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6oTM 171 AAR


GOTM Staff
Nov 26, 2016
Welcome to the 6otM171 After Actions Report thread. In this thread you can post the results of your game. Please state victory date and score (preferably in the post title), as recorded in the Hall of Fame, and the most important: your path to glory!

STOP - Please do not continue reading this thread until you have completed and submitted your game.

Please attach your victory save to your post.

- What was your plan for achieving the VC? What are the major steps you planned to take? What events, if any, changed the plan in execution and to what new plan? Any interesting decision points?
- What were your initial 5-10 builds in the capital or other early cities?

- Early order for technology/civics? What did you prioritize for technology/civics?
- How did the leader bonus and civ unique ability impact your plan/play, if at all?
- How many cities did you settle and/or capture? Where did you settle your first few cities?
- What were key production/purchase focuses?
Military units / Civilian units / Districts & city development / Wonders / Civ Unique Unit & Infrastructure? Most critical or interesting?
- Pantheon chosen and why? Religious beliefs chosen, and why?
- What governments did you select? What key policy cards did you use? Why?
- Which Governors were most important; when and why?
- Was diplomacy/trading useful? How? Relations with other civs?
- When did you have Dark/Golden ages?
- How did the map affect your gameplay?
- Any surprises/frustration/elations you ran into, how did you deal with it?
- Did you enjoy your game?

Please use spoiler tags for any surprise details you'd like kept hidden. Thanks.

If this is a replay, please indicate 'REPLAY' at the top of your post. If you conduct regular restarts, please indicate 'RELOADS' at the top of your post. More posting helps us all get play better as we understand the methods of others, but want to clearly distinguish between a first run through without reloads and other submissions as it is much harder to recover in game from the mistakes we all make.
Religious victory turn 183

What was your plan for achieving the VC? What are the major steps you planned to take? What events, if any, changed the plan in execution and to what new plan? Any interesting decision points?

I wanted to go for a religion victory as I really dislike domination. So I went for a religion, I met Yerevan and great people were not too disputed. I was very close to Vietnam who forward-settled me quite a lot but I was not geared for war so I quickly surezained Valetta for the walls. Eventually I was friendly with Vietnam but Byzantium declared on me a bit later, without much consequences as I already had knights at that time.
- What were your initial 5-10 builds in the capital or other early cities? Scouts > Settler > Holy site > GPP projets. I was lucky to get religious settlement despite the late pantheon so it was helpful for the early city.

- Early order for technology/civics? What did you prioritize for technology/civics? Holy site first then animal husbandry and masonry for the walls. For the civics I prioritized governor titles to level up Moksha and envoys to keep Yerevan and later Fez.

- How did the leader bonus and civ unique ability impact your plan/play, if at all? To be fair I don't think I even noticed the bonus. I got some random units now and then when I built IZ but it was wildly inconsequential in the game. Didn't build any unique unit or unit building. It was like playing with a fully blank civ, with extra wildcards which was I guess fine.
- How many cities did you settle and/or capture? Where did you settle your first few cities? I settled 7 cities and 2 cities flipped for me, one from Vietnam one from Byzantium.
- What were key production/purchase focuses? Military units / Civilian units / Districts & city development / Wonders / Civ Unique Unit & Infrastructure? Most critical or interesting?
I quickly converted my continent because neither Vietnam nor Byzantium had a religion so I then was able to save faith to buy a lot of double promoted apostles with free promotions. It was good to level up Moksha for that, and be close to a wonder for the extra charges. However I hadn't played religious in a while so I forgot how slow the religious units are before we reach later in the tech tree so it was a bit long to reach phoenicia and the other civs.

- Pantheon chosen and why? Religious beliefs chosen, and why? Religious settlements, work ethic and tithe. Kinda basic.

- What governments did you select? What key policy cards did you use? Why? The religious governments with the cards to increase faith and combat strength of religious units.

- Which Governors were most important; when and why? Moksha for the double promoted apostles.

