[BTS] AI Autoplay Ranking- testing with fair maps

Results for D Series (Round 1-13)
where settings are like this:



Hello, I just finished with D series for comparison and here are the results. I think I am not ready to conclude the test here. I just need to do two more of these series with Deity difficulty. I am planning to re do A and D series with deity difficulty to also to see the impact of difficulty levels on AIs such as tech paths or win conditions.
As far as I can tell, in Noble difficulty culture victories happen much faster than space race. The No tech trading option makes an effect on their tech tree path quite a bit. And removing that from the games just like in default settings of the game made me realise few distinct tech tree paths.
One of the most distinct change is skipping rifling and teching assembly line becomes much more often when this option(No Tech Trading) is not enabled. When this happens it is usually a bad sign and just because they tech assembly line doesn't mean they will have infantries whereas AI with rifling will be much stronger than those who skipped and went for Assemblyline only to spend 15 turns to build factories in their every city.
One other terrible and very common tech tree path was going all the way to Genetics and skipping assembly line and radio. They tend to do this pretty often too in this D series.
Enabling tech tree helps AIs who want to turn culture slider on %100 because somehow they won't really be stucked with longbows or grenaders forever and they give a break from running culture slider at some point and tech all the way to plastics or sattelites and start their culture slider again. This happens less often when no tech trading option is enabled where they get stuck teching physics all game.
It is pretty lame to watch AIs not taking advantage of their units and conquer their unadvanced neighbours. They all of a sudden end up in this space race mood, AIs become very passive and the culture slider on AI will beat them every time if not destroyed. Although this doesn't really become the case when Aggressive AI is on as their culture per turn rates end up very low.
Anyway, test not completed and I have not really figured out which of these settings is more balanced.
I will eventually get two more of these series E and F series done and make conclusion after.
Also keep in mind that I have very high espionage points while running these games which may effect their teching rate more than culture rate somehow. I don't know but I will keep my espionage points with deity difficulty series too and see how it goes.
I hope all of these series can prove something at the end.


Hi, I made a new map for 8 leaders again and I just wanted to share early on.

ERRORS: South edge coast's east capital's whale and clam in wrong place and distant to capital, needs to be moved closer just like other starts.


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