2 Things I'd Like to See in Civ 4

Originally posted by JedaiNait
I would like to see a clear table with info obout all the civs in the game. For instance i would like to see wich civ has a technology i don't have and vice versa. And wich civ has or not has iron for instance. THen if i would like to trade 'currency' for instance, I can immediatly see that only India and Germany may be interested.

Now if i have a new tech/luxury wich i want to trade i have to go through all foreign leaders apart. This means selecting the civ, start a confrontation, see if the have/need anything and cancel if there's nothing to trade. And this proces 15 times! A decent table should avoid this. Maybe a complete different trading system would also be an option.

good points. all the information is there, should not be too hard to make a table.
1.) Space battles. Maybe Civs on other planets in the sol system
2.) More complex diplomancy. MAybe A ban on one civ making Nucler weapons and being able to tell AI where to attack and not to take cities after you spend 10 units atacking it and for them to waltz in with one unit.
I really like these previously mentioned ideas.

1. Being able to negotiate peace between two waring AI nations.
2. Being able to see what techs a nation has in an info screan
kinda like they had in Civ II.
3. I too think the firepower thing should come back. I'm tired of
my submarines getting sunk by wooded ships. It's rediculous.
4. Being able to sell and trade military units.
5. All forms of AI improvements.

That being said, my biggest problem is with naval movement. I think it is stupid that it takes me 10-20 turnes to move naval units accross the map. To help alieviate this, I think naval units should be able to rebase exaclty like aircraft. There would be a city improvement available some time in the industrial time that would allow this feature. And like aircraft, they would not be able to move the same turn they rebase. This at least would let you strategicaly move your vessels around your own waters, and If you had an island close to an AI continent, you wouldn't have to wait forever to get your navy there if war broke out. I just think this would help in realism. Besides rebasing abilities, normal movement would remain unchanged.
Here are some things I'd like to see:

1) Second the motion on paratroopers and helicopters. These units are nearly useless in C3. Give the helicopters the ability to transport 2-4 units, including non-combat units and Artillery, and you've got a potentially useful unit. Give Helos and Paras a LOT more range, say...20 or 30 tiles... deep enough into enemy territory so that they won't simply be bypassed by the next turn's tank/modern armor assault.

2) Alternatively, a long range air transport (Starlifter?) that can be built in the Jet age, and used for trans-oceanic transport of 8 units to any other city...or perhaps used with standard range paratroops for long-range airborne assaults.

3) A high-capacity oceanliner, available with the discovery of Combustion. Make it so that it CAN'T be used for Marine assaults, but CAN carry larger numbers than a transport...say, 16-32 units. Give it the speed of an aircraft carrier, or maybe a sub...to keep some balance.

4) A seagoing means of delivering 4 cruise missiles...either AEGIS Cruisers or a second-generation destroyer. Let Nuc Subs carry 2-4 cruise missiles.

5) Precision bombing to target UNITS, making it easier to capture cities intact.

6) Eliminate automatic destruction of size 1 cities that are captured.

7) Naval units and aircraft caught in captured cities do not self destruct, but are captured as war booty. If the capturing civ does not have the technology, it is automatically granted provided the capturing civ has the prerequsite techs.

8) Radar artillery that can keep up with modern armor (2 movements or one movement and one bombard in enemy territory).
Originally posted by MaximusParthas

4) somebody tell me what the hell a "stealth fighter" is good for?
dodadamnthang right or don't use it.


A Stealth Fighter was good for NOTHING. But now they fixed it in Civ Conquest, giving it a Defence of 6
But, they still messed up again, becuse now the Stealth Fighter Defends better then The Jet Fighter, and so does the Stealth Bomber. The Jet Fighter REQUIRES a Defence of 8, Fighter REQUIRES a Defence of 4, F-15 REQUIRES a Defence of 8, Stealth Bomber REQUIRES a Defence of 0
DONT Argue with me, I know what Im talking about.
Now, Somebody tell ME what a Sub is good for???

They need to give it Bombardment, cuz otherwise, its worthless, Its a Scout, So it needs Bombardment.
...what I meant to say earlier was "radar artillery that can keep up with mech infantry..."
subs arnt scouts. subs are finishers.

They are actually sort of dangerous as is if all the opponent makes is battleships. If you cant see em they are a bit nasty. With bombers to knock ships down to 1 and the sub lingering for the finishing blow you could do some damage. though lethal bombardment prolly took care of that combo.

Subs need some sort of improved attack if you cant see them though. since they are vulnerable to attack perhaps they should be allowed to attack twice like armor.

or even attack each move if thats what it had to be.

that would make subs a threat. having destroyers or your own subs would be essential cause you wouldnt want a sub getting 3 attacks~
Originally posted by Justinian III
Now, Somebody tell ME what a Sub is good for???

