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A visual experiment: Would you like Civ3 to look like this -->

Keep up the good work! :goodjob: yes, this looks like it's shaping up into as big a thing as the Snoopy Terrain Pack or something :D

A very simple system would be to have 2 rows of 3 for infantry [reduced to 1 row after Gunpowder] and 2 rows of 2 for light skirmishing units [like the Pellast, Javeliner, or Minuteman] or archers [again reduced to 1 row after Gunpowder, so the Minuteman would have just 2 figures]. Meanwhile heavy horse [all the horse units in the vanilla game except Mounted Warrior] would have 1 row of 3, while light horse units, like the Arab Horseman, the Mounted Warrior, and the Horse Archer, would have 1 row of 2. All other units would be singles, and all infantry and cavalry would be reduced to single figs after the Civil War?
I know what ya mean dragon king, and to tell you the truth I didn't even think of the mechinized units size in comparison to the foot units. That is a bit of a worry since you wouldn't want a marine to look ten times bigger then a tank. Anyhow here's a preview. I haven't tried resizing the frame size like Kryten has because truthfully I don't have much experience with unit creation. I will be playing with that to see how it goes. Anyhow here's the preview, its still very preliminary and still needs fine tuning. Any suggestions on their placement or size is appreciated but unfortunatly I wont be able to tell size differences to other units until there is some in game testing.


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Originally posted by The Troquelet
A very simple system would be to have 2 rows of 3 for infantry [reduced to 1 row after Gunpowder] and 2 rows of 2 for light skirmishing units [like the Pellast, Javeliner, or Minuteman] or archers [again reduced to 1 row after Gunpowder, so the Minuteman would have just 2 figures]. Meanwhile heavy horse [all the horse units in the vanilla game except Mounted Warrior] would have 1 row of 3, while light horse units, like the Arab Horseman, the Mounted Warrior, and the Horse Archer, would have 1 row of 2. All other units would be singles, and all infantry and cavalry would be reduced to single figs after the Civil War?

Hmmm...I see what you are saying Troquelet, but I wonder if that might be too limiting.

After all, some people may want to use the Arab Horseman as a heavy cavalry unit (i.e. as an ancient Persian Royal Kinsmen bodyguard unit for Darius in the "Alexander the Great" scenario ;) ), while others may want it as light Moslem cavalry in a Crusades scenario. We could make two of them....but it's a huge workload as it is!

All I was planning on doing was to cram as many figures as I can in one tile/frame, depending on their historical formation of course.

Speaking of formations, here are some more examples......
(The Napoleonic figures are by Smoking Mirror, and have been used here without permission. :spank: )


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Just a pointer...

In PSP, using the magic wand technique pointed out in my tutorial, (incidentally taught to me by Utahjazz7), and then selecting a frame with a unit already in it, you can do overlapping quite easily in the storyboards, without any interference from the shadow etc....

Honestly, making one unit into a four figure unit should not take more than an hour.

Also, random observer posted musket men, but if you "shifted" each one forward one frame, the movement would look much more random and much more realistic.
Are these new versions going to be released? I have seen so many units in this thread that are truly amazing, and would really like to use them in my future mods. :D

I don't think thats possible sabsage, if you don't lose and loss half yor men then you'd need to make a different flc with half the men in there and besides I don't think Civ code will alow it
Well, it might, you can go to the text section and EVEN add buttons and other stuff. I modify many things in the 'Text' folder, but still, when the unit army fortifys, do men float back up? ;)

That's the flaw, hehe

(it's sebsage, ZimbieHendrix :D)
Okay, here's another picture with modern armor. I didn't resize them this time just took care in getting them into the frame. Its very snug though and it questionable about this being a usable unit.

Edit: I've changed the picture with a more recently finished version. The shadow is somewhat compromised but I think I'm gonna go with it.


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Pretty tight formation. *rolling target* no wonder spearmen win against them! ;)

Kryten: never mind, I didn't know one could get more than one cannon into a frame! :) looks great.
This also brings up the interesting possiblity of mixed units.

But I've got to ask. What about armies? Where does the standard bearer stand; is he off to the side or does he overlap?
BTW Cimbri, I like the German war band also, and I think the 50% reduced size could work well, especially to give a better scale feeling, I mean your warband looks like they could fit in the houses of the cities.
I guess no one will like me for what I want to say ;) This mixed formations like those Tercios, look really great, so, this would be good for certain historical scenarios, but I don't see a point in making whole game like this, (or the future Civ4!). This is strategic game, where figures represent units, warbands etc. and thats okay for me. If every unit has from 1 to 6 figures, I imagine myself being totally confused. Huge map, hundreds of units... thousands of figures. 1 Tank was 1 unit... now I see 2 tanks... 3 horsies... almost like in RTS (oh no)... me confused ;)

As this idea has extremely good response, I expect that most mod/scenario creators will stick to it. I'm pretty addicted to customized civ stuff, mods, scenarios etc. so the main reason I am saying this, is because I would like have a choice when downloading someone's scenario, to get the "ordinary" version. In other words, I like this and will surely download it as soon as its released, but I am afraid of this becoming a standard, and in some cases the only "option".
back on subject, dont you think it would be cooler to have figures missing in civ 4 to denote damage to infantry units, and maybe even damage to single units, like tanks.....

ohh, I am off topic again.
Originally posted by Neomega

embryodead was ok. Is it you? :p

I had to stop here for 10 seconds though ;)

Originally posted by Neomega
back on subject, dont you think it would be cooler to have figures missing in civ 4 to denote damage to infantry units, and maybe even damage to single units, like tanks.....

It's ok for games which close-up on combat, tactics etc. instead of treating warfare globally. That's why I think it's good for historical mods like Alexander the Great, where there are all kinds of different units representing just themselves, instead of idea of bigger group, like Civ Legionary.
This is how Civilization combat should've been in the first place, with many units in one group. However, our unintelligent friends working along side a great like Sid Meier didn't feel that Civilization needed some upgrades.

Regardless, these new animations are great. Keep up the good work and stick with it. You're doing a lot for a lot of people and I'd help you if I could draw.

Good Luck.
cool, it really makes your army seen to be everywhere. but what do they look like when zoomed out 1 stage? it might be differcalt to identify them if theres 3 or whatever i a sigle tile.
but i think that the different formations should be a part of the next civ. you could select a defencive formation, giving you a better defnce stat. you could have a attacking stragagy comng from both sides of the tile towards an opponant. that sort of thing would be gr8!
sorry if these have been mentioned, i havent read most of the posts yet.
Yikes, i go to sleep, wake up in the morning and there is practically a novel to read. Anyways....

To Scipio Africanu - hey those actually look quite good. I think what you good do with is increasing the size of the frames. That way there is enough room between them unlike your second preview where they look a bit squashed together. I cant say i would use them cos im still not too sure about it myself...but make them anyway. Its up to the player which units they want to bung in or not:D Oh, theres a thought...there are a hell of a lot of tanks to do this too, oh dear.

To Kryten - those look cooool. I like the WWII Infantry. Not so sure about the fighter formation tho. I dont think its a very good idea to reduce to size of anything because the quality drops. Considerring this i think that fighters should be left as single units.

To Neomega - Yes i agree...it would look weird if they are all identical. Offset a few of the units and it wuold look more natural. I didnt think of this before so im glad you did. Oh, and the idea of figures missing in civ 4 is a very cool idea, i like it a lot. I just wish we could do it with civ 3. And no your not off the subject;)
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