Building Graphics: Synagogue


Pthooey of Tomainia
Mar 31, 2002
Oulu, Finland
Ok, this is a complete era specific synagogue building. You can even choose which one is the older synagogue, mine or aaglo's.

Aaglo was nice enought to provide city view icon for it too, and I also wrote (or copied) texts needed, even the civilopedia description. Can't be much better service or what?

Download them from here

Hava N'ranana![dance]


Here's how they look.


Here is my single building
Aaglo's single synagog is southwise on this thread \/ \/ \/
Perfect, and its even one of your best buildings so far.

side note: are you interestet in making more buildings for the MEM?
Why not, though Tomainia keeps me occupied.

I've been thinking someone could converse buildings from other games like cossacks etc. no hard work but just copying, resizing, pasting and shadowing the grass, then same thing for city screen icons and you'll have a believable new building. Of course there may be copyright issues and that e-mailing with game companies can be sometimes frustrating.

Somebody suggested this earlier but I like to do other stuff like totally new buildings etc. which I've done mainly so far.

Here are examples of Roman hospital from caesar 3 and sawmill from I think from cossacks, not sure.


  • exaplure.jpg
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What about the Alhambra? I can proberly find some pics if you want.

edit-BTW they two buildings look great, can you finish them soon?
Exelent work on the synagogue.

I'm not sure how I'm going to represent this one in my scenario.
Its going to include different Political culture groups.
For the democratic civs its simple, The synagogue can give happy faces and culture.
But the fascist/nationalist civs in real life had a tendency towards anti-semitism (most exagerated in germany but not limited to the nazis. Anti semitism was also rife in poland and even in Britain and America anti-semitism was no less rare than racism and colour discrimiation).

Perhaps if I had two buildings, and the one available to the nationalists gave high levels of culture but caused unhappyness.
I'm not sure how the AI would cope with that.

(Anti-semitism was also quite common in Soviet Russia, but there the jews were just one of many hate groups persecuted by Stalins government, incuding the Kulaks).
Smoking Mirror: "even in Britain and America anti-semitism was no less rare than racism and colour discrimiation"

Yes I know - I saw this American Aladdin cartoon (1938) where this Jew merchant (usual antisemitic figure: very ugly, hunchback, squint-eyed, big-nosed with a cap on his head) kept this small boy Aladdin in his cellar as a slave worker, threw stuff at him and laughed. There was anti-semitic propaganda fed to the children in US back then. Funny thing is I saw this couple years ago when my niece was watching a normal kid's cartoon videotape where other flics were Bugs Bunnies etc. - it is still in free distribution.

To the point: You can make it need a democracy to build. Then if civ goes fascist it doesn't show anywhere. When it goes back to democracy there it is again. This feature has been very useful for me to increase realism for the fascist govt.

But, if you're making a WWII scenario use the Brothel for happy faces. ;)
Originally posted by Syrus_Knife
Good work, do you cut these out of existing pictures?


Synagogue: The roof of the main tower is cut from a pic and then edited. Other stuff I did draw. As I said in earlier post: "...I like to do other stuff like totally new buildings etc. which I've done mainly so far." When I do extensive cutting I usually say so.

The hospital and sawmill are from existing pictures from games. Say Syrus, are you interested to convert buildings from other games to civ?
What is sebsage heat?, they have a bunch of sites for games like cossacks and aoe. In almost all of these sites you can find special buildings page. Just save them pics and do some copy-paste drill.

For example cossacks pics you can find here
Hmm, cool.

Sebsage heat:
Sebsage was my former nickname.
During that time. I had a lot of fun by posting fake units and stuff. But people like to drag things on and give me a hard-time for no reason. :)

Only the newbies I mingle with. ;)
Here's my version of the synagog:


It's actually based on the church in downtown Helsinki, but the similarities are only vague. This doesn't look as good as Ukas's one, but since I've already made, why shouldn't I post it. ;)

Here's a preview:
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