep the feeling.

After the early face the next "get a lot of money to by colonist, ships and artilery" was fun to but to much micro (and boring with the ower power native trading). So improvment is needed here. Going after the AI here was fun but with tons of land around rarely beneficial. That should be improved to.

And the war of independence was a joke. I always played on the hardest level and I can't recall ever losing one, so obviously a lot of room for improvment here as well.

But I really look forward to this game! Just hope they will rum COTM, that would make it perfect!
As long as they keep the good old possibility to sell the natives 100 tobaco for 2000+ gold I am happy! And of course the ability the remove one rival the first 20 turns by sending your lone soldier into his colony :lol:

On the serious note: I really liked colo in the begining when you struggle the get resources and enough colonists (with trade-ofs like let him work a mine or be a scout/soldier). So I hope they can keep the feeling.

After the early face the next "get a lot of money to by colonist, ships and artilery" was fun to but to much micro (and boring with the ower power native trading). So improvment is needed here. Going after the AI here was fun but with tons of land around rarely beneficial. That should be improved to.

And the war of independence was a joke. I always played on the hardest level and I can't recall ever losing one, so obviously a lot of room for improvment here as well.

But I really look forward to this game! Just hope they will rum COTM, that would make it perfect!
I seriously hope that they keep most of that stuff out... :lol:

The war of independence was pretty tough as I remember it... Of course there were those games where the first city that was attacked was situated just so, that when the opposing ships arrived, they stopped one turn short of reaching the shore, so that your coastal fortress could shoot them out of the water. The fleet would ALWAYS land the same way, and pretty much every ship was blown out of the water. Those wars were a breeze.

There were also those wars where a city was taken... Try to get it back with such a huge opposing army. What is even worse, you had to get it back before another nation gained independence... which was pretty quick, way sooner than I felt up to the challenge of facing the king's army.

Ow well, let's just hope they leave in most of the fun stuff. What really annoyed me, was that when you start a new game, you had to look at that lame slide show of your ship leaving the harbor, accompanies by that cheap text. You could not click it away, all you could do was sit it out, and it lasted for about three minutes, every single time. Let's hope there are no such nuisances in this version. :)
Ow well, let's just hope they leave in most of the fun stuff. What really annoyed me, was that when you start a new game, you had to look at that lame slide show of your ship leaving the harbor, accompanies by that cheap text. You could not click it away, all you could do was sit it out, and it lasted for about three minutes, every single time. Let's hope there are no such nuisances in this version. :)

Actually, that sildeshow was skippable.
But slideshow only ended after new map was generated and all other pre-game stuff the CPU is supposed to do (giving the illusion that slideshow can't be skipped).

Same with wold generation in Civ1 (DOS).
What I am looking forward to is:

6) Culture/borders - not having enemy dragoons camped all round your colonies during peace, and then fortified when war starts.

7) peacefully moving through neutral units.

What I hope to see is:

8) some improvement to the combat system beyond BTS, ideally entire stacks fighting at once, rewarding combined arms with a mixture of arty, infantry, and horse. Dragoons not simply being stronger, faster infantry with horses, as the war is just battle to keep your men mounted. I would make both dragoons and infantry the same strength, give dragoons their extra speed and bonuses to withdraw, but give them some disadvantage (no/reduced defensive bonuses?)

9) Custom house that can buy stuff from europe.

10) Some method of telling what native settlements will train and buy, without having to use a sheet of paper to track it.

11) Some method of repairing damaged arty.

All of these are good ideas. I especially hated number 10. It wasn't just writing down their training but also the hex graph. But good news, if you look at the pics, you'll see that the Indian villages list what they train in their info bar!

I would like to see promotions, especially woodsmen and guerilla, since America didnt "fight fair" and used these guerilla tactics.
Actually, some sort of guerrilla warfare was implemented in original Colonization.

If you attack royalists when they are on defensive terrain (hills, wood), then you, as attacker, get the bonus (amush bonus).

