Beauty is all in the eye of the beholder.
You're absolutely right. And that is the reason why this map is only has ~700 downloads comparing to an inaccurate earth map like GEM which has over 90,000 downloads or Carter's map which has over 50,000 downloads. Give or take a few years I doubt this will go over 5,000 up unless you download it yourself.
This map is anything but accurate as in normal human language.
If accuracy only means equal and proportional land mass to sea as you claim, I can draw a map with 7 big rectangles each with proportional area to the ocean. Then on the top left of each rectangle I can draw in a subrectangle that has proportional amount of forest of that continent and the next subrectangle for hills, and next subrectangle for plains, mountains, rivers etc. Then I will put in a bunch of 1x1 squares for islands randomly. And it will look nothing like earth and I still can call it a perfectly "accurate" map.
And I am sure there is a nice continuous transformation (analogous to a projection) of the surface of the earth to this new map. In the eye of the beholder, this new map has perfectly proportional area between landmasses/oceans/terrains just like earth but it doesn't look anything like earth.
Will anyone download this map? Probably not. Would you download it? It probably would be even more accurate than your map because I don't round (you know when somepart is ocean and land you round to the bigger ratio). I simply take the numbers on wikipedia and draw big rectangles according to those numbers. No projection needed.
In term of criteria i.e., your definition of accuracy, this map would exceed your map by overwhelming margin yet probably won't get downloaded at all because it distorts the earth to the point of inrecognizable.
But "recognizable" isn't part of this definition of accuracy. According to this definition, as long as a map as correct terrain ratios, it is called "accurate".
Fortunately, to the eyes of many other beholders, "accurate" means lot different. It means less distortion, locally look like earth on each continent, playability. Ratio between land mass is at the end of the criteria.
You claim your map is accurate, but it is just semantic since by that definition the map I described above should be "accurate" as well, but no. It is anything but accurate and neither is your map.
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