(1-NS) recon units can always move along unoccupied trade route plots

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Aug 12, 2016
Enable recon units to defend trade routes by allowing this unit line only, pre-paratrooper, movement along owned trade route plots, regardless of plot ownership, open borders etc.

proposed implementation:
  • Promotion-enabled, allowing unit to enter rival territory if owned trade route passes through it
  • Promotion is free for recon line pre-paratrooper, not available to any other unit.
  • Promo'd unit (ie recon) starting turn in rival territory (w/o OB) receives -4 vision malus
  • Promo'd unit (ie recon) can pass through rival city along applicable trade route
  • If trade route is pillaged, any units on its route (and not otherwise eligible to be where they are) are returned to vicinity of the former tr's origin city.
  • Denounced civ cannot move recon along tr in denouncer's territory
  • Great Wall blocks recon TR movement for all non-friends
Intended effect:
  • Give players some means of defending trade routes pre open borders, whereas this is otherwise often impossible.
  • add utility to early recon line
  • Create stronger thematic link between trade and exploration
  • Add depth to tr destination choice
  • Allow players option for limited participation in distant foreign wars blocked by rival territory
  • Add defensive priority during peace time to station units on incoming foreign trade routes, to block rival recon access
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Doesn't trade unit move after your turn and before other civ/cs/barb turn ? They can still run pass you into the enemy and die.
Sorry if I'm wrong, the AI turns usually happen too fast to follow the exact order.
Yes good point, but just a matter of moving to where it ends up and park unit there. The combat options would be somewhat limited once the routes were contained entirely in rival territory, like you'd have to focus on holding key plots and maybe use multiple recon to clear units off the route quickly, but at least there's some option where none currently exists.

If nothing else, I hope this might get community thinking on some option to defend tr's a little better.

Edit to top post: added movement blocked by denouncement
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Personally I think it won't have the desired effect (protecting TR) as you don't actually have that much choice doing so in rival territory (using too few units would encourage your enemy unit to get close and try to engage said scout, thus risk blocking/pillaging the trade unit even more, and using too many would risk triggering the rival civ for war or diplomatic issue). Beside there's too much effort doing so every turn (multiple units focusing on protecting one single trade route while they can participate in the actual war through better means like taking their TR, help healing, pillage strategic resource, capture, etc...).

Maybe something like an upgrade/optional choice when sending out TR (ex: pay big chunk of money to hire bodyguards) to allow trade unit to run away when targeted by enemy unit, and you can use that when there's a war going on (but with cost high enough to discourage spamming it, and solely used to keep certain trade deal going - if this is to be used together with your other proposal). Actively using units to defend a fast moving uncontrollable target doesn't seem like a good choice gameplay-wise
The unit can easily get stuck in foreign territory without sight.
Timestamp post to arrange all the threads in a neat order.
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