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[C3C] 100k culture victory


Jun 13, 2014
Good day fellow Civ3ians.

Recently I've been looking to expand my game knowledge. I've been particularly interested in achieving a 100k cultural victory on the Emperor level. I read an article in the War Academy which basically said do an hyper-aggressive REX, expand towards other civs, then jam towns in between and push out cultural buildings as fast as possible. I've done that, and can't seem to get any other civ towns to flip, despite them being small, and away from their capital, and me accumulating a ton of culture points. Any ideas?

Also just any tips in general with this victory condition?

Side note- I've tried remaining peaceful, but should I try some military expansion?
Flipping almost never happens. Expanding via military works much better. That way you increase your amount of towns that can accumulate culture and decrease enemy culture along they way. Cultural victory means to outshine all other cultures, so mitigating them can help a great deal.
Flipping almost never happens. Expanding via military works much better. That way you increase your amount of towns that can accumulate culture and decrease enemy culture along they way. Cultural victory means to outshine all other cultures, so mitigating them can help a great deal.

Ok, makes sense to me. I was reading probably an old War Academy article that basically said your civilization can become like a blackhole, flipping enemy towns, and as you flip more enemy towns, you get more culture, and absorb even more towns.
For a speedy 100k:
Play the Celts - agricultural and religious. You need cheap cathedrals for a speedy win. Scientific is not good, as cheap universities doesn't help since you won't build them anyway. Agricultural helps as you'll want to pop-rush.
Expand rapidly, both by settling aggressively and militarily, to near 50% of land.
Build or capture the pyramids and the ToA. On emperor you may be able to get a neighbor to build them for you in a timely manner- make sure they have the required techs. Below monarch you should plan to build them yourself, as the AI will be too slow.
Try to make the Republic slingshot and switch to republic ASAP.
Once you have made significant progress toward domination, switch to Feudalism and start pop-rushing culture.
ICS your lands once you have the amount of land you want.
Do not learn education. You can research to military tradition if needed. You should research to gunpowder so that you can use musketmen as intermediate steps for pop-rushing.
Destroy the great library if you capture it.
Once you switch to feudalism you must pay attention to your treasury as you'll start losing money as you build culture. Build wealth in cities that are regrowing population as needed.
Pay attention to the domination limit. Give cities to the AI if you need to. (If you abandon them, your cultural expansion will cause problems again later.)
In feudalism, captured towns can be pop-rushed as soon as the resistance is gone. If a city might be a flip risk, fill it full of military units on the captured turn to remove resistance while it can't flip. Then move them back out and rush buildings.
If you can capture Sistine or Bach's, that is great, as you'll want happiness.

You will get a few culture flips, but not many, so don't count on them.

This month's GOTM is 100k on PTW with the Romans. Almost none of the advice above is valid for PTW.
Almost none of the advice above is valid for PTW.

I guess I should have read that before I started the game... :lol:
You will get a few culture flips, but not many, so don't count on them.

In the recent GOTM167, I got exactly one culture flip: a town that I had planted and gifted to the AI a few turns before in order to stop my cultural border from expanding and overstepping the dom limit... So I had to refuse that flip... :D
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