1620 AD - Techs

Do we really need that badly now though? The Germans are almost wiped off the face of the earth and the Romans will be next. There is no danger of foreign cultures expanding their cultural territory on our continent once we dealt with the Romans, is there? I personally rather see us getting Gunpowder (4 turns) and Replaceable Parts (6 turns) after Constitution and Democracy.
Musketmen aren't very powerful, compared to specialized (Pikemen, Macemen, Crossbowmen etc.), I suggest we research Gunpowder, Rifling after RP.
We simply do not need Gunpowder-Rifling for a long time following the conquest of Rome. We should concentrate on building the continent and the economy then.
Do we really need that badly now though? The Germans are almost wiped off the face of the earth and the Romans will be next. There is no danger of foreign cultures expanding their cultural territory on our continent once we dealt with the Romans, is there? I personally rather see us getting Gunpowder (4 turns) and Replaceable Parts (6 turns) after Constitution and Democracy.
We needn't the culture but the happyness.
27 of 202 citizens are in uproar, thats too much. We build in Berlin an arena (cost 120 also 7 turns) for 1 citizen. With drama we can build theater (cost 50) and this is better than an arena. Our warweareness is only big.


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HUSch, the unhappines is because we are at war with the Germans. As soon as the Germans are defeated, by us or the Romans, unhappiness in ex-German cities will fall to the same levels as in other cities.
Are we still planning on getting Democracy this millenium? :)
I certainly hope so, our people have suffered enough!
HUSch, the unhappines is because we are at war with the Germans. As soon as the Germans are defeated, by us or the Romans, unhappiness in ex-German cities will fall to the same levels as in other cities.
Every turn with so much uproar is bad. And we 've in few turns the next war.
I'm really against changing the Consitution -> Democracy path at this moment and it seems from the instructions that our Head Scientist feels the same.
I think we are going to have democracy, which is why I would like the Roman War to be completed as soon as possible before we change our civics.
I think we should go for Divine Right and Theology, and get the Spiral Minaret and Versailles in order to get more gold out, and not be too frantic about Military Tradition. Our Army will handle it well.
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