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[Vote] (7-52) Adjusting Some City-State Influence Rewards

Include in VP?

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Salientia of the Community Patch
Nov 7, 2012
Somewhere in California
Quests, while fun and rewarding to do, make it too easy to make friendships and alliances undermining the need for Diplomatic Units regarding certain types of quests. I only plan to nerf the base amount: personality and type of city-state will modify how much influence is gained as well as an RNG element of it. I will put in a bolded text and a (Parenthesis) number if it needs to be modified
Acquire City80120160200240280320
Archaeology25 37.55062.57587.5100
Build X Buildings in your Empire40 (15)60 (22.5)80 (30)100 (37.5)120 (45)140 (52.5)160 (60)
Bullying City-State20304050607080
Connecting a Resource25 (15)37.5 (22.5)50 (30)62.5 (37.5)75 (45)87.5 (52.5)100 (60)
Construct National Wonder30 (25)45 (37.5)60 (50)75 (62.5)90 (75)105 (87.5)120 (100)
Build Wonder3045607590105120
Culture Contest50 (15)75 (22.5)100 (30)125 (37.5)150 (45)175 (52.5)200 (60)
Faith Contest30 (15)45 (22.5)60 (30)75 (37.5)90 (45)105 (52.5)120 (60)
Tech Contest25 (15)37.5 (22.5)50 (30)67.5 (37.5)75 (45)87.5 (52.5)100 (60)
Tourism Contest50 (15)75 (22.5)100 (30)125 (37.5)150 (45)175 (52.5)200 (60)
Denounce Major30 (25)45 (37.5)60 (50)75 (62.5)90 (75)105 (87.5)120 (100)
Discover Land30 (15)45 (22.5)60 (30)75 (37.5)90 (45)105 (52.5)120 (60)
Find City20 (15)30 (22.5)40 (30)50 (37.5)60 (45)70 (52.5)80 (60)
Find City-State1522.53037.54552.560
Find Natural Wonder30 (15)45 (22.5)60 (30)75 (37.5)90 (45)105 (52.5)120 (60)
Find Major35 (15)52.5 (22.5)70 (30)87.5 (37.5)105 (45)122.5 (52.5) 140 (60)
Gift Unit with X XP25 (15)37.5 (22.5)50 (30)67.5 (37.5)75 (45)87.5 (52.5)100 (60)
Generate Great Person2537.55067.57587.5100
Destroy Barbarian Camp2537.55067.57587.5100
Kill X5075100125150175200
Liberate X406080100120140160
Pledging to Protect Them3045607590105120
Constructing a Route to Them406080100120140160
Spreading Religion to Them3045607590105120
Conducting Espionage on Major6090120150180210240
Establishing a Trade Route3045607590105120
Start War Against Major75112.5150187.5225262.5300
Seems too big nerf. I don't do many of these quests even now because gains a too small and much easier do use envoys. Bulld 8-15 buildings to get 20-30 influence when envoy get 70-80? Buy a very expensive resource or befriend a CS to get a resource for 20? Contests are hard to win, culture and tourism could be lowered to current faith contest. Denounce major - that could be very easy or almost impossible. Gift unit - mostly I don't do that because it requires unit to be produced in capital, and my capital busy with other things especially now, when security of capital impossible to get above 0 till Atomic era.
I don't agree with the vast majority of these. A number of these take work to accomplish. There are a few I can agree with that are mostly passive bonuses that you just kind of get or don't.

  • Connect a resource (often its just a trade with another civ)
  • culture contest (hard to move the needle of that one).
  • tourism (very hard to move the needle on that one).
  • find Natural wonder (tends to be just ad hoc when you explore)

But that's about it. I especially disagree with things like denouncing a major or the faith contest. Denouncing can be a big decision with long reaching diplomatic consequences. The conversion contest is often quite challenging and requires real dedication.
Remove science, culture, tourism etc quests entirely. Why reward players for just passively having the greatest yields? The more I think about it the more absurd is it that these quests havent been removed yet with how great this community is at tweaking this mod for the better. Either add replacing quests for them or make the other quests more ubiquitous to make up for it.

Dont nerf the rest, it is imo one of the most fun aspects of the game, making them less relevant is a step in the wrong direction.
My favourite quest is connect a resource, the satisfaction in completing those is immense.
Remove science, culture, tourism etc quests entirely. Why reward players for just passively having the greatest yields? The more I think about it the more absurd is it that these quests havent been removed yet with how great this community is at tweaking this mod for the better. Either add replacing quests for them or make the other quests more ubiquitous to make up for it.
Agreed, there is almost nothing active about these quests unless you made them so good that players were willing to stop everything and work the relevant process. And that's definitely something we don't want to do.
Remove science, culture, tourism etc quests entirely. Why reward players for just passively having the greatest yields? The more I think about it the more absurd is it that these quests havent been removed yet with how great this community is at tweaking this mod for the better. Either add replacing quests for them or make the other quests more ubiquitous to make up for it.

Dont nerf the rest, it is imo one of the most fun aspects of the game, making them less relevant is a step in the wrong direction.
My favourite quest is connect a resource, the satisfaction in completing those is immense.
The one exception is science. Because the goal is not total science, but totally techs. And I do find there are ways to gameplay for that that (such as switching my tech path to easier techs, going science process, more science specialists, maybe popping a GS for science instead of an academy).

I do find the civ wjtb the highest science doesn’t always win that one…whereas the others it is purely who is the highest in that area will win
Culture contest still has the choice of bulbing a writer. It's only tourism that has no counterplay (and can even be exploited by working Propaganda on the last turn).
Culture contest still has the choice of bulbing a writer. It's only tourism that has no counterplay (and can even be exploited by working Propaganda on the last turn).

That is not enough to make it worth keeping around for sure. I would still remove all of them but sure in order of bad to worse: Science>culture>tourism
That is not enough to make it worth keeping around for sure. I would still remove all of them but sure in order of bad to worse: Science>culture>tourism
i would love for the some of the quests removal :) as well if you want to propose them
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