(7-85a) God of the Sun Alternative Tweak

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Nov 19, 2010
Current God of the Sun:
+3 :c5faith: Faith and +2 :c5gold: Gold from Granaries. +3 :c5food: Food from Farms on Resources.

This Pantheon really needs Science or Culture to be worthwhile, imo. I think Science would be a better compliment to the Food, then Culture. The Farms w/ this really give too much Food.

Proposed God of the Sun:
+2 :c5faith: Faith and +2 :c5gold: from Granaries. +1 :c5faith: Faith,1 +1 :c5science: Science and +1 :c5food: Food from Farms on Resources.
When you compare it to Goddess of the Hunt (no faith on the building, comparable yields on the improvement which requires a tech), this is clearly too strong.
When you compare it to Goddess of the Hunt (no faith on the building, comparable yields on the improvement which requires a tech), this is clearly too strong.
Lets take a look shall we.

Hunt gives
+1 Faith, culture, and gold on camps. +2 food on smokehouse.

Now I would argue culture is a bit stronger than science this early, and gold is comparable to food.

The trick to me is, on most maps I play (aka communitas and continents plus)....when I get a camp play, I get way more camps than I see farms on resources. Not to mention the base yields of a deer camp.

So while the granary bonus is solid, as soon as I get a few more camps I think hunt will overtake it in yields.

The tech requirement is a non-factor. Trapping is trivial to get before my first worker and my first pantheon in the vast majority of starts.

i think this new sun and hunt are pretty comparable. I certainly wouldn't say one is dominant over the other.
Honestly this pantheon should give better yields than goddess of the hunt. I would never take goddess of the hunt unless my capital's luxury resource was improvable by camps and I also have bonus resources improvable by camps around. OTOH, there are no luxury resources improvable by farm, so unless the yields are pretty great to compensate for the fact that I probably have 1-2 farmable resources nearby, this pantheon is a hard pass.
This pantheon is literally unpickable as it stands at least, so it really needs a change. I think this looks pretty reasonable.
Honestly even with these changes I still find it hard to imagine a scenario where I would take this pantheon. Maybe it's different on other map types. On the main ones I play on (continents, communitas, or pangaea) I've never seen a start where I have more wheat/rice/maize than any other resource.
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Honestly even with these changes I still find it hard to imagine a scenario where I would take this pantheon. Maybe it's different on other map types. On the main ones I play on (continents, communitas, or pangaea) I've never seen a start where I have more wheat than any other resource.
I generally agree, but that said because there are so many pantheons its fine if their niche, as long as that niche is "reasonably often" and the pantheon is good in its niche.

So I would imagine like a capital with 3 farm resources, and then maybe my 2nd city would have a couple of rice or something. I think that could be reasonable. Now are farm resources literring the map reasonable....I have never ever seen that so I would say that is out of scope.

Would this version of Sun be OP in the scenario I just mentioned. Honestly I don't think so. I might at least consider taking it (an extra 5 science is never bad that early, and the gold does add up a bit over time). But I still wouldn't think it dominates any other plays. Certainly no where a nature in a mountain start, sea in a coastal resource, or stars/skies in a tundra heavy one.
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