AD 1640 North America

Super work Ambreville. 1.04 runs well.

I haven't had time to look at your wishlist though.


I got a copy of Rhye's mod and grabbed the marsh/swamp coding material from there. I could not make it work though. First off, the Marsh terrain in RFC is totally identical graphically to the Flood Plain. The Swamp feature is OK, except in my transplanting attempt, the Swamp bonus icon in the circle stays black. There also seems to be some confusion in the coding between the Mud and Swamp terrain graphics. I deleted the whole thing and went back to version 1.04.
By the way, would you have a list of known town names for Dutch colonies circa early 1600's by any chance? Is Dutch your native language (or close enough)? If so, could you suggest great fictitious town names for what could have been Dutch colonies as well?

Dutch is my native language (I am Dutch). It is not easy to compile a list of colony names, because the Dutch were more fond of trading posts (so a lot of forts there). Some NY City burrough names come to mind: Brooklyn (= Breukelen), Harlem (= Harlem), Staten Island (Staten Generaal is the name of Dutch parliament). So this would lead to Nieuw Breukelen, Nieuw Haarlem...

Nieuw Amsterdam
Ft. Nassau
Ft. Oranje
Ft. Goede Hoop
Nieuw Rotterdam
Ft. Batavia

These are all fine (and historically justified). I would suggest to include Ft. Maurits. I can also suggest some fictitious names, but they have to be more or less historically justified. How many do you want?
Dutch is my native language (I am Dutch). It is not easy to compile a list of colony names, because the Dutch were more fond of trading posts (so a lot of forts there). Some NY City burrough names come to mind: Brooklyn (= Breukelen), Harlem (= Harlem), Staten Island (Staten Generaal is the name of Dutch parliament). So this would lead to Nieuw Breukelen, Nieuw Haarlem...

Nieuw Amsterdam
Ft. Nassau
Ft. Oranje
Ft. Goede Hoop
Nieuw Rotterdam
Ft. Batavia

These are all fine (and historically justified). I would suggest to include Ft. Maurits. I can also suggest some fictitious names, but they have to be more or less historically justified. How many do you want?

6-12, maximum. AD1640 isn't a whole lot about founding new cities, but more about grabbing existing communities. I wish there were a way to get native names automatically switched to the next available city name in the conquering CIV's list.
OK, I will post the list tomorrow. BTW: you were correct about the colonies in South America being called Nieuw Holland, but these were the colonies on the Brazilian coast. I just ran your mod for the first time and I noticed that you used Theron's leaderheads for the Dutch. You might want to update your mod with the animated leaderheads as used in my own mod (see signature), taken from the CIV Gold series.
OK, I will post the list tomorrow. BTW: you were correct about the colonies in South America being called Nieuw Holland, but these were the colonies on the Brazilian coast. I just ran your mod for the first time and I noticed that you used Theron's leaderheads for the Dutch. You might want to update your mod with the animated leaderheads as used in my own mod (see signature), taken from the CIV Gold series.

I'm definitely interested! :D

Thanks for the suggestion.
correction: Harlem is named after Haarlem

I checked some pages about Dutch colonization on Wikipedia and found a list of Dutch settlements in North America (I replaced New by Nieuw):

* Nieuw Amsterdam
* Nieuw Haarlem
* Noortwyck
* Beverwyck
* Wiltwyck
* Vlissingen
* Middelburgh
* Heemstede
* Rustdorp
* Gravesende
* Breuckelen
* Nieuw Amersfoort
* Midwout
* Nieuw Utrecht
* Boswyck
* Swaanendael
* Nieuw Amstel
* Altena


* Fort Amsterdam
* Fort Nassau (North)
* Fort Orange
* Fort Nassau (South)
* Fort Goede Hoop
* Fort Casimir
* Fort Altena
* Fort Wilhelmus
* Fort Beversreede
* Fort Nya Korsholm (not sure about this one, sounds Swedish)
Thanks for trying out the game.

