The Star Trek Mod, v 0.9.0


A Person.
Mar 11, 2007
Where I need to be
version 0.9.0, 12-25-10​

The Star Trek Mod was last released more than two years ago, and has not seen any major changes since that time. It has seen three groups of modders, starting with Glorfinder and Kenta'arka. They started the mod and made great strides, but were unable to finish it as they wished. The mod then fell to Flamand and Thorgrimm, and they produced an even better version of the mod, added more races, and started work on music and the Civilopedia.
More than a year ago, the mod was left to me while Flamand took time off for RL, and it has been that way ever since.

Well I am pleased to announce (and just in time for Christmas/Xmas/New Year, no doubt) my gift to the Civilization 3 Modding community: Star Trek Mod has been released! (again)

There may be many problems still left to conquer in this mod. Music has not been fully tested, and the map is not yet complete. But its the best I could do in time for the end of this year. I hope you all like it.

This is the official thread for the Star Trek Mod v0.9.0. Check the link below and the Readme.txt once downloaded for full details!

Moderator Action: Broken downloads updated - Blake00

Star Trek Mod v0.9.0 - NOTE: this version is buggy, new version under construction.
Music & Sounds Addon

Spoiler :



Terrain Graphics by Vadus, modified by Flamand and Logitech
Border Graphic by CornMaster
City Screen by Flamand
Interfaces by Flamand
Units Graphics by Tzar Sasha, TheMorpheus, Adler17, Kenta'arka, Flamand, Pleb, Ruby Sause, Neomega, civarmy, Dark Sheer, & the creator(s) of the X-com mod, modified by Kenta'arka and Flamand
Race Symbol graphics by CrazyMrLeo, TheMorpheus, and Tzar Sasha
Recource Graphics from Casus Belli's
Recource Compilation, by Vadus, Kenta'arka, Flamand, and Logitech
Technology Graphics from Microprose's Star Trek(R): The Next Generation(TM) Birth of the Federation, converted by Kenta'arka
Wonder and civilopedia graphics: various internet sources, most notably and
Music by ???, thank you, whoever you are.
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Playable races:
- United Federation of Planets
- Klingon Empire
- Romulan Empire
- Borg Collective
- Cardassian Union
- The Dominion

Minor races (unplayable):
Vulcans, Tellarites, Andorians, Bolians, Suliban, Orions, Rigellians, Breen, Denobulans, Tzenkethi, Ferengi, Bajorans, Tholians, Gorn, Species 8472, Betazoid, Trill, and the Son’a.
(Other civs that have been removed or are not in the current maps are: Saurians, Kzinti, First Federation, Thalosians, and Bynars. These may be added back later or dropped completely)

Maps and Scenarios:
Currently only one map has been released: XL map (362 X 362 tiles) with 25 civs.
(There are plans to make more maps, including a small sized map which is currently under construction, and scenario maps, including the Dominion War, the Romulan-Klingon Frontier, and the Delta Quadrant. These will be a long time in coming, so bare with me.)
Maps consist of a large 'sea' of open space, with 'islands' which represent star systems. Most star systems have planets that can be colonized with settlers, asteroids, moons, gas giants, and/or comets. Each star system is unique, and placing your colonies (cities) is of vital importance. Asteroids and moons provide bonus shields and food when improved. Gas giants and stars are always visible to every civ on the map. Comets give food when worked.
Systems are connected by subspace corridors, and for the first era of the game, your ships must end the turn on a subspace corridor, else risk a loss of antimatter containment as the crew gets infected by some deep space parasite that destroys their reasoning skills. This will also be a problem with nebula fields, but both disasters can be avoided with the proper technology. Subspace corridors are intentionally hard to discern from the surrounding space, so take care, use your scanners, and plot your course ahead of time.

Many unique units for the Federation, including (SPOILER!) some special hidden easter-eggs, some unique units for the Romulans, Klingons, Borg, Ferengi, Cardassians, and Dominion. A few unique units for the Bajorans, Vulcans, and other minor civs.

Other Changes:
Romulan ships have invisibility, as do Klingon ships in later eras.
Ferengi ships can attack without declaration of war (watch out for these guys!)
Most ships require unique resources.
Cities have been renamed to colonies. Default colonies are pointless and are thus disabled in the Star Trek Mod.
Space Race victory is disabled.
I've taken a preliminary look at this and it's stunning to say the least. The terrain is much improved and has a far richer quality than before. I haven't played it yet, so I'm hoping ground units have been improved as well? People were wanting to create Borg drones and Klingon warriors and so forth. This'll be interesting with many factions having large amounts of territory now.

