A few questions about Defensive Strikes...

Though, it sounds like it works for not only Archery units, but all units that have drill promotions and blitz. (Archery units would have higher chance and the Precision and Keen Sight promos). I'm actually starting to grow on the idea of unlimited def-strikes, might not be so bad. A possibility would be to limit it to archers however.

Have to fully agree here on limiting the additional promotions on units of the archery line (and perhaps the recon line for the promotion which gives an enhanced chance (keen sight?). Not the damage one though as that can be breaking and can be far more problematic if the chance is already high.)
If only to highlight the special department of archers.

The chance and damage of units starting without a chance and damage-threshold by themselves and barred from the special promotions shouldn't be a big deal even with blitz (without the special promotions its capped at 40%/20% if I'm not mistaken. That's not all to terrible given it is also dependent on relative power i believe.)

I'm surprised that other units save archery and recon can get those promotions at all. (If they actually do. I often got promotion pre-requirements wrong myself so im rather cautious on that matter given the many paths promotions can still be gained despite being form another department in this mod.)
And limiting the promotions would also benefit the AI which isn't spoiled for useless choices then... (if it gets a unit that high up on the promotion ladder in the first place, that is...)
Hmm, well most units are capped at 40%/20%, so heroes tend to do about 7-15% damage if they make a strike from my experience. Since archery units are the only ones that can get precision and keen sight (maybe recon can too? I never really use recon units) they tend to be your only reliable defensive strikers. I don't think heroes having unlimited defensive strikes is that overpowered though, they don't do much damage. Not to mention the higher level units that are your heroes biggest threat take much less damage from defensive strikes.
Yes, blitz intentionally gives unlimited Defensive strikes. The only other real reasonable approach would probably be to require that a unit also has movement points to spare to perform a defensive strike, then even a blitzing unit would be limited in how often he can strike (based on his max moves and how many move points he spent last turn already)
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