They need to give it Bombardment, cuz otherwise, its worthless, Its a Scout, So it needs Bombardment.

As a general rule, I don't build a lot of subs... and as soon as I have fission, I build nuclear subs instead of regular subs - even if I don't load 'em with nukes, the extra movement point is worth the extra shield cost. When I do build subs, here's how I use them:

Naval "picket lines" - especially in narrow straits...

Scouting - poking along foreign shores (better now that they fixed the AI's ability to 'see' them without subs...)

Shadowing AI naval units - especiallly other subs...

Finding AI subs - especially the nuclear ones that can carry tactical nukes. It's worth pointing out that the nuc subs DO have bombard capability - albeit nuclear....

If you're in one of those rare games with an AI that has a well developed navy, it makes sense to have a couple of subs along with a carrier task force, if for no other reason than to avoid "surprises" from enemy subs.

Most of these scenarios pertain to the lower three levels of gameplay, and none of them will really determine the outcome of the game...
Originally posted by jeremiahrounds
subs arnt scouts. subs are finishers.

I think we've bantered around each other on another thread, but that particular comment got me thinking....

...since I prefer pangea or continent maps, I rarely see an organized AI navy, BUT....

Let's say an AI managed to put together a pretty good naval task force, and I wanted to take it out...

I've got a carrier task force with say... a carrier loaded with bombers, 2 or 3 battleships, 3 or 4 destroyers, and a couple of subs...

... I begin with the bombers, then move the battleships in range to bombard, then back to guard the carrier(s)...then finish his weakened naval units off with destroyers and subs...

hmmm....maybe I oughta test this on a well developed archipelago game...

Are there any admirals out there who prefer Iowa class battleships to Abrams class modern armor that'd care to comment?
you guys talking about civ 2 u can do all that stuff :) exept the brokering peace treaties...I would like to see more intelgent AI how is ur game long ally gona turn on u specialy after u defended it from invasion and ur like 10000x stronger then they are ? I dont get it..Fear and Respect would be good thing
Oh btw i forgot to mension Subs are great i use em to invade other continents They go first Scout out for ships while my transports in route before transports land and drop of marines tanks and Air power on to enemy sould my subs tend to make costal city virtualy defensles :nuke: they do enemy in before they know what hit em (works great to catch Ai of guard :) )
Originally posted by jeremiahrounds
subs arnt scouts. subs are finishers.

They are actually sort of dangerous as is if all the opponent makes is battleships. If you cant see em they are a bit nasty. With bombers to knock ships down to 1 and the sub lingering for the finishing blow you could do some damage. though lethal bombardment prolly took care of that combo.

Subs need some sort of improved attack if you cant see them though. since they are vulnerable to attack perhaps they should be allowed to attack twice like armor.

or even attack each move if thats what it had to be.

that would make subs a threat. having destroyers or your own subs would be essential cause you wouldnt want a sub getting 3 attacks~

To be Honest,

I was just testing ZOC for Subs, Zone of Control, and I found that it dont matter weather the enemy ship like a Battleship can see them or not. They can still attack, I was gonna move around the Sub, becuse I wanted to test Bombardment for Subs and ZOC, and I was moving toward the Sub, could not see it and it asked me if I wanted to Declare War, I said yes and Sunk a Sub with a Battleship. Did it a few more times.
Subs need some sort of improved attack if you cant see them though. since they are vulnerable to attack perhaps they should be allowed to attack twice like armor.


Well, I give them Bombardment, Attack of 8, Range of 1, ROF 2

Theres your fire while cloaked Thought, somebody said they wanted
I would love to see some form of pirateable trade route. Privateers (?) would really come into their own then. Without going to war with a Civ they could Pirate the other civs trade route and divert the goods to your Civ at no cost to you. Also during a war you could pirate the civs trade route and disrupt it or divert it to yours.

It could be quite a powerful tool.
Here's the First Edition of My Wish List for

One change I would like to see is pollution
treated the same way as corruption, abstractly.

A second change I would like to see is the ability
of a player to slow the pace of technological advancement.
I've played games where by the 1200's advanced technology
had appeared. Technology moves a bit too fast.

Here's another change I would like to see.
Submarines are invisible, except to other
submarines and AEGIS Cruisers!!!
Destroyers should be able to see submarines.
The Germans built about 1100 submarines.
850 were sunk without sinking a single ship.
The destroyers were able to do the job.
Convoys were escorted by destroyers not submarines
or AEGIS cruisers.

