(7-WD) Swap Authority and Imperialism Scalers

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yes, thinking about it, I also come to the conclusion that this proposal doesn't work yet in its current form.
So if we look at other proposals, we have a soft nerf for progress, a soft buff for tradition, and the OG proposal this is countering was a soft nerf to authority. This feels like a much bigger nerf overall, and I think its out of line with the series.
that's also a good point

@pineappledan or @Enginseer do you want to propose the wholesome authority change?
I think Authority's production is there because you don't have time to train more workers to improve your tiles since most of your productions are spent on training units.
But putting it on a scaler that has a global effect makes it too good so you don't have to worry about improving your tiles for a while until you snoop a worker from the enemy.
I think progress should also be weakened a bit if Authority is weakened, otherwise progress will be better in most cases.
Wholesome Tweaks scaler proposal:

Reduce :c5culture: on kills from 100% to 50%
Add :c5science: on kills at 50%

Remove :c5production: on cities
Add +10% :c5science::c5culture: on kills

Remove 100% :c5science: on kills
Add +1:c5production: in all cities for every 10 military units on empire.

Turns on-kill bonus into the scaler.
Pushes back full 100%:c5culture::c5science: that you can get with 2 policies now back to full adoption of tree.
Replaces 5 flat :c5production: in all cities with a growing, unit-based :c5production: bonus. You need 50 units on empire to replicate the old bonus, which will take a long time.

Essentially preserves total potential power of the tree, but delays the power until further into the tree so Authority's start isn't as frontloaded.
I thought that science and culture from kills was quite bad and press you behind even if you spend every turn killing a unit.
Timestamp post to arrange all the threads in a neat order.
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