Age of Wonders 4 Announced (Master of Magic like 4X Fantasy Strategy Series)

First DLC already on the way called Dragon Dawn.


After playing the game for some time, I have to report that the extensive customisation is really a double-edged sword. There are so many combinations to choose from, but sadly none of them feel unique. The main cultures in the game (barbarian, feudal etc) have so little to distinguish them that they more or less feel the same. It's strange to see that a game like Civilisation IV, whose civilisations have only two traits, a unique unit and a unique building to differentiate them, has a wider variety of playstyles than this game. An imperialistic Rome plays very differently to a creative France. Add on to that problems with the AI, balance issues across the board and performance issues and the novelty of this game wears off very quickly. I'm curious to see if patches and additional content can breathe fresh life into it.

Kind regards,
Ita Bear
It looks nice, but I haven't even played AOW3 :)
You and me both lol. In fact I've still gotta finish Shadow Magic too heh.

The main cultures in the game (barbarian, feudal etc) have so little to distinguish them that they more or less feel the same.
Yeah their latest update says they're looking into improving this due to all the complaints so it will be interesting to see what they do.
So how Civ-like is AoW4?

I'm interested in a fantasy civ/4X game, but in Civ 6 I usually play for culture or science victory. I don't usually play for Domination and it seems like the win condition for AoW4 is basically domination/conquest? Am I wrong in this? Don't really know much about the game but it looks beautiful on screen....

Would I be better off looking at Endless Legend (despite its age) or is there another better, more Civ-like fantasy game?
So how Civ-like is AoW4?

I'm interested in a fantasy civ/4X game, but in Civ 6 I usually play for culture or science victory. I don't usually play for Domination and it seems like the win condition for AoW4 is basically domination/conquest? Am I wrong in this? Don't really know much about the game but it looks beautiful on screen....

Would I be better off looking at Endless Legend (despite its age) or is there another better, more Civ-like fantasy game?
Well Master of Magic was recently remade and has a non-military victory (spell of mastery) however its lower budget compared to AoW4 is noticeable. I'm pretty sure AoW has non-lethal victory conditions that I saw mentioned in the dev diaries but the guys here actually playing it can answer better.
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Actually, from my games, most of the times I will finish with a magic victory, not dom...

To get magic victory, you must get the last tome associated with one of the 6 affinities in the game, then build 3 specific buildings associated with THAT affinity in 3 different cities, then defend them for 15 turns...

That's usually easier than taking the capital city of every enemy ! But better be VERY prepared to defend for 15 turns, the AI send stacks of monsters at ya that means you really need 3 high level stacks of 6 units at every building.
Unfortunately, the enemy nations don't seem to have the intelligence to come after you adequately, even when playing hard difficulty level, so that's a huge letdown ;-(
Imo the original game was better than AoWII. At least if you take into account expectations. II didn't really add anything, imo, just a little better gfx and a few more tribes.
AoW (the original) had better music too.
I love AoW1 and still go back to it occasionally as I loved the music and how it supported a much higher player count and you could have up 16 players (all the races) going at it in one game (16 player After The Fall map was a particular fav) and was devo that player counts were reduced so much in the sequels. However in the end I enjoy player AoW2 more (& will no doubt prefer SM too when I eventually get to it 30yrs too late lol) as like most I was very happy to see the city development & management system massively overhauled and pushed in a more Master of Magic and Civ direction. The HoMM fan in me enjoyed the little animating story cutscenes too.
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It's great to hear that the developers are tackling the issues in the game, but it remains to be seen to what extent they can solve everything. I'm happy to see the AI update and 'faction balance and identity' are being given some attention. Could the developers be going back on their design philosophy of basically anything goes?

That said, I won't be picking this game up again until the Golem update is here. Without a functioning AI, some semblance of balance and with all factions feeling like a homogenous mush, the game isn't worth much time sadly.

Kind regards,
Ita Bear
Haven't updated this in a while.. there's been quite a few dev updates (& smaller articles inbetween) about all the patches and DLC coming...

More on the Dragon Lords stuff:

Watcher Update:

Underground changes:
New AoW4 expansion addon announced!

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Some more dev diaries have come along talking about features of the addon. Looks like they've brought back the MoM like hero item/artifact crafting forge.

The previous DLC came out late last year...

Looks like a new minor DLC has been announced...

New dev diary about it too...
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Boom! We got a new expansion for Age of Wonders 4 coming!


Appears to be a throwback to the Shadow Realm from AoW2. Looks good!


There's also some smaller updates out now they've done dev diaries about too..

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It's out!

And once again there's some free update coming out at the same time that's had some dev diaries..

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Age of Wonders 4 has been busy annoucing a new expansion pass containing multiple DLCs on the way and are doing dev diaries about the first ones..

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