Castles would also be nice. A they would be built like forts
but they would be far stronger.

I also noticed that someone recommended paying up keep
for railroad spaces. That's a very good idea. The map is
covered with railroads, it's not very realistic.

I love the idea of visible trade routes, and all the possibility for pirates/brigands this opens up. At the moment the only chance I have to shout "Arrrrr! Avast behind!" in this game is while moving a Privateer around, and that ain't good.

Imagine if your trade units, moving automatically, were subject to attacks by barbarians (pirates and bandits) as well as other civilisations (act of war, naturally). But imagine also if you could bribe the barbarians to attack other people's trade routes and give you some of the booty. I'd like that. That would take the place of privateers, who after all were independent captains in the pay of a government, rather than units built by the government themselves. It might add a bit of unpredictability, since the privateers etc. would move themselves (being essentially barbarians) and you would never know quite what they were going to do... maybe they're already in the pay of someone else, and they go straight off and report your shady dealings!

I love the idea of rebaseable ships. After all, when George Bush wants to invade somewhere, he doesn't have to wait ten years for everyone to get into position (it's a thought, though...).

The idea of a screen telling you who has what technology is very good. I've had that "negotiate with everyone to find out who wants to buy my latest idea" thing too. Another good "cosmetic" change would be more information on foreign affairs. For example, if I have an embassy with either France or Russia, and France declares war on Russia, I would like to know why ("France has declared war on Russia! They are sick of Catherine sending her savages into their territory!"). I would also like to know who wins a war, rather than the simple fact that it has ended ("The war between France and Russia is over! Saint Joan has inflicted a crippling peace settlement on the Russians. That'll teach them!"). Things like this would have a small impact on gameplay but add to the "story-telling" element of the game.

I don't see the value of adding tradeable units. Right now you can give gold to your ally, and if they're at war with a common foe they will probably use it to buy troops. It comes down to the same thing really.

As I've posted elsewhere, I think the main improvement would be to allow new civilisations to appear later in the game, perhaps through colonies declaring independence from the mother civilisation, or being spawned by barbarians. That would add both historical realism and interest.
I would like all these ideas to be inplemented in the next Civ.

Originally posted by Elek
1) A more developed trade system with caravans/tradeships and the like...You ship resources to far away places and could get more gold the further you take it /the rarer the resource is.

Originally posted by MarkoPolo
I wish that supply and demand would come into effect more. Such as when I control all the supply of a luxury and another civ wont pay as much as something that is less rare.

Originally posted by MaximusParthas
1) The option to say "get the hell out or declare war!" whenever I want to.

5) Can we get the chance to barter peace treaties between other civs?
Hey china, I'll give you wines if you'll sign a peace treaty with germany. whadaya think?

6) Illegal trades. Drugs, arms, technology, something. Many real world countries have their whole economy based on illegal contraband. can't we get in on the action too? can anybody say "columbia"

7) Natural disaters. Hurricanes, earthquakes, tornados, floods, tsunamis, volcanos, meteor stikes, anydamnthing.
Howindahell can we go through 4000 years of time without so much as a rainfall?

Originally posted by Globetrotter
There has been an old thread when we spoke about hiring mercenaries from other civs, and buying equipment (tanks, artillery, planes).
That would be nice to have it.

Originally posted by CivIIenthusiast
i also want to be able to put cities on mountains. its been done in the real world (not often but still)

i'd like to have the ability to sell or give units to a civ, instead of having a MPP with them and fighting to defend them you can help them out by giving them or selling them units (either equal to your OR their technological advances) they could make it so this will effect how the other civs act towards you much like how the world works.

Originally posted by Mr. Cackle
Also, I would like to see all my excess food go into a pool, that could be sent to a city when the people are starving/to get the pop growing faster.

Originally posted by PUBH
In other words, if you loaned like 4 modern armors to a civ "under your flag", it would be sort of like a "peace keeping" force that the civ you loan to controls. And doing this, it might affect your attitude with the other civs. Like, if the civ you loan it to (say Persia) is at war with like Egypt, and England is "good friends" with Egypt, then England would become not so happy with you (but it shouldn't get down to war because your not actually controlling your units). But if France for example is "good friends" with Persia, then France should then become "happier" with you because your helping their "friend". Overall, doing this should have a positive effect all around the world, because it would sort of be like a small "UN peace keeping force". It should make other civs on your side or not involved more willing to trade resources with you, loan/give you units, pay higher gold amounts for things, etc.

