Age of Abundance Discussion Thread

Yeah, one of the Civ tubers recently showcased it in an upcoming 4X games themed video.

TBH I was referring to Apocalypse mode.

Most of the Civ V/VI scenarios focus on a few game systems. E.g: Path to Nirvana on religious combat (which might be good practice here for getting relics).
But there's not been any scenarios with NFP that would focus on the game modes.

Many civ-ers don't even know of the Apocalypse mode hyper-yields.
I think this sort of game events maybe more enlightening.

O/w we just OCD this challenge to win earlier and earlier. TBH it stops being fun (for me) at that point.
Hey all, long time lurker, first time poster.

I enjoyed playing the Age of Abundance challenge, but I was also disappointed that it was locked to Prince difficulty and vanilla rules. What I liked about the challenge was the map layout and config, the opponent civs, and the win condition.

It turned out to be pretty easy to get the map file and use it to start a new game with my own rules. You can manually download the same zip file the game does via this link: From there, navigate into the folder "\CurrentChallenges\650f20c2-c66d-4712-bd76-e09c21a16664\CustomMap" and you'll find AgeOfAbundance.Civ6Map. I've attached it here, too, for convenience (mods, if that's a problem I can remove it... I figure since it's publicly available and a free update it should be fine).

Drop that map file into the folder "Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Saves\WorldBuilder" or whatever equivalent on Mac. This will make the game think it's a custom map you made.

From there, you can create a new game and go into Advanced Setup. When you select the Map, you should now see Age of Abundance as an option.

The last thing to do is to configure it like you want. I followed the Config XML exactly (minus the specific changes I wanted) so as to minimize chances of it doing something silly. I suspect many of them are unnecessary to set since the map defines them, but I wanted to be safe. Here are the setup instructions:

Player: Pericles
AI 1: Catherine de Medici (Black Queen)
AI 2: Cleopatra (Egyptian)
AI 3: Mvemba a Nzinga
AI 4: Pedro II
AI 5: Peter
AI 6: Saladin (Vizier)
AI 7: Trajan

Rulset: Gathering Storm
Difficulty: Your choice
Start Era: Renaissance
Speed: Standard

Map Size: Standard
Resources: Standard
World Age: Standard
Start Position: Standard
Temperature: Standard
Rainfall: Standard
Sea Level :Standard

Excluded City States: (Disable all except Trade and Culture City States)

Game Modes:
Disable All

Victory Conditions:
Enable only Culture Victory

Turn Limit: None

No Duplicate Civs: On
No Duplicate Leaders: On
No Barbarians: On
No Teams: Off
No Tribal Villages: Off
Teams Share Visibility: On

Game Random Seed: 13452435
Map Random Seed: 61235

Feel free to fiddle with the settings for whatever you want, but this configuration gets it as close to Age of Abundance as possible while giving you access to all the expansion features and difficulty settings.

I played a game on King just to see if it worked, and it seems to be solid. It played out similarly to my Prince game, except with all the new features and the Civs being a little more competent. I'm about to try an Emperor or higher game to see how I fare.



@Matteo522: thank you for posting this!

I have the Epic store version of the game, so had given up the idea of playing this, but your arrangements are just what I need!

Looking forward to checking this out, thanks again!
Alright, I finished up my King game, and I noticed a few things by the end. Basically, the map itself is missing features to take full advantage of Gathering Storm. In particular, we beelined to the final stage of global warming due to the mix of resources on the map but also didn't have to deal with any flooding due to lack of lowland areas. Basically, the map needed updating for Gathering Storm. I was also saddened by being locked into the seven civilizations in the map and figured some people might want Barbarians on for the challenge.

I made the following changes:
  • Updated the player data so that you can select any Civ/Leader. Note that the pre-placed city names are locked in, so you might have Canada with their capital named Paris. I don't think there's any way around this...
  • Added a Barbarian player in case you want to play with them. You can use the "No Barbarians" toggle either way, and it'll work.
  • Marked areas around the map as coastal lowlands based on what seemed logical, trying to keep a reasonable mix.
  • Turned a mountain at the bottom of your island into a volcano and added a geothermal fissure.
  • Placed a few random volcanoes and geothermal fissures around the map
  • Added a few additional nodes of oil since it is very coal heavy. To keep the spirit of the map, only one of the nodes is easily accessible to the player, and it requires getting off your starting island.
  • Added a single plot of Olives on the starting island just out of reach of the starting cities and some reef with two turtles near an obvious expansion point that's otherwise not super resourceful. The map is called Age of Abundance yet there's only one luxury on your starting island and very little in any obvious expansion direction? That felt weird. I'm all for the challenge, but I suspect on higher difficulties it'll get very hard to secure luxuries without these changes. Open to feedback here.
  • Updated the display text to make it clear the map is now modified from Firaxis's original.
I haven't actually played this out yet, but I did load it a bunch to test, and it seemed to work with each configuration I tried.

Edit: Just re-uploaded a new version of the map. I noticed the new civs didn't have their starting gold set correctly. Also fun fact -- the official map had Trajan's gold set to 100, not 1000. No wonder he was a bit of a non-issue in my playthroughs.


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The Age of Abundance promo says "you'll earn yourself a new in-game Hall of Fame Badge" after beating the scenario the first time.

Well, I won the scenario. But I don't see a new badge in the HoF. Anyone else? What am I looking for?
It's hidden in the Hall of Fame
Oh you have to flip the little drop down to "Age of Abundance." Didn't even notice that was there. Weird solution Firaxis, but OK.

Anyway, I enjoyed the challenge. It wasn't major but it was a nice bit of novelty. I haven't played Civ6 in about 6 months so it was good to have an excuse to dive back in. Figuring out the rules of the scenario was kind of fun. Beat it on the second run.

Looking forward to next months challenge.
Is there any way to get the age of abundance save working again? I tried to load it this morning but it says its not available anymore

I've had a very busy few weeks and only got around to playing it now
Is there any way to get the age of abundance save working again? I tried to load it this morning but it says its not available anymore

I've had a very busy few weeks and only got around to playing it now
The challenge ran through the 12th so likely not, even if you had it saved.
where is it possible to download the game?
Wait, the game (scenario) is no longer playable? Isn't this something that is downloaded onto our computer? Where is it located then? I know my save file is on my computer.
it appears on the windows version but not unfortunately the Mac
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