(7-42a) Increase Benevolence Heal Boost To +10

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Lost the game
Jul 17, 2018
Counterproposal to:

Proposed Benevolence:
+10 HP when Healing for Units adjacent to this tile.
+1% :c5strength: Combat Strength for every 3 HP below maximum health.
Eliminate combat penalties for attacking or defending against Melee Attacks while Wounded.
Heal 10 HP after defeating an Enemy Unit.

Enabling a promotion to be picked for one of eight random units is weird.
The Benevolence unit is supposed to serve as Medic, saving you XP on your other (usually ranged) units. The healing aura is weaker than Medic I + Medic II, so we increase the healing effect to make picking Medic 100% unnecessary.
This is not going to work as you intend to. If the Benevolence unit gets a Medic promotion, the healing from both Benevolence and Medic stacks on those around that unit.

In order to make Benevolence work as you want, you'd either have to remove Medic from the Melee/Mounted promotion list, or add new code for a separate healing parameter that doesn't stack with Medic.
The Benevolence unit can get Medic as usual with the same amount of XP spent, and it would do the same as other civs' Medic unit: +10 heal to everyone around. It just stacks on top of another +10 in the case of Japan.
Timestamp post to arrange all the threads in a neat order.
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