Age of Abundance Discussion Thread

So, the start and map is the same for everyone, no harm in posting start screenshot then:
Spoiler :


And you have a bit more than 1000 gold, it looks like.
Even though I play King/Emperor, I'm having fun with the challenge.

Playing Vanilla actually shows that full Civ 6 has a bit too much micromanagement: shuffling governors, voting at congress, looking at loyalty, clicking all kinds of small things each turn.

I am playing a British empire style game, I have my own big isle and I send my navy to harass rivals and try to gain as many city-state suzerains as possible. The map is interesting as you cant simply make a quick land campaign.
TBH as in any 4X the general strategy is to DOMINATE

Interesting to see how other people play the same set up. I did not get in one single war and only built a scout and warrior for military units (no navy units). It feels more natural to win cultural victory the peaceful way. But yeah with Peter, Pedro, and Kongo in the game, you have to stay proactive. Though as far as I can tell there is no time limit? I tried to do it quickly so I could get back to my other game I'm playing.

I didn't go for a religion, though the faith would have been nice since I only had enough faith for 1 national park, but I could have gotten a 2nd one right at the end. I prioritized the acropolis districts. And I absolutely dominated the great person race for writer/artist/musicians.
Seriously, "You start with 2 cities and 1000 gold." How can you mess up the amount of gold in the description, did no one even open the game? I think that is completely representative of my entire relationship with Civ 6.

Cities: 2. Gold: 1257. :hammer2:
Its still kind of annoying how people on forums, or the internet generally, still assume that they are representative of majority of players when they are not and never have been and its been like that for decades at this point.

If this is indeed a trial run for a feature on Civ7, then I feel like doing it the way Firaxis is doing it make sense because it allows them to test systems before having do deal with the additions of DLC or multiple difficulty levels to choose from.

Yeah, having an official "GOTM" like that happens on the boards is a good idea. I don't actually play the GOTMs that were on here, partly because I'm too lazy to go through the steps to download the files or whatever, but if it's built into the game as a simple few clicks setup, that's actually a really nice feature.

That being said, if it's forced to prince and standard ruleset, IMO that really spoils things, and I doubt I would play much. But if they can extend it out to let you use any ruleset you want, and change the difficulty level, that would be a great way to handle things. A bonus would be to even let you play it even if you didn't have the civ in question - like, say they set up one as Kupe but you didn't have the DLC Kupe was in purchased. Maybe you could still play this scenario and see what it's like, and you'd want to go buy it to play with them again.
I still contend that this is designed to hold the attention of low-information casual players. They won't consistently have the expansions or DLCs and they won't consistently be playing at higher difficulties. That's why you have a vanilla ruleset Prince-rated challenge.

Or maybe it's because it's easier to do it for a single ruleset. The purpose of it might just be to signal to the community that the game is "alive".

Why would people who aren't committed enough to the game to acquire any of the expansions play these scenarios? I think the players more likely to notice this are the ones who have been playing Civ for years.

And I think it's Prince difficulty just so that people can actually win it, since these are up for a limited time.
I think it's worth mentioning that the GameConfig.xml file that sets the rules for the challenge contains a "Ruleset" parameter, as well as several others, like "DisasterIntensity", that can only be used in conjunction with Gathering Storm. Suffice it to say that I think assuming that all subsequent challenges will be on the base game's ruleset is a tad premature...
And I think it's Prince difficulty just so that people can actually win it, since these are up for a limited time.
You could still let people change the difficulty though.
If you struggle with the higher difficulties, just leave it at Prince so you can win it.
No need to force that difficulty onto other players though.
So this is the badge you get on completion. 😑

IMO it would have been better to do a Leaderboard kind of achievement for the events like Amplitude does with HUMANKIND.
Though these days there's barely 10 everyone who submits automatically gets on the leaderboard 🤣
Spoilers ahead (most of the map and opponents, ...and another dose of disappointment)
Spoiler :

Well, Mohenjo-Daro, of course, I will construct a Diplomatic Quarter for you for sure...


...oh, wait...
...what it's been, 7 years already? Boy, does the time fly!

So waiting for the release of Civ 7... when I finally can post a picture of 99.99 Euro (or such)... that I'm not gonna give to Firaxis/2K.

