After playing Civ 3...


Feb 5, 2018
It's hard to play Civ 6 again...which sucks because I want to like the game. Honestly playing civ 3 after playing 6 felt like an upgrade.

1. Being able to change to "wealth" really early on makes it really nice, if I dont need to build anything then I just switch to wealth until I do. It's really annoying on civ 6 that I need to keep building something it really sucks the fun out of the game.

2. The diplomacy screen (where you offer deals) is so much nicer than civ 6's. It's so much more confusing on civ 6.

3. The technology tree: It's way too hard on civ 6 to tell the difference between what you discovered and what you didnt discover yet. It's really nice on civ 3.

4. Barbarian activity level. Always will love that with the various options.

5. Wow did I miss spamming roads and irrigation everywhere.

6. Any combat unit being useful against a city even if the city has walls. I mean sure even on civ 2 and 3 if you have siege units it makes it easier but not near impossible like on 6.

7. A useful civilopedia that actually tells me what the in-game stats are.of any unit

8. Only need one strategic resource. You are screwed on civ 6 if you dont have two since you need two.

9. Everything being so nice, clear, distinguishable from the cities to the units to the inside of a city (after clicking on it), to the fog of war.

10. Being able to customize your tribe.

11. Don't need only a melee unit to capture a city

The company reads the forum right? I certainly hope a lot of this will be addressed in the next expansion or in a free patch. Even if just number 1 is addressed civ 6 would become way more playable/fun.

With that said, civ 3 still had its own frustrating things:

1. You think you start close to an enemy AI on this game? Try Pangaea on civ 3. its even worse.

2. Some of the special units seem useless. Wow Jaguar warrior has one whole extra movement! Hwachas, same stats as the cannon. Honestly I think they are even worse in civ 6 (how? yeah Idk either). In civ 6 they have mostly the stats but I think one less strength. Did Firaxes forget how useless/pointless they were in civ 3?

3. Not showing each civ's score in a single player game. At least they do that on civ 6.

4. Here comes what ruins the fun on civ 3: What seems like infinite unit stacking in cities and tiles. Idk why they thought that was a good idea for. Maybe there's a mod that got rid of that idk but I always like to play the official game not some mod.

5. I wish you can control it with the mouse like on civ 6. You kind of can but its annoying, you have to hold down left click on a unit then move lol.

6. The battles seem very luck based.

I think civ 3 would be a good model for civ 7. Remove all the extra stuff they added in civs 4-6 except for the unique buildings. But redesigned some aspects. Less luck based battles, replace some civs special unit with a new one or redesign some current ones, change how naval units work when attacking a city, civ 6's naval units are way better (they can actually help take out a city and they got better range).

Civ 3 is simple in design yet that simplicity made the game a near 100 for a score for me because of the all the stuff I mentioned in the post.

Civ 6 is almost there to a near perfect score for me. They gotta make it more fun. Improvements to the UI is part of that (look above to my first list).

So I will probably be playing civ 3 more often for the time being. Not being able to change to something like :"wealth" really ruins all the fun for me). Unfortunately I don't think they will change point 6 in my first list as that's probably a design for civ 6
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