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abbamouse Realistic Religions mod including Zoroastrianism

Houman said:
For Gods sake, CivGeneral, are you using the Iranian Post-Revolution Flag in your game? Do you know how many people they have killed, suppressed and assassinated sine 1979? Please take the Iranian flag without this swastika in the middle. That makes me so sad...

Of course it is your game and your decision, but because of this fundamentalist government 6 Mio people have fled the country since 1979. They suppress the free speech and free thoughts. Your screenshot is so funny, having this Islamic fundamentalism swastika within your flag and on the other hand having the Zoroastrianism as religion in the city.

This flag is from Times of Cyrus the Great:

Or at least take the modern Iranian Flag without that Islamic swastika in the middle.

I know it is not my business, sorry about that....
Dang, who knew that there were controversies in regards to the use of Bad Ronald's Custom Color and Flags[/quote]. I mainly perfer to use modern flags since I tend to associate early Civs with their modern counterparts. Again, its not my work, I am only using Bad Rondald's flags and plus its my game and just a game. Nothing to get fillibustered about :).

@abbamouse - Did not know about that.
First of all, thanks so much to abbamouse for actually making religion an interesting factor in Civ4 and contributing to a much more diverse game world for all of us.

I'm in the process of building a combination mod, and have combined your religion mod, with Zoroastrianism replacing Confucianism, with the bonus resources of the Greenmod. My only problem now is that I need Greenmod's gamefonts.tga files for the bonus resource icons and your files so that Zoroastrianism shows up on the stategy map instead of Confucianism.

My question is an either/or: does anyone a) know of someone who's combined these two mods and made a combined gamefonts files? (gekko, the author of TotalExperience mod, has not) or b) could you recommend a good freeware graphics editor program and give me a hyperlink if possible? I've been through the process of downloading several graphics editors, only to find that most of them didn't work on tga files (even when they claimed to), and photofiltre, which worked, crashed the game when I tried to use the modified files.:sad:

It's crazy -- the mod works just fine, but I just can't bear to see that confucian symbol on the map when it should be Zoroastrian!:mad: Please help!
hi, I've just tried your mod, I like it except that some (majority of) text files appearing on the screen have become French :( Not that I don't understand them:) , but a bit annoying anyway. Moreover, when I restarted game without the mod, French has not gone!
I must add I use a Polish unofficial version; wouldn't mind changing back to English but...
First of all I must say that you have done a wonderful job man!! Second, I think as Persian I can give you a good tip for the disadvantage of Zoroastrianism which is actually very historic. Despite several moral advatages of Zoroastrianism, it could be easily and effectively used to justify the caste system in the Sasanid dynasty. This caste system along with factors like a long and bloody war with roman empire was factor that Persians didn't show strong resistane to 30,000 thousands Arabs who had been reinforced with the Islamic faith and in this way glorious Sasanid dynasty was wiped out. I know that this is a raw idea and it should be modelled somehow. For example that if Zoroastrianism is state religion, by using Cast system civic the cities adjacent to rival civilization might sweep easier or that under caste system the civ with state Zoroastrianism can't draft soldiers from cities (which in turn weakes it against foreign attacks).
imaniana said:
First of all I must say that you have done a wonderful job man!! Second, I think as Persian I can give you a good tip for the disadvantage of Zoroastrianism which is actually very historic. Despite several moral advatages of Zoroastrianism, it could be easily and effectively used to justify the caste system in the Sasanid dynasty. This caste system along with factors like a long and bloody war with roman empire was factor that Persians didn't show strong resistane to 30,000 thousands Arabs who had been reinforced with the Islamic faith and in this way glorious Sasanid dynasty was wiped out. I know that this is a raw idea and it should be modelled somehow. For example that if Zoroastrianism is state religion, by using Cast system civic the cities adjacent to rival civilization might sweep easier or that under caste system the civ with state Zoroastrianism can't draft soldiers from cities (which in turn weakes it against foreign attacks).

Dear imraniana,

As an Iranian myself who has put more than 8 years of his life in Zoroastrian Studies, I can assure you that there was no caste system in the Sassanid Era. (Source: Zoroastrians by Prof. Mary Boyce, The Zoroastrian Faith by Prof. Samuel Nigosian) The Caste system is a remaining of the Aryans (Farmer, Priester, Warrior) that only took place in India but never in Iran. For a long time this argument was used as a reason why the Zoroastrian Faith got almost completely wiped out by Islam. This argument is according to various sources wrong. The main reason why it happened has been already mentioned by yourself. It was done by conversion through force and through the additional poll-tax. But still despite these it took 300 years until the majority of Iranians became Muslims.

Kind Regards
Pococurante said:
Freemasonry is a cult. If you don't agree then you don't know enough about the organization. Do some research into their practices, of the oaths they must swear to (and the basis behind the oaths), and of their history as an organization leading back to their founding.