So some strategy for anyone interested:

Religious culture play​

Because Arabia and Kongo are in the game, on the two opposing continents, a religion play is possible.
  1. Rush a religion. (So perhaps prioritise a holy site instead of an acropolis). Note: because of the late game start, there will only be 2 religions allowed. Arabia will automatically get the other.
  2. Spread religion to Kongo. Crusade?
  3. If going Reliquaries, build Mont. St. Michel. Return religious units/warriors (after using religious spreads on Kongo) back and then onto Arabia.
  4. Forward settle Arabia and hope they spread religion to you, so you can DoW Holy War.
Other notes: a very early formal war with Rome can reduce war monger penalties. (Remember how it worked in Standard Rules?)
Later, you can Colonial War with Rome and France.
Endgame is about taking out Kongo, perhaps with Territorial War? Probably dominate eastern continent.
So some strategy for anyone interested:

Religious culture play​

Because Arabia and Kongo are in the game, on the two opposing continents, a religion play is possible.
  1. Rush a religion. (So perhaps prioritise a holy site instead of an acropolis). Note: because of the late game start, there will only be 2 religions allowed. Arabia will automatically get the other.
  2. Spread religion to Kongo. Crusade?
  3. If going Reliquaries, build Mont. St. Michel. Return religious units/warriors (after using religious spreads on Kongo) back and then onto Arabia.
  4. Forward settle Arabia and hope they spread religion to you, so you can DoW Holy War.
Other notes: a very early formal war with Rome can reduce war monger penalties. (Remember how it worked in Standard Rules?)
Later, you can Colonial War with Rome and France.
Endgame is about taking out Kongo, perhaps with Territorial War? Probably dominate eastern continent.
With some back knowledge, there are no readily met religious city states, if any. So far I have found none. But lots of mercantile and cultural ones. Maybe gold focus would be better? Great Zimb is strong in vanilla and the capital is ideal for it. I have built zero settlers, bought them all, and I'm planning no wars, but lots of GW purchases. Maybe a bit of gold siphoning as a helpful side business :)

Boy, do AI charge for their luxuries in vanilla! What happened to their entrepreneurs' spirit in later expansions that they lost all that acumen, I wonder...
Ok sidenote, I was looking at MrRadar's picture and I noticed a proper sunset. Not the bad one we got post-GS, but the one before that that actually had orangey colours and tinted the map to well, look like a sunset. I'm not sure what constituted such a downgrade, but it looks much worse now.
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I still contend that this is designed to hold the attention of low-information casual players. They won't consistently have the expansions or DLCs and they won't consistently be playing at higher difficulties. That's why you have a vanilla ruleset Prince-rated challenge.
As a low-information casual player I just have to ask: How do I move this attention-grabbing piece of vandalism from my no longer pretty main menu to the scenario menu where it belongs?
Ok sidenote, I was looking at MrRadar's picture and I noticed a proper sunset. Not the bad one we got post-GS, but the one before that that actually had orangey colours and tinted the map to well, look like a sunset. I'm not sure what constituted such a downgrade, but it looks much worse now.
You can change time of day in game. I though all Firaxis did was change the default in GS?

I happen to prefer it a bit drabby. I use a mod which makes the default the Dark Age lighting.

Deliverator has a mod which brings it closer to the original:
With some back knowledge, there are no readily met religious city states, if any. So far I have found none. But lots of mercantile and cultural ones. Maybe gold focus would be better? Great Zimb is strong in vanilla and the capital is ideal for it. I have built zero settlers, bought them all, and I'm planning no wars, but lots of GW purchases. Maybe a bit of gold siphoning as a helpful side business :)

Boy, do AI charge for their luxuries in vanilla! What happened to their entrepreneurs' spirit in later expansions that they lost all that acumen, I wonder...
Fairly sure they edited the map, notice a lot of road circles? Me thinks there were more cities place or things spawned in, cuz I highly doubt that the AI was capable of destroying all of that on Prince (raze each other's cities).
Did anyone play it? Is it fun or in any way interesting at least?
Well, you're on your own landmass, untroubled by anyone, you can indulge in your own Civromantik game, placing those hexes however you want, no barbs, neither disasters nor invasions to throw a spanner into your works, no stolen wonders, if you like to plan and stick to the plan, this is your paradise.

I found it interesting to remember vanilla ruleset. And how AI actually charges some more reasonable amounts of cash for their luxuries and great works in trade, rather than just giving them away for pennies like in latest versions.

Fairly sure they edited the map, notice a lot of road circles? Me thinks there were more cities place or things spawned in, cuz I highly doubt that the AI was capable of destroying all of that on Prince (raze each other's cities).
Yeah, I noticed them, but did not stop to think more about that for some reason :)
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