You are probably running into the game effect of an enemy capitulating and therefore becoming the vassal of another CIV. It's not a glitch.

This is typical of Warlords, and it's easy to miss the clues related to capitulation when it happens. When you are at war, be sure to keep an eye on the "spam" info scrolling on the left of the screen. It should tell you when one of your enemies capitulates, and in whose benefit. This automatically forces peace with all of that CIV's enemies -- including you! Which means, your entire army is instantly kicked out of your former enemy's lands. There's TONs of that stuff happening in AD1640. Tribes in this scenario are very commonly entering/exiting vassal relationships with someone else, and/or capitulating. Try the game again and watch what happens more carefully on the left of the screen. ;)


I would agree with your answer, except I didn't have to re-declare war to go back to the fight. And in one case it booted one stack of troops, but not my single tank which was only a couple of tiles away, and in the same opponents territory. It's only happened a few times, but if it happens again I'll try to figure out the exact situation that may have caused it.

Thanks again for the great scenario. I'm hoping to get started on a game with the newer version this weekend.
I would agree with your answer, except I didn't have to re-declare war to go back to the fight. And in one case it booted one stack of troops, but not my single tank which was only a couple of tiles away, and in the same opponents territory. It's only happened a few times, but if it happens again I'll try to figure out the exact situation that may have caused it.

This does sound strange. If this happens again, could you attach a copy of the last auto save (or manual save if closer to the event)? I'm curious to see this. This has not happened to me, afaik.

What CIV were you playing? How many years into the game had you played?

Thanks again for the great scenario. I'm hoping to get started on a game with the newer version this weekend.

Thanks for your feedback. Good luck with the udpated version.
In my latest playtests, I noticed AI-run England comes off a bit weak. On the other hand, AI-run France often turns into a monster eventually, with way too many vassals. In my last playtest, by 1888, France had Huron, Algonquin, Erie, Iroquois, Shawnee, and Choctaw (and would have gotten Chickasaw too if they hadn't wiped them out completely). Jeez! Talking about the Mississippi-St. Lawrence Axis of New-World-Gallicism! :lol:

Need to fix that. All these tribes aren't going to like each other as much as they used to, which is part of the reason why they accept to become vassals in the first place.

England and Spain need some kind of reinforcement -- but this can be pretty tricky because a change like that could become an unfair advantage at the hands of a player. Netherlands seem OK so far. Ideas anyone?

I really did not intend for Iroquois to become a vassal of the French at any point. It didn't happen in the early version (as a player, my Iroquois even took Quebec and forced peace with France). But then again, England tended to go to war against France when the Iroquois got into trouble. It doesn't anymore -- not sure why. The Diplo modifiers may be to blame here. I wonder if I should simply start England and Iroquois as permanent allies. This would be pretty drastic (and more historical).

This does sound strange. If this happens again, could you attach a copy of the last auto save (or manual save if closer to the event)? I'm curious to see this. This has not happened to me, afaik.

What CIV were you playing? How many years into the game had you played?

Thanks for your feedback. Good luck with the udpated version.

I was the French, and I think it first happened sometime around the mid-1800s. If it happens again, I'll definitely send you a copy of the autosave.
In my latest playtests, I noticed AI-run England comes off a bit weak. On the other hand, AI-run France often turns into a monster eventually, with way too many vassals. In my last playtest, by 1888, France had Huron, Algonquin, Erie, Iroquois, Shawnee, and Choctaw (and would have gotten Chickasaw too if they hadn't wiped them out completely). Jeez! Talking about the Mississippi-St. Lawrence Axis of New-World-Gallicism! :lol:

Need to fix that. All these tribes aren't going to like each other as much as they used to, which is part of the reason why they accept to become vassals in the first place.

England and Spain need some kind of reinforcement -- but this can be pretty tricky because a change like that could become an unfair advantage at the hands of a player. Netherlands seem OK so far. Ideas anyone?

