[DLL] (8-NS) 4UC Babylon - Changed UA, Diqugallu and Gate of Ishtar

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This will be a longterm balancing headache, because with this UA every change to a medieval tree needs to consider it's impact on Babylon's early-game power. Same for the industrial trees and mid-game Babylon.
This will be a longterm balancing headache, because with this UA every change to a medieval tree needs to consider it's impact on Babylon's early-game power. Same for the industrial trees and mid-game Babylon.
We may be overestimating the potential of the ability for the early game. I think we can at least wait to see what is the true impact for the civ before making judgement. Then, we can simply downgrade the ability to "Can choose Policies in any order" if it proves too strong.
The idea of being able to progress through policies in any order raises too many questions about possible policy paths. I can't predict what the balance implications are because there are just too many variables.
Policy trees aren't gated by era, so this sentence would be meaningless.
Era exists as an OR prerequisite along with number of policies. You can normally unlock T2 trees in Medieval and T3 trees in Industrial regardless of how many policies you already have.
DLL requirements :
- UA : requires two columns in the Trait table : one for access to Policy trees one tier higher than usual and one to allow Policy selection without being affected by the Policy_PrereqPolicies table
- Diqugallu : the AI needs to be able to choose between the possibilities in a meaningful way, and I don't know if putting many AITypes on the unit would be enough
- Gate of Ishtar : there needs to be a new column in the Building_YieldFromPurchase that allows the effect to take into account the purchases from all owned cities
Timestamp post to arrange all the threads in a neat order.
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