- Was diplomacy/trading useful? How? Relations with other civs? Useful at first for the extra money while trading - I was happy to befriend Vietnam because I think they could really have been a pain in the ass. In the end game most of the other AI were hating me so I didn't really bother with diplomacy.

- When did you have Dark/Golden ages?
Mostly golden except for one normal age.

- How did the map affect your gameplay? I don't think it was too impactful, it was easy to reach the other continents and there was plenty to do on my own. Continents and islands is by far my favourite map type and I most of the time play with it, so it was great.

- Any surprises/frustration/elations you ran into, how did you deal with it? AI cities are so big.. turn 100 Phonecia capital was already 15 pops, so difficult to convert! I also forget how annoying it is to deal with inquisitors. There was also many barbarians everywhere and I would have hated so much to lose a religious unit to one of them, so i was really careful to always bring a boat or something on the side.

- Did you enjoy your game? I did, thank you.

Victory screenshot
Spoiler RV :
DV 171

Spoiler t171 :

A difficult game. I struggled a lot, from the very start I couldn't get wind in my sails - usually after conquering a civ or two, conquering the rest is fairly simple, especially with a Civ that has some bonuses. In this playthrough though, I got a lot of pushback from the remaining civs.

I started off with a pretty defensive stance against Vietnam, as I was expecting a war. I grabbed the mediocre land around the starting position and teched up to Industrial Zones, to set up a timing push with men at arms. They were enough to conquer Vietnam and Byzantium, but invading the other continent was hard. Like ridiculously hard. The barbarians on the sea have decimated my embarked units, then I realized that everyone already has renaissance walls. I couldn't get a single city to upgrade my units in, so I had to levy an expensive CS.

Mongolia was an absolute beast, especially when the Congress came and reduced the production cost of units by half. I eventually had to hard tech into artillery and even jet bombers, as the land was so hard to traverse that only fliers were able to get in close enough to break their defences.

I have made a huge amount of small mistakes, some of which were extremelly punishing. My biggest one was forgetting to switch governments and permanently losing the +4 melee card... Overall I failed both at my general strategy (should have probably just played a science game) and at most of the microbattles. Oh well!

Thanks for an amazingly fun and stimulating game!


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RV Turn 128

Hello team, thanks a lot for these games. It is my first post, but I enjoyed quite a few of the earlier games as well.

I planned to take one or two civilizations to get more cities and push my faith generation before changing over to a religious victory game.
I selected earth goddess and built preserves for early growth and faith.
To conquer other cities, I took the crusade which was a mistake, since I had not a single fight using this bonus and did not conquer a single city.

The Ages were always golden. For the first I tool the one that lets you buy workers with faith, from then on it was Exodus of the Evangelists.
Once the faith production was up and the scouting was done I settled a city on the continent to the west. Moksha built the holy site, I bought the shrine, temple and mosque.

From then on Apostles with the triple strength and the -75% on other religions upgrades went out to convert the second continent.

I really enjoyed the game!!!
Thanks a lot!



  • ABRAHAM LINCOLN 128 300 AD.Civ6Save
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RV Turn 128

Hello team, thanks a lot for these games. It is my first post, but I enjoyed quite a few of the earlier games as well.
Welcome to Game of the Month! :wavey:

Thank you for sharing your game with us. :goodjob:
The last time I played a Deity GOTM, you all still had a "First 100 Turns Thread!"
Anyhoo, I felt like a game and powered through this one pretty fast.

RV Turn 170

- What was your plan for achieving the VC?
I just felt like a CIV VI game for some odd reason and didn't even think I would finish.
I usually go Warmonger but decided to try for an RV this time as it's usually quicker and easier.
Especially with Yerevan.
I was going to try the 3-city strategy, but I went with 6 founded cities.
I tried to steal a Vietnamese Settler but missed and they settled in a horrible spot.
I blocked their next settler and got to the Northeastern Volcano before they did.
Which was good as I was able to keep them as a Friend and Alliance the entire game.

