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Adding buildings help


Jun 26, 2003
Cape Cod
I recenty made some buildings for Throgrimm and couldn't figure out how to make a new slot in the buildinglarge and small file so I just pasted the entries over the first 7 space ship parts. I added them int the pedia icon text file and thats where the snag came The numbers under the building name are correct and are exact with the SS parts but in the editor when I choose the new improvements civilopedia pedia icon under improvements and wonders it shows the space ship parts. Are the spots hardcoded to show the same imige all the time, and how do I make newslots?
Do you have your edited buildingslarge/small in the right sub-folder?

Should be under "your scenario/art/city screen/". If it is anywhere else, the scn will probbaly take the standard civ3 files.

I´m not sure, but it could also use those standard files if it cannot find the entries of the pediaicons.txt (eg. in case you made a typo)
Just did a quick test - filled the slots of the SS Thrusters with the magenta bg color - then the editor shows exactly the empty slot, so it isn´t hardcoded.

Difficult to say what the problem is from here...
Um, don't know if you deciphered out this part from the first post but I did not remove the thruster imige before I pasted the Imige. Could that have made a difference?
Nono, I just removed it to see if any change will be visible next time I check it via editor. If you pasted directly over it, it should be ok as well, your new gfx should appear then in the editor.

Can you attach copies of your pediaicons.txt and the buildingslarge/small files here? Then we could look into them to find out what´s going wrong.
Um good Q I haven't looked at it yet, and BTW this is not my mod here this is Thorgrimms I am currently playtesting it for him (along with making city improvements) also I haven't mentioned this but I put the .biq in the conquests folder not the scen. folder so I don't know if that makes a differnece.
Originally posted by ozymandias

Also, there should be "expanded" bldgslg/sm available somewhere in the graphics forum.


Yes. I made some, but do you think I can find 'em?! I searched the entire graphics modpack forum and couldn't find it. I may merely have posted it in a thread of someone requesting it. Without the search function, we'll never know.
ozy, I wouldn't think so, not in C3C at least.
MC, put it in the scenario folder. And, as CK said, go to Scenario\Scenario properties in the editor, and in the "scenario search folders" add "..\my folder name".
Originally posted by Colonel Kraken

Yes. I made some, but do you think I can find 'em?! I searched the entire graphics modpack forum and couldn't find it. I may merely have posted it in a thread of someone requesting it. Without the search function, we'll never know.

:p We were BOTh just searching the ENTIRE graphics forum at the same time ...

... But look at what I just found on my hd :D


Originally posted by mrtn
ozy, I wouldn't think so, not in C3C at least.
MC, put it in the scenario folder. And, as CK said, go to Scenario\Scenario properties in the editor, and in the "scenario search folders" add "..\my folder name".

Hi Mrtn!

-- Do you really think the basic source code for the spaceship victory et. al. was changed for C3C? :eek: ;)

Anyway, this is one of those times when I hope I'm wrong ...


Originally posted by ozymandias
IIRC those slots ARE hardcoded to be used for the spaceship gfx.

Well, for my xcom stuff I simply deleted the SS parts from the buildings list via editor and used the slots in the pics for other buildings/wonders, so it´s possible to use them ;)

What I did not know at that time was that it is not wise to delete improvements from the middle of the list, becasue then Civ confuses the slots of the following, remaining buildings, so I had to re-arrange them to make it work.
Originally posted by BeBro

[...]What I did not know at that time was that it is not wise to delete improvements from the middle of the list, becasue then Civ confuses the slots of the following, remaining buildings, so I had to re-arrange them to make it work.

Ah! (*sound of snapping fingers*) -- Yes, that was it ... :)


Arghhhhhh, it happenng again here are the files if someone could help me I would be thankful

EDIT:Ok I removed the files. No one else is getting them till Thorgrimm releases his mod. If you downloaded the file from the URL I gave all I can say is you got version 5 currently I'm on version 10. So the pics are not working and are of bad quality in what you have:p :mwaha:
Originally posted by MarineCorps
Um good Q I haven't looked at it yet, and BTW this is not my mod here this is Thorgrimms I am currently playtesting it for him (along with making city improvements) also I haven't mentioned this but I put the .biq in the conquests folder not the scen. folder so I don't know if that makes a differnece.

--Sorry, just saw this; I believe both your .biq and any associated scenario-specific folder has to be in the \scen folder.

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