Same effect natives have against your own troops.
All of these are good ideas. I especially hated number 10. It wasn't just writing down their training but also the hex graph. But good news, if you look at the pics, you'll see that the Indian villages list what they train in their info bar!

Awesome. I very much remember the pieces of paper mboza is talking about. What was even worse was forgetting to write one down, and then sending your scouts back out to scour the New World again, trying to find that one native village that knows how to plant tobacco.
"1/3 old, 1/3 improved, 1/3 new"? I guess, no. I'm starting to get disapionted, becouse of the lack of improvements. They even seems to have cutted the game: one preview says there are only 300 turns, another one said there will be only 2 levels of buildings instead of 3 like in the original. :(
Well, the previews/articles are a bit contradictive so far. I'd actually be happy with the "same old game" on a new engine. I guess that isn't true for everyone else, though. Less than two months and we'll have the game. I like the Civ4 engine, it works well on my system (minus the memory leaks), so I'm very hopeful. :)
The thing about gold counting toward score in Colonization is that it made me never want to spend it... like... any of it.
The thing about gold counting toward score in Colonization is that it made me never want to spend it... like... any of it.

Yes thought there should be something in the score that reflects your wealth, maybe can the total amount of gold you have earned be used rather then the amount you have.
Yes thought there should be something in the score that reflects your wealth, maybe can the total amount of gold you have earned be used rather then the amount you have.
You can train specialists for your colonies, because specialists also count towards your score. In fact, the value of a specialist in points greatly exceeds the value og gold measured in points.

So saving gold simply because gold counts towards your score is very contra-productive and unwise. Hire those specialists you need! not onlyu will it boost your score, but it will speed up your development as well, saving you loads of time.
Yeah, most games have a system where each gold point counts as 0.1 score points. Each soldier counts as 50 score points, but only costs 100 gold to make.

5x the score benefit. Something like that.
Yeah, most games have a system where each gold point counts as 0.1 score points. Each soldier counts as 50 score points, but only costs 100 gold to make.

5x the score benefit. Something like that.
It is even more awesome than that. 1000 gold converts to 1 point. A specialist is worth several points. It is a long time ago and I never really played for points so please for give me that the details escaped me.

The most expensive specialists did cost about 2000 gold if I am not mistaken. In gold this would be 2 points. You can invest it in an ore miner - the cheapest specialist for several points at the cost of only 600 gold. This way you can greatly increase the value of your gold.

If you choose not to milk it like that and actually play the game and hire the specialists you need, the conversion rate is slightly less favorable as the price of a specialist goes up while the amount of points received remains the same, but still you will be rewarded better by hiring a specialist than with hoarding your gold as a specialist is worth more than 2 points - if I am not mistaken.

Even if a specialist was 2 points it would be on par with hiring a 2000 gold specialist. So any specialist that is cheaper than that would be a good investment. This is of course unless rounding errors would advice you to save your gold. Rounding errors do not play a role if a specialist is worth more than 2 points, and I am almost certain they are.
For the military side, more and different units would be cool, but I dont know how they would do this and keep the whole any unit can be anything which I love, its great how you soliders can build towns lol. Especially when your off killing the aztex or inca's, you get your wagon of gold get one of your units to build a quick coastal city and your mother country takes it all away for you.
1/3 old, 1/3 improved, and 1/3 new, for me is 3/3 new, because i never played the original before, and now i'm eagerly await for this one
Awesome. I very much remember the pieces of paper mboza is talking about. What was even worse was forgetting to write one down, and then sending your scouts back out to scour the New World again, trying to find that one native village that knows how to plant tobacco.

Only to discover that in the meantime, they had forgotten how to train tobacco growers and now offered to train a fisherman instead, heh heh. You must remember that bug.
Its worth noting that the American Colonies mostly won the War of Independence thanks to help from France (which is what makes modern-day anti-French attitudes in America so damned funny :p). Indeed, when all is said and done, the War of Independence really just became an extension of the Anglo-French wars taking place in The Old World. The reason I mention this is that I'm bothered by news that you can't make diplomatic deals with other Old World countries. Isn't that unfairly hamstringing the newly founded colonies?

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