- What were your initial 5-10 builds in the capital or other early cities?
I rushed out a slinger and got a scout from a hut which helped a lot.
After that it was a Settler and Holy Site with Religion Rush.

- Early order for technology/civics? What did you prioritize for technology/civics?
Astrology and The Important Techs/Civics for the Religious Wonders like Hagia Sophia.

- How did the leader bonus and civ unique ability impact your plan/play, if at all?
The wildcard slots help a lot.

- What were key production/purchase focuses?
Religion -> Infrastructure -> Wonders -> Apostles

- Pantheon chosen and why? Religious beliefs chosen, and why?
Hunt for the 3 camps in the second city.
Work Ethic for the Production.
Mosques for the extra spreading.
Scripture for the Pressure.

- How did the map affect your gameplay?
I'm not a big fan of Water Maps as I find them to be much easier.

- Did you enjoy your game?
Enjoyed it enough to actually finish it which is rare these days.
I usually only play up to around turn 100 these days.
The Power of Christ Compelled me with this game!!

RV Religion .jpg

RV 170.jpg

RV 171 at T170.jpg


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DV 249

Had a great start as I got a relic in the goody hut and got religios settlements! Settled in the north and was preparing to invade vietnam but nearly rage quit as I lost my 3rd city to a single(!) barb galley...
Well at least I was able to capture a settler from vietnam - this also initiated the war... I took them out relatively quickly and prepared to take over Byzantium which was the science leader at this point.

Took a while until I knocked them out... Generally I was loosing a lot of tempo which made it far more difficult to take over the other civs. Additionally I did not have any navy which lead to 0 vision on the other continent and slowed me further down as I was just taking out the next city I saw^^ My army was quite strong and at the end I had 7-10 Bombers which at least speed up the end game.

I was not really in danger to lose but all in all a very slow (and kind of sloppy) game. (I got to admit though that I not really tried to speed-rush the enemies capitals)

Thanks for the creation I had a lot of fun.


  • ABRAHAM LINCOLN 249 1690 n. Chr..Civ6Save
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DV 249

Had a great start as I got a relic in the goody hut and got religios settlements! Settled in the north and was preparing to invade vietnam but nearly rage quit as I lost my 3rd city to a single(!) barb galley...

Having had that happen to me in a bunch in different games, I have to say, I admire your compsure. I would retire the game 100% :D
I never fail to underestimate barbarian galleys - there seem to be no half-measures, you buy yourself a galley or you lose the city. And it is so painful to spend that much money on something that useless (as with that many barbs your galley will get killed if it goes scouting).
RV 165

I took my settler further than I usually do to get some growth. So north I went until I found some flat land.

Went with scout - slinger - settler - builder - holy site, or something like that? I know I did builder much earlier than usual to get harvesting and chopping. I also got pretty lucky to find Fountain of Youth early to get the boost for holy site tech.

Näyttökuva 2023-11-26 110637.png

Missed the first golden age, but when I got the second one, I already had quite a bit of faith amassed with holy sites and one good preserve, so I expanded quickly with faith-bought settlers. Vietnam and Byzantium attacked me a couple of times but I only took Ayutthaya and Kabul they had suzerained.

Näyttökuva 2023-11-27 020323.png

Overall, a fun game with no major problems. My game style is usually more about roleplaying than optimising everything for a fast win, which probably showed a bit here. My two big mistakes were delaying going on the other continent and upgrading Moksa. By the time I had a Moksa city there spewing out double-promoted apostles, the game was already over.

Now I think the RP version of me wants a marathon game on a huge TSL map...


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I played this after the deadline and I also restarted a few times. I ended up in a religious victory at turn 132 and realized I will probably avoid religious victories on deity from now on, at least if there are multiple continents to move troops through.
Anyway, a fun game in the first part of the game but religious gets a bit tedious in the end when you just spam faith and move apostles in range. I felt a much greater satisfaction by conquerng my opoonents by force!


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This game is closed for submissions as time has run out.
You may continue to post here and attach saves if you wish. Results will include games above this post.
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