The other option, "under the flag" of the civ you loan to, should work the same, except... it shouldn't affect the attitudes of any of the civs. In other words, nobody should become "happier" or "madder" at you for doing this. The only thing that should possibly happen due to this is that perhaps your own citizens become slightly discontent that part of their nation's military isn't "under their flag".

Originally posted by IluDeR
TERRORISM....more kinds of weapons...like chemicals weapons or something..

The game interface, could have like an atmosfere, so with polution, we could see, more rain in one place an more heat in another....

Originally posted by sealman
I would also like to see some units that have a more defined purpose and stats to match, for example anti-tank infantry units which have a higher attack against armored units and a lower attack against other units. And make subs more realistic, officially give them the bombard capability. Historically subs followed a "hit and run" tactic. Launch their torpedos and hide.

Originally posted by derekroth

1. Being able to negotiate peace between two waring AI nations.
2. Being able to see what techs a nation has in an info screan
kinda like they had in Civ II.
3. I too think the firepower thing should come back. I'm tired of
my submarines getting sunk by wooded ships. It's rediculous.
4. Being able to sell and trade military units.
5. All forms of AI improvements.

That being said, my biggest problem is with naval movement. I think it is stupid that it takes me 10-20 turnes to move naval units accross the map. To help alieviate this, I think naval units should be able to rebase exaclty like aircraft. There would be a city improvement available some time in the industrial time that would allow this feature. And like aircraft, they would not be able to move the same turn they rebase. This at least would let you strategicaly move your vessels around your own waters, and If you had an island close to an AI continent, you wouldn't have to wait forever to get your navy there if war broke out. I just think this would help in realism. Besides rebasing abilities, normal movement would remain unchanged.

Originally posted by scoutsout
Here are some things I'd like to see:

1) Second the motion on paratroopers and helicopters. These units are nearly useless in C3. Give the helicopters the ability to transport 2-4 units, including non-combat units and Artillery, and you've got a potentially useful unit. Give Helos and Paras a LOT more range, say...20 or 30 tiles... deep enough into enemy territory so that they won't simply be bypassed by the next turn's tank/modern armor assault.

2) Alternatively, a long range air transport (Starlifter?) that can be built in the Jet age, and used for trans-oceanic transport of 8 units to any other city...or perhaps used with standard range paratroops for long-range airborne assaults.

3) A high-capacity oceanliner, available with the discovery of Combustion. Make it so that it CAN'T be used for Marine assaults, but CAN carry larger numbers than a transport...say, 16-32 units. Give it the speed of an aircraft carrier, or maybe a sub...to keep some balance.

4) A seagoing means of delivering 4 cruise missiles...either AEGIS Cruisers or a second-generation destroyer. Let Nuc Subs carry 2-4 cruise missiles.

5) Precision bombing to target UNITS, making it easier to capture cities intact.

7) Naval units and aircraft caught in captured cities do not self destruct, but are captured as war booty. If the capturing civ does not have the technology, it is automatically granted provided the capturing civ has the prerequsite techs.

Originally posted by Plotinus
I love the idea of visible trade routes, and all the possibility for pirates/brigands this opens up. At the moment the only chance I have to shout "Arrrrr! Avast behind!" in this game is while moving a Privateer around, and that ain't good.

Imagine if your trade units, moving automatically, were subject to attacks by barbarians (pirates and bandits) as well as other civilisations (act of war, naturally). But imagine also if you could bribe the barbarians to attack other people's trade routes and give you some of the booty. I'd like that. That would take the place of privateers, who after all were independent captains in the pay of a government, rather than units built by the government themselves. It might add a bit of unpredictability, since the privateers etc. would move themselves (being essentially barbarians) and you would never know quite what they were going to do... maybe they're already in the pay of someone else, and they go straight off and report your shady dealings!

As I've posted elsewhere, I think the main improvement would be to allow new civilisations to appear later in the game, perhaps through colonies declaring independence from the mother civilisation, or being spawned by barbarians. That would add both historical realism and interest.

All the ideas above are excellent! They should be sent to Firaxis for review.

I would also like to add the ability for guerilla warfare. If I remember correctly Civilization II had this feature. The people would not accept invasion calmly they would rebel and use guerrilla tactics.

Also, when your nation is in disorder some paramilitary organizations could form. Like in Columbia today with the FARC and the Self-Defence groups. They take matters into their own hands and have control of certain parts of the nation.
Heres an Idea:

Not having defined tech speed, so that there is no set cost per tech as there is now. Techs would still have an aproximate cost, variang by a few turn at random.

This would be much more reflexive of how science works in real life. there is no set price for inventing mystisism or thinking up the Communist Menufesto.

Edit: Oh and Faster Ships would be good.
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