(6-28b) Distribute Ivory Like Marble and Allow It To Spawn In Grassland Jungle

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May 28, 2019
Counterproposal to https://forums.civfanatics.com/thre...itional-tiles-and-change-distribution.685879/

Ivory spawns clumped together like a monopoly luxury --> Ivory is scattered across the map (like marble is)
Ivory spawns on open plains only --> Ivory spawns on open plains and also on grassland jungle, and when it does so it removes the tile's trees (and also flattens the hill if needed. this flattening is not new behavior)

Ivory is not balanced around having trees on its tile, so the trees should be removed.
This is also a good opportunity to help even out the anomaly of grassland jungle's lack of production.

The rest of the rationale is similar to the original proposal:
Having ivory spawn in singles across the map instead of needing a large swath of plains to spawn a full group makes it much more likely to actually appear on the map. This also makes it much more possible for war elephants to exist.

Mapscripts Change
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Need this proposal also to get passed to make it viable on other maps outside of Communitu_74a.
I don't understand this proposal. You want to make it spawn on grassland jungle, which then just turns it into normal grassland, occurring in the middle of a jungle region? And grassland jungle only appears in map scripts that specifically alter the default behaviour, so this proposal does nothing at all for the vast majority of map scripts?

Ivory doesn't even appear on normal grassland.
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Default maps already leave patches of plains inside of an otherwise grassland region whenever they generate a jungle. The rationale seems to be "they blend into each other".
so this proposal does nothing at all for the vast majority of map scripts?
no, the main part of the proposal is to change the way ivory is distributed. That will apply to all maps.

as for the jungle bit...
You want to make it spawn on grassland jungle, which then just turns it into normal grassland, occurring in the middle of a jungle region? And grassland jungle only appears in map scripts that specifically alter the default behaviour
that's right
Need this proposal also to get passed to make it viable on other maps outside of Communitu_74a.

adding ivory to grassland jungle is specifically to help round out the anomaly that is grassland jungle, the zero production biome. We don't need to bring this anomaly into more mapscripts,
and plains jungle is already fine. doesn't need the spawns. jungle in the other mapscripts is already fine. This proposal is entirely independent of 6-61.
adding ivory to grassland jungle is specifically to help round out the anomaly that is grassland jungle, the zero production biome. We don't need to bring this anomaly into more mapscripts,
If you call this an anomaly, then someone has to remove it from that map and you withdraw from this proposal.
I sponsor this.
Timestamp post to arrange all the threads in a neat order.
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