Looks fun, I will try this out.
Just tried to play it a few times, but it crashes while loading. Additionally in the lobby menu where I'm picking factions and settings and whatnot there seems to be some kind of weird error on the top right where enemy factions are supposed to be. I see a link to "space race" there which doesn't belong... it's very strange.
Hey Leobon, are you still having that crash? And I don't know why that 'space race' link is there. There should not be any opponent factions or menus in that area; they are set by the mod and can't be changed by the player. I may change that, so people can remove a whole race if they wanted (Sounds a little like an outstanding, omnipotent, and mischievous character from the Next Generation... ;) )
Yeah, sorry about the big sounds file, but it's almost everything from the cIV Star Trek Mod. (Heheheh XD) I wish I knew some way to make them micro-small, but I'm not a 24/7 computer programmer.
Hey Leobon, are you still having that crash? And I don't know why that 'space race' link is there. There should not be any opponent factions or menus in that area; they are set by the mod and can't be changed by the player. I may change that, so people can remove a whole race if they wanted (Sounds a little like an outstanding, omnipotent, and mischievous character from the Next Generation... ;) )
Yeah, sorry about the big sounds file, but it's almost everything from the cIV Star Trek Mod. (Heheheh XD) I wish I knew some way to make them micro-small, but I'm not a 24/7 computer programmer.

The error still exists for me but I haven't downloaded anything new if you mean you've updated the files. Getting a new PC in about a week or two, so I'll check this scenario when I get the new system.
I'm getting the same CTD. At first I thought it was because of the name of the .biq (it didn't match the folder name), but still it CTD's on assigning team colours. I've got Civ III Complete, I installed to the Conquests scenario folder, so it has the Star Trek .biq and folder in there (and the Art and Text subfolders in the Star Trek folder). I do appear to have some of the other minor issues also, such as the Space Race Victory, etc. Oh, yeah, and here's a right cracker - the Tzenkethi were set as playable, so I am guessing something messed up.

I unzipped using 7zip...I wonder if that might be causing me trouble (just like WinZip and WinRar caused me trouble with Medieval II Total War, but 7zip didn't...I'll go try that out).

EDIT: Nope, still same problem. It's not just the one unplayable empire, either. A bunch of others. The text is all messed up, as there is a button for 'A Domination Victory' which enables all victory conditions (it's likely the text has been assigned by whatever error I have to the 'Select All Victory Types' option, or whatever it is normally called).

EDIT 2: Changed the labels.txt files around. It appeared to fix some of the issues, but I still get the CTD on the assignment of team colours...hope this can be cleared up soon.

EDIT 3: Just reinstalled the mod, but nope, still same problems. Is a brand new menu supposed to appear when I load Civ III Conquests up? It's just the standard menu... Something has gone wrong somewhere, maybe the uploaded file is missing a few files? I dunno...I know Win 7 isn't responsible, because Civ III Complete (Conquests, technically) works fine and dandy without any hiccups...
I've just found out it appears to be an unhandled Win32 exception. I have played other mods (Civ Content, plus Warpstorm Water Colour Terrain), and Win7 has *never* given me any trouble. If it's because of Visual Studio, I do wonder how the heck that happened - I can play the rest of Civ III Complete fine. Surely it wouldn't misbehave over one mod? I don't think the unhandled win32 exception error works like that. It'd have to cause problems for the whole game, otherwise it shouldn't be appearing at all. I installed in compatibility mode, even tried running the actual .exe in XP compatibility mode. It appears that it crashes on configuring player 10.

EDIT: What the...? I just tried XP Service Pack 2 compatibility mode. It now loads. Seriously. What the heck? It didn't like Service Pack 3, or Win 7. Well, I guess it sort of solves that problem.

EDIT 2: Nope, the error is on particular civs I'm afraid. Gotta be something wrong in the uploaded files. The Federation worked, but tried the Borg and it's a no-go...
Sorry about all the troubles everyone seems to be having. =(
To be honest, I don't know what's causing the CTDs that you all are seeing. It seems like the unplayable civilizations error was my fault, because I did not check that before uploading. As for why it's crashing on assigning team colors, I don't have a clue. I didn't include unique civ colors. :confused:
I have on my comp XP with SP2, but again, I don't have a clue why that would effect you guys. It's not like I compiled anything for a specific platform.
Can anybody else shed some light on this? I know there have been issues with Civ Conquests mods being used on Civ Complete before, but I don't know how to fix these. The labels.txt has been heavily modified, but it checks out when I run the mod... Did I take it too far by messing with the labels.txt? :confused:
Well, it seems to be configuring those particular players it crashes on. Not sure if it's team colour or something else, it's just that now and then it was assigning the team colours (not necessarily anything to do with the crash, I remember seeing it crashing when configuring player 10 or something, I dunno...can't quite remember). Forget that I even mentioned team colours if it helps. It's just having a problem with non-Federation civs.

