Hater of Babylonians
Originally posted by JedaiNait
I would like to see a clear table with info obout all the civs in the game. For instance i would like to see wich civ has a technology i don't have and vice versa. And wich civ has or not has iron for instance. THen if i would like to trade 'currency' for instance, I can immediatly see that only India and Germany may be interested.
Now if i have a new tech/luxury wich i want to trade i have to go through all foreign leaders apart. This means selecting the civ, start a confrontation, see if the have/need anything and cancel if there's nothing to trade. And this proces 15 times! A decent table should avoid this. Maybe a complete different trading system would also be an option.
good points. all the information is there, should not be too hard to make a table.