Chippy Smith
(8-36) 4UC Russia
This is a thread for discussing the addition of 2 more unique components to the Russian civilization.
Russia's buildings have been identified as boring by some, and relatively weak by others. Their performance in the AI test games indicates that they need a boost. As a popular civ for players due to the unique strategies enabled by their UA, my foremost intent with these buildings is to maintain Russia's identity in VP.
The goal of these changes is to give Russia scaling bonuses towards owned land as her bonuses from Border Growth become less relevant, as well as give her an ability to push for more varied victory conditions.
Some ideas come from Pipsikus and Pinappledan's proposals in the 8-36a thread. This building assumes that Russia's UA is the same as VP 4.9. If their UA changes, these buildings are inadequate,
Underlined is changes from base building, bold is changes from base competent from current 3/4 VP beta.
Spoiler Proposed Pogost: :
Spoiler Current Pogost :
UB - Pogost (replaces Customs House):
Available at Guilds
350 Production Cost
+2 Culture and +2 Gold
Gains +2 Science at Banking
Gains +2 Food at Economics
Gains +2 Faith and Production at Railroad
Gains +1 of All Yields at Industrialization ( )
+1 Gold and Production to Villages and Towns
1 Merchant Specialist Slot
+4/2 Gold to all Trade Routes to/from this city respectively
Tobacco Resources gain +3
Coffee Resources gain +1 +2
Tea Resources gain +2 +1
Banana Resources gain +2
Proposed Pogost:
UB - Pogost (replaces Customs House):
Available at Guilds
350 Production Cost
+2 Culture and +2 Gold
+2 Production and Faith to Villages and Towns
Gain 25% of City's as instant yields whenever a Citizen is born in the city
+2/2 Gold to all Trade Routes to/from this city respectively
1 Merchant Specialist Slot
Tobacco Resources gain +3
Coffee Resources gain +1 +2
Tea Resources gain +2 +1
Banana Resources gain +2
- According to Wikipedia, Pogost is term that was used for certain rural communities and trading hubs. It was also used to describe the inns travelling nobles(princes) and priests(ecclesiastics) would rest at during their travels between villages. In the modern day it is often used to refer to rural churches and graveyards. The bonuses towards Villages and Towns are meant to reflect this.
- Compared to weak unfocused yields that show up by happenstance when you research a separate technology, instant yields on birth is more interactive. It also further incentivizes Russia to settle new cities which can grow quickly in order to take advantage of the instant yields. Because the instant yields scale with the City's own, they will be impactful immediately for new cities and old, and remain relevant but not overbearing at a 25% value. Scaling by City's own yields instead of era is less linear but overall stronger in later eras for older cities. This leads to a sort of sweat spot timing to take advantage of this ability on new Cities, hindering strategies that look to abuse incentives to keep settling, like Raze->Resettle. Food isn't granted on birth to prevent potential feedback loops. Customs House is not granted by Pioneers or Colonists, further slowing down strategies which look to snowball by placing cities wherever. Russia has no way of increasing through Civ bonuses.
Spoiler Proposed Ostrog :
Spoiler Current Ostrog :
Proposed Ostrog:
Change bonus to Nearby Strategic Resources from +1 Production and Gold to +2 Science
Remove +1 Production and Gold to Camps, Mines and Lumber Mills
Add +1% for every Tile between this City and the Capital, up to +25%
All other bonuses the same as current Ostrog.
- Granting bonus based on distance from Capital is flavorful, and fits best both in terms of flavor and balance, with a cap to prevent unintended strategies.
- The Great Wall ability this building grants should still be its most impactful ability, on unlock and into the late game.
If anything seems too strong, please explain why; which yield, when they unlock, identity of yield, etc. The coefficients on the yields make sense to me as is, but I'm open to improvements. These buildings are intended to make Russia stronger than before, but not busted. Thanks!
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