To abbamouse: sorry for the OT reply, but some things are too important to let slide. Ignorance is dangerous. Always has been, always will be.
I give up. I have no idea why I can't get this to work. I extract the abbamouse folder to my mods folder and yet nothing changes. Nobody else in this thread has had a problem so I must just be an idiot. What am I doing wrong?
Hephaistion: I used GIMP to modify the files. The trick is to turn off compression when saving the image. Also, alpha transparency won't show up right on the screen (but if you copy and paste from files where it already exists, it should work anyway). GIMP is hard, but it is free.

radzik: This mod probably uses some of the same files as the Polish mod since I made a point of updating all the tips and help files. So when you load this mod, my files are loaded instead of the Polish ones. That's my guess.

Freemasonry/Scientology guys: I'm not sure what the difference between a religion and a cult is, so I have no opinion on that whole debate.

HotblackDesiato: I don't know why it wouldn't work. Are you selecting the abbamouse mod with the Play a Mod menu? You need to do that and then the game should restart with the mod loaded. This mod doesn't load automatically (although you can create a desktop shortcut to do so); the user must select it.

I'm waiting to see if there'll be another patch before making more changes. It's such a pain to re-mod all the files every time a new patch emerges.
abbamouse said:
HotblackDesiato: I don't know why it wouldn't work. Are you selecting the abbamouse mod with the Play a Mod menu? You need to do that and then the game should restart with the mod loaded. This mod doesn't load automatically (although you can create a desktop shortcut to do so); the user must select it.

Oh geez, you're right. I was looking in the Scenario menu. I had no idea the Mod menu existed. :blush:
Abbamouse, quick question for you: do you know if there is a way to make it so that having a religion in your city makes the city lose gold? Would this be a government civic kind of thing or something moddable in the actual religion screen? This would essentially be tithing. Either 10% or a fixed amount for the city seems interesting to me. I don't really want to attach it a temple, although I'd consider it if nothing else worked.

I ask because I've considered trying to make some modifications to the Europa Europa mod (which I love), and I have a very vague notion that if having a religion in your city provides you with a real penalty, the AI might try to get rid of it with an inquisitor (although I really doubt it, since I don't think they know what the inquisition does). Still, having a penalty could open up other ideas for semi-inquisitions - like just an inquisitor's building which would offset the negative and positive effects of having the religion...

Thanks, if you get time to answer.
Is there any chance that the Inquisitor mod (not the Mylons, but that from the Green Mod) will be included?

I really want to have the possibility to kick the foreign religions out of my cities ;)
Houman -- I don't understand the question. Who is Kristine?

Hamtastic -- I believe you can set a per-city commerce change based on state religion, but not (yet) based on the mere existence of a religion in that city. I.e. you can double the gold output of every Taoist city when Taoism is the state religion, but you can't just say that every city with Taoism gets 20% more gold as far as I know. I use Temples to achieve such effects, but that requires the player to actually build a Temple in each city with the religion.

Winner -- I have no current plans to include the Inquisitor, but that could always change. Right now, I think it would make things a bit less realistic rather than more realistic. But I'm open to persuasion.

abbamouse said:
Right now, I think it would make things a bit less realistic rather than more realistic. But I'm open to persuasion.

Less realistic because the AI doesn't fully understand it? Certainly religious 'intolerance/persecution' has a historical basis, as does the Catholic Inquisition itself.
abbamouse said:
Winner -- I have no current plans to include the Inquisitor, but that could always change. Right now, I think it would make things a bit less realistic rather than more realistic. But I'm open to persuasion.

The history is full of persecution on the basis of religion - St. Bartholomew's Day massacre for example was aimed at eradication of religion, which hasn't been favoured by the ruling elite.

I think player should have the option to remove religion he doesn't like (from whatever reason). It would be pretty historically accurate. The inquisitor unit could be made expensive and the effect of inquisition could be made very annoying (for example -4 happiness in the city and -1 happiness on the continent, as in the GreenMod inquistion).

1) Kristine is the lady who took over the Realism: Resurrected Mod, after Jaynus had dropped it:

Now because of lack of time has she dropped it and gave it to me.
The 0.64 version will be published this week. I am working now on v0.65 with Abbamouse included. Is that ok for you? The credits will go to you of course and I will mention it.

2) I have found a bug. The Jewish can still build up to 3 Rabis. I war playing a game yesterday, the AI was faster in developing the Judaism and it spread after a while into my capitol. Eventhough I haven't converted into Judaism, I was able to build up to three rabis in my affected city.

I checked the files:


iMaxPlayerInstances should be one and not 3. Second I didn't get a free Rabi in my city..but I assume I would only get the free Missionary unit, if I convert to Judaism correct?

3) Another bug, Code of Law still says it will find Zoroastrinism. You have to delete this part of line.
file: CIV4GameText_Strategy.xml
		<English>The first to research this tech founds [COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_TEXT]Zoroastrianism[COLOR_REVERT]....

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