1366x768 Widescreen


Oct 21, 2005
West Midlands, England
Does anyone know if there's someway to get this to work?

I've just installed Civ IV with Warlords and Beyond the Sword on my new laptop, but it looks stretched while playing. I've heard it will work in some other widescreen resolutions, but 1366x768 is the only one that doesn't look stretched or unfocused on my laptop monitor.
Thanks. I've done that and it's going into widescreen mode at least, but it's still all stretched.

Is there anyway to get it so it isn't?
Thanks for your help.

I think I've overcomplicated it and ignored the obvious. There was a resolution choice in options. I'm think all my reading which seemed to imply there is no way outside of tweaking for most games, made me forget to check.
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