I really did not intend for Iroquois to become a vassal of the French at any point. It didn't happen in the early version (as a player, my Iroquois even took Quebec and forced peace with France). But then again, England tended to go to war against France when the Iroquois got into trouble. It doesn't anymore -- not sure why. The Diplo modifiers may be to blame here. I wonder if I should simply start England and Iroquois as permanent allies. This would be pretty drastic (and more historical).


Yes to Iroquois/England as allies, imo, this should solve England seeming a little weak. I liked your idea of a Spanish city/cities in the southwest as well, the Indian civs in the west have alot of expansion room otherwise. Spanish cities below them should be fun and give Spain a boost. Maybe 2 coastline cities with a couple explorers preset?
Yes to Iroquois/England as allies, imo, this should solve England seeming a little weak. I liked your idea of a Spanish city/cities in the southwest as well, the Indian civs in the west have alot of expansion room otherwise. Spanish cities below them should be fun and give Spain a boost. Maybe 2 coastline cities with a couple explorers preset?

I set up Europeans with exactly 2 cities each. If I start off Spain in southern Texas, this means they only get the one San Agustin city in Florida. This can be tricky both militarily and economically. It does actually work out well for France mostly because of their special honeymoon-like relationship with the natives (heck, France actually goes native by adopting the Cult of the Great Manitou over Catholicism fairly early...). Spain, on the other hand, is almost universally hated among nativedom. This could be bad. :mischief:

The other issue is that by the 1640's, RW New Spain really hadn't established meaningful settlements in Texas yet. The only one to which I could find references is San Antonio, and it dates back to the early 1700's iirc.

England being split between Boston and Jamestown doesn't fare quite as well as France unless run by a player (which almost always leads to England getting both Catawba and Wateree, and going after New Netherlands).

Netherlands is nicely compact, but it is locked in with the Iroquois and Eries, so unless it gets really aggressive, it won't do much. Again a player can accomplish much with the Dutch.

I need to set up Abenaki as a foe for both England and Netherlands to motivate them to go after someone other than each other! Besides, the Abenaki are having it way too easy so far in the scenario. Then again, they might turn around and become vassals of the French. ;)
England being split between Boston and Jamestown doesn't fare quite as well as France unless run by a player (which almost always leads to England getting both Catawba and Wateree, and going after New Netherlands).

Netherlands is nicely compact, but it is locked in with the Iroquois and Eries, so unless it gets really aggressive, it won't do much. Again a player can accomplish much with the Dutch.

So I've been playing as the Dutch, and you are definitely correct. By settling quickly (Sacrificing some tech development for a while) I was able to completely sever any hope of a land link between Boston and Jamestown. After about 50 years I had built up enough of an army to take them out when they declared war on me. Then I was off and running. I got my economy up enough to raise the research bar and improve my relations with enough of the Amer-Indian nations to make a path to the Southwest of the map. This has enabled me to slowly squeeze the smaller/weaker Amer-Indian nations to get angry enough with me that they declare war so I have been conquering them one by one. I now own the entire Eastern Seaboard except for the Abenaki controlled Canadian territory (but they're my vassal) and Spanish Florida (my next target). The only country that poses any sort of threat is Nouvelle-France...but that threat is minimal. This is an awesome scenario!!!
I set up Europeans with exactly 2 cities each. If I start off Spain in southern Texas, this means they only get the one San Agustin city in Florida. This can be tricky both militarily and economically. It does actually work out well for France mostly because of their special honeymoon-like relationship with the natives (heck, France actually goes native by adopting the Cult of the Great Manitou over Catholicism fairly early...). Spain, on the other hand, is almost universally hated among nativedom. This could be bad. :mischief:

The other issue is that by the 1640's, RW New Spain really hadn't established meaningful settlements in Texas yet. The only one to which I could find references is San Antonio, and it dates back to the early 1700's iirc.

England being split between Boston and Jamestown doesn't fare quite as well as France unless run by a player (which almost always leads to England getting both Catawba and Wateree, and going after New Netherlands).

