(3-13) Authority (1/2) - Swap Some Imperium/Tribute Bonuses

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Baller Magnus
Dec 31, 2005
Proposal: Swap some of the bonuses from the Tribute and Imperium polies.

Old: Cities gain 20 gold and production when expanding borders, era scale. +25% to Heavy Tribute yields (from Heavy Tribute change in recent congress).
New: Cities gain 20 gold and production when expanding borders, era scale. Cities founded or conquered gain 40 science and culture, scaling with era and population.

Old: A free settler appears near the capital. Cities founded or conquered gain 40 science and culture, scaling with era and population.
New: Gain a free settler. +25% to Heavy Tribute yields (from Heavy Tribute change in recent congress).

Change the text of "Double all Tribute bonuses" to "Authority bonuses to CS tribute and border expansion are doubled". This is purely a text change to highlight that the exact same bonuses are being doubled as they were before, no mechanical change here whatsoever.

Rationale: From our deep dive into Authority, there seemed to be a general notion that Authority could use a little more economic boost, that was also more decoupled from active warring and CS usage. This small change allows Authority to gain core yields earlier through its expansion without relying so much on immediate CS tribute and Barbarians. It reinforces the expansionist nature of the tree. While it may not go far enough for everyone's taste, its a simple, solid change that moves the needle forward.

Note: I have placed a second change to Authority here: https://forums.civfanatics.com/thre...rison-bonus-with-barracks-requirement.681465/
If you wish to push Authority further, feel free to vote for either of these policies, or both.
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I like this the best of the Authority options. Being able to found a city, get bonus culture/science, then get the bonus hammers/gold off the border expand is too necessary to Authority, you need that online right away. Waiting for the third policy before any cities feels bad sometimes, but it's such a waste not to, and this fixes it.
This allows rushing the second city earlier if wanted/needed which probably is good, also makes pyramids stronger for authority.
Currently feels so bad settling (or waiting with a settler) before Imperium.
I could sponsor this, if no one else steps up, but I've got a lot on my plate
Proposal sponsored by Legen.
Timestamp post to arrange all the threads in a neat order.
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