That it works for the Federation means there has to be something specifically wrong with the other civs. There's something different about them, somewhere? It wouldn't make sense that it worked fine on one civ but none of the others unless there was something different. It might give a few hints as to what the cause is.

That said, I can't resist the urge to look at the potential of the mod. I'm sort of considering working on my own version of the map, got some online resources (maps). One thing I think is worth a try is perhaps adding the Xindi, as they could have different ships for each of the species, but be one civ.
Hmm, yeah sounds like something's wrong with specific civs... I'm tempted to say it's the music, maybe. Do you have the music download? If it were units or anything else gfx related, I don't think it would CTD. If you rename the sounds folder of the mod, would it work maybe?

That sounds great! But about the Xindi, they were part of the last version. It was the decision by Flamand and several others, I believe, to remove them in the next version, since their inclusion in the ENT universe was not welcomed by a lot of the Original and Next Gen fans (myself included, although ENT is the only series I saw in its entirety.)
I am having similar problems to Kaidonni. I can play as the Federation but no one else. The odd labels at startup is a problem as well. This mod has a lot of potential though, I really enjoyed playing 50 or so turns in (Got attacked by the Klingons :().

Also, the map is a little big, and the systems too far apart I think. Since the minimap can't show borders at sea, I am forced to rely on memory and the zoomed out view to get a sense of the extent of my empire. I totally forgot about a few colonies simply becuase I could not tell them apart from the other white dots on the minimap.

The "subspace corridor" terrain could use a little brightening as well, it is hard to tell it from the normal space tiles, so I had trouble remembering where I should be sending my ships.
Hmm, yeah sounds like something's wrong with specific civs... I'm tempted to say it's the music, maybe. Do you have the music download? If it were units or anything else gfx related, I don't think it would CTD. If you rename the sounds folder of the mod, would it work maybe?

That sounds great! But about the Xindi, they were part of the last version. It was the decision by Flamand and several others, I believe, to remove them in the next version, since their inclusion in the ENT universe was not welcomed by a lot of the Original and Next Gen fans (myself included, although ENT is the only series I saw in its entirety.)

I don't have the music download.

I rather liked the Xindi, they were a little different (for once, a group of aliens NOT all united or with the same culture :lol:). Maybe they could be included in a non-Enterprise kind of way? Or as an optional add-on?
I've done some testing, and here are the results:
My Copy, with Full Sounds:
Playing as Fed= no crash
Playing as Romulans = no crash
Klingons = no crash
Cardassians = no crash
Borg = no crash
Sounds Removed:
Fed= no crash
Romulans = no crash
Klingons = no crash
Cardassians = no crash
Borg = no crash

Public Copy, with Full Sounds (tested just to check, both copies should be the same)
Fed = no crash
Romulans = no crash
Klingons = no crash
Cardassians = no crash
Borg = no crash
No Sounds:
Fed = no crash
Romulans = no crash
Klingons = no crash
Cardassians = no crash
Borg = no crash

I can't explain why some people are having issues. Anybody have an idea as to what I should try next?
Well I am still getting crashes for anyone but fed. The Dominion isn't on the map yet, so that one is at least understandable. I thought maybe it was because I was using the no raze patch, so I tried it without and got the same results. I'm using XP, maybe it is an OS issue?

Edit: I think it is a scenario issue. I made my own .biq with my own map and imported the rules from the Star trek mod, and I am playing as Klingons! I originally made this .biq to try a smaller map with this mod, but only tested as fed b/c I thought it was buggy. So something to do with the scenario itself maybe. You had to use some kind of special editor for this right? Maybe that is the issue b/c I do not have it.

On a side note, I don't really know anything about modding or making units or w/e (I can fiddle with the editor though and make my own maps), but I love this mod and would like to help in what ever way I can.
Well, I made all my additions and changes to the mod on an XP, so I find it hard to believe it's the system. But that it very surprising that you got it to work by importing the rules on another scenario. I did have to use the 'cracked' editor to bring in the teleport rules, but I never used that editor while I was working on most of the mod.

I will do what you have discovered and import the rules on a fresh .biq, but since I can't reproduce the problem, we'll have to wait until I re-upload to know it works for sure. I reallllllllly want to get the XL map done next though. :crazyeye:
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