Netherlands is nicely compact, but it is locked in with the Iroquois and Eries, so unless it gets really aggressive, it won't do much. Again a player can accomplish much with the Dutch.

I need to set up Abenaki as a foe for both England and Netherlands to motivate them to go after someone other than each other! Besides, the Abenaki are having it way too easy so far in the scenario. Then again, they might turn around and become vassals of the French. ;)

Ah Spanish Fort in lower Texas would be fun and they seem to need an extra city to compete:cool: At least worth a playtest.
I started a game as the Illinois last night (version 1.04), and I lost my northernmost city to the barbarians within the first few turns before it was even possible to build a second archer to reinforce it. I know that you intentionally strengthened the barbarian presence to slow down the expansion of the western tribes, but I was wondering if you intended for the barbarians to be this strong offensively. I did eventually get the city back, and I'm rolling through the barbarian cities now that I beelined for the tech to get dog soldiers. Maybe it would be possible to give the barbarians fewer offensive units like horsemen, so they couldn't take cities so easily, but give them more archers with a lot of defensive promotions so that it would just be harder to take barbarian cities? Because early on it was a struggle to survive against their raiding, but now their cities don't stand a chance against me.

EDIT: By the way, the weird thing where my troops would occasionally just get booted out of enemy territory never happened again in my last game. In general version 1.04 seems to be running smoothly. Great work.
Finished up current game except last 5 turns, ready to restart. The points leaders were Louis 2269 Cherokee 2174 Chippewa 1723 Elizabeth 1621 Ouapaw 1593 Caddo(me 1227)

Jamestown had highest culture 18979

Louis pop% 20 and Louis 20% land area

Great Manito 25% religion

I will try again likely with another western tribe and try to do better.
I started a game as the Illinois last night (version 1.04), and I lost my northernmost city to the barbarians within the first few turns before it was even possible to build a second archer to reinforce it. I know that you intentionally strengthened the barbarian presence to slow down the expansion of the western tribes, but I was wondering if you intended for the barbarians to be this strong offensively. I did eventually get the city back, and I'm rolling through the barbarian cities now that I beelined for the tech to get dog soldiers. Maybe it would be possible to give the barbarians fewer offensive units like horsemen, so they couldn't take cities so easily, but give them more archers with a lot of defensive promotions so that it would just be harder to take barbarian cities? Because early on it was a struggle to survive against their raiding, but now their cities don't stand a chance against me.

The whole barbarian thing in the west is completely intentional. The four western tribes are indeed expected to lose one of their initial cities early on. The reason for that is to compensate for the advantage they have over the eastern tribes -- namely trashing these same nasty barbs later on, and taking their candies! As your game aptly demonstrated, you did eventually regain control of your lost city and turned the heat on the barbs! In the earlier versions of the scenario, there were far fewer barbs out there, and the four western tribes used to rack up early (unbeatable) leads right from the beginning. Not any more! ;)

EDIT: By the way, the weird thing where my troops would occasionally just get booted out of enemy territory never happened again in my last game. In general version 1.04 seems to be running smoothly. Great work.

Oh good... :D
Finished up current game except last 5 turns, ready to restart. The points leaders were Louis 2269 Cherokee 2174 Chippewa 1723 Elizabeth 1621 Ouapaw 1593 Caddo(me 1227)

Wow -- Cherokees 1723? That's unusual. Was this version 1.04?

Great Manito 25% religion

The best I ever did with religion was 28 or 29% iirc with the Muskogees. I didn't play the Algonquins yet.

I will try again likely with another western tribe and try to do better.

Good luck then. Thanks for the data!
For those of you who want to try a set up with the Spanish split between Florida and Texas, here's an alternate WB file. Make a copy of the original file in the mod's Public Maps folder, and download this one there. I made some other changes as well to address the balance with the French, the Brits, the Abenaki, and the Spanish. The balance shoud be pretty close now. Give it a go. Tell me what you think. Thanks!!


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