Original proposal is here
current abilities:
Viking Fury (UA):
Embarked Units have +1 Movement points and pay just 1 Movement point to Disembark.
All Melee Land Units gain the Viking promotion (no Movement point cost to Pillage tiles. +25% Base Combat Strength when on Pillaged Tiles. +5 HP when healing in Neutral Territory),
All Melee Naval Units gain the Longboat promotion (no Movement point cost to Pillage tiles. +15% Combat Strength when attacking or defending on Coastal Tiles. Recovers HP twice as fast when healing on Coastal Tiles.)
Runestone (UB):
+2 Culture
Units created by this City generate 30 Culture and 30 Gold, scaling with Era when they pillage.
+25% Production to Melee and Naval Melee Units.
+2 Food and +1 Gold to Coast and Ocean.
Can be built without water access.
Cost 1 Gold Maintenance.
Internal Trade Routes generate +6 Food.
+1 Military Supply.
UA changes:
Overall, the idea is to make Denmark even more dialled-in to pillage as the main focus. The bonuses should create more incentives for Danish units to keep moving and pillaging constantly, and not benefit from sticking around.
This proposal is fairly complex, because it requires 2 new abilities, but they both seem quite doable.
July 14 edit: increased naval Viking promotion to from 10 AOE damage and 10 heal on pillage to 15 AOE damage and full heal on pillage
current abilities:
Viking Fury (UA):
Embarked Units have +1 Movement points and pay just 1 Movement point to Disembark.
All Melee Land Units gain the Viking promotion (no Movement point cost to Pillage tiles. +25% Base Combat Strength when on Pillaged Tiles. +5 HP when healing in Neutral Territory),
All Melee Naval Units gain the Longboat promotion (no Movement point cost to Pillage tiles. +15% Combat Strength when attacking or defending on Coastal Tiles. Recovers HP twice as fast when healing on Coastal Tiles.)
Runestone (UB):
+2 Culture
Units created by this City generate 30 Culture and 30 Gold, scaling with Era when they pillage.
+25% Production to Melee and Naval Melee Units.
+2 Food and +1 Gold to Coast and Ocean.
Can be built without water access.
Cost 1 Gold Maintenance.
Internal Trade Routes generate +6 Food.
+1 Military Supply.
UA changes:
- Change UA name to: Mycel Hæþen Here (Great Heathen Army)
- Viking Promotion:
- remove '+25%CS when on pillaged Tiles'
- remove '+5HP when healing in neutral lands'
- Add 'pillaging non-road improvements gives 30Gold, Scaling with Era.'
- Add 'pillaging non-road improvements heals unit by an additional 10 HP' (new promotion table ability code: PartialHealOnPillage)
- Add 'pillaging non-road improvements deals 10 damage to adjacent Enemy Units' (new promotion table ability code: AOEDamageOnPillage)
- Longboat Promotion:
- remove '+15% Combat Strength when attacking or defending on Coastal Tiles.'
- remove 'Recovers HP twice as fast when healing on Coastal Tiles.'
- Add 'pillaging improvements gives 60Gold, Scaling with Era.'
- Add 'pillaging improvements fully heals unit'
- Add 'pillaging improvements deals 15 damage to adjacent Enemy Units' (same as above)
- Rename both promotions to 'Viking' (ie. drop separate 'Longboat' name)
- Add +25% for Gun units
- Lower extra food on Internal TRs to +4 (same as base lighthouse)
- Remove 30gold on pillage
- UA Name change:
- 'Viking Fury' is a made up title. 'The Great Heathen Army' ('Mycel Hæþen Here' in the original Old English) is what the Saxons called the Danes invaders when they invaded Britain.
- Promotion ability changes:
- The new promotion table for yields on pillage allows us to make separate values for land and sea tile pillages. We can use this to make pillaging sea tiles worth more. This is good, because they are relatively rare, so they should be more valuable
- The 25%on pillaged tiles and 15% in coastline are not great abilities.
- It incentivizes Danish units to stand and fight instead of moving around to pillage more or retreat
- The 25% on pillage bonus is really weird, because it augments base CS directly.
- The CS can also be used defensively, since a unit can benefit from standing on a pillaged tile in friendly land.
- Thematically, the Danes should be hitting hard, getting the loot, and then get out. AOE damage on pillage would feel more dynamic and aggressive than a combat bonus. It also means that it is strictly for attack, since instant on-pillage effects can only trigger in enemy lands.
- The heal in neutral abilities aren't interesting
- Could tie bonus healing to more pillaging instead. More incentive to keep pillaging.
- Promotion name changes
- With the only difference between the land and naval melee promotions being how much on pillage they give, we can treat them as the same promotion and call them the same thing: Vikingr.
- Viking no longer has to refer only to the raiders on land.
- This condenses the UA ability, makes it easier to understand and describe. It's more coherent and consistent
- UB changes
- The UB needs to lose the gold on pillage so we can have 2 separate levels of pillage gold for land and sea tiles
- The % bonus for unit production is only on melee and naval melee units. It does not boost UNITCOMBAT_GUN, which means it currently obsoletes for land units at Renaissance. This seems like more of a bug fix.
- The 2 extra on ITRs is a tiny bonus, and it seems weird to have at all. Is there real intent here to bias Denmark towards internal food TRs? If not, it should be removed
Overall, the idea is to make Denmark even more dialled-in to pillage as the main focus. The bonuses should create more incentives for Danish units to keep moving and pillaging constantly, and not benefit from sticking around.
This proposal is fairly complex, because it requires 2 new abilities, but they both seem quite doable.
July 14 edit: increased naval Viking promotion to from 10 AOE damage and 10 heal on pillage to 15 AOE damage and full heal on pillage
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