Hey all, long time lurker, first time poster.
I enjoyed playing the Age of Abundance challenge, but I was also disappointed that it was locked to Prince difficulty and vanilla rules. What I liked about the challenge was the map layout and config, the opponent civs, and the win condition.
It turned out to be pretty easy to get the map file and use it to start a new game with my own rules. You can manually download the same zip file the game does via this link:
https://cdn.dancer.civilization.com/RootPackage-UNUQPZ.zip. From there, navigate into the folder "CurrentPackage.zip\CurrentChallenges\650f20c2-c66d-4712-bd76-e09c21a16664\CustomMap" and you'll find AgeOfAbundance.Civ6Map. I've attached it here, too, for convenience (mods, if that's a problem I can remove it... I figure since it's publicly available and a free update it should be fine).
Drop that map file into the folder "Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Saves\WorldBuilder" or whatever equivalent on Mac. This will make the game think it's a custom map you made.
From there, you can create a new game and go into Advanced Setup. When you select the Map, you should now see Age of Abundance as an option.
The last thing to do is to configure it like you want. I followed the Config XML exactly (minus the specific changes I wanted) so as to minimize chances of it doing something silly. I suspect many of them are unnecessary to set since the map defines them, but I wanted to be safe. Here are the setup instructions:
Player: Pericles
AI 1: Catherine de Medici (Black Queen)
AI 2: Cleopatra (Egyptian)
AI 3: Mvemba a Nzinga
AI 4: Pedro II
AI 5: Peter
AI 6: Saladin (Vizier)
AI 7: Trajan
Rulset: Gathering Storm
Difficulty: Your choice
Start Era: Renaissance
Speed: Standard
Map Size: Standard
Resources: Standard
World Age: Standard
Start Position: Standard
Temperature: Standard
Rainfall: Standard
Sea Level :Standard
Excluded City States: (Disable all except Trade and Culture City States)
Game Modes:
Disable All
Victory Conditions:
Enable only Culture Victory
Turn Limit: None
No Duplicate Civs: On
No Duplicate Leaders: On
No Barbarians: On
No Teams: Off
No Tribal Villages: Off
Teams Share Visibility: On
Game Random Seed: 13452435
Map Random Seed: 61235
Feel free to fiddle with the settings for whatever you want, but this configuration gets it as close to Age of Abundance as possible while giving you access to all the expansion features and difficulty settings.
I played a game on King just to see if it worked, and it seems to be solid. It played out similarly to my Prince game, except with all the new features and the Civs being a little more competent. I'm about to try an Emperor or higher game to see how I fare.