3.13 colony/declare bug?


Nov 17, 2006
Is this right? I created a colony and then all of a sudden i declare war on a 3rd party, lose my other vassal, declare on my old vassal, and the old vassal declares on the third party.

here's the save just before i colonized th SW island


I tried to download the bhruic but I'm not sure i did it right cause i'm getting the same result. In the patch folder i did the "extract here", clicked the "yes to all" but did nothing else. For the official patches I've run the "setup.exe" file after the download but I don't seem to have that file with the unofficial. help :)
- close Civ IV (if its currently running)
- Locate the assets folder of your BtS installation. (Usually C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilizations 4\Beyond the Sword\Assets\)
- rename the file CvGameCoreDLL.dll in that folder to CvGameCoreDLL.dll.original (as a backup)
- Extract (e.g. drag) CvGameCoreDLL.dll from Bhruics patch to that folder
- Start Civ IV

If the patch is installed correctly you should see culture & espionage points in the building popups. (they were gone after the 3.13 patch)
doesnt work for me having the same problem.
i installed the unofficial patch, it works since i can see the culture.

it wont let me create more vassals, after conquering chatherine i had the bug with declaring war like described above.
after installing the patch i can only liberate the captured cities to various civs, but i cant create a new colony.

any ideas ?
I have the same annoying bug. Is there any other fix than Bruic's one? (because bruics doesnt work for me......)

I hate this bug lol. You think you can conquer a distant empire and make it your satellite state, the next moment you have to chose between either losing 100 gold per turn to some lame cities or declaring war to half the world......:sad:
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