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AI trading on your turn - a trick around it!

Dec 5, 2001
Couldn`t find the old thread so here`s a new one.

When you make contact to a civ and get communications to his neighbours from him for communications to your neighbours, do not close the foreign advisor screen before contacting those newly found civs. Otherwise he can trade - during your turn - with the others.

If you keep the screen open (means you can`t save at that point!!) ha can`t ynd you can sell contact to all. And that`s quite a money source.

Anyone else with similar experience???
That's pretty cool, didn't knew that.

I only realized, that you should not give away a tech, that would make several AIs enter a new age, they all get it same time, even if you don't close ad screen!
This "AI trading on your turn problem" is only activated when you load an autosaved game. Otherwise they will never trade during your turn.

Theorys abound whether this is intentional or not. Maybe those at Firaxis wanted to "penalize" you for "cheating" by using autosave?

I didn't had that effect with autosave, I never use it.
This "AI trading on your turn problem" is only activated when you load an autosaved game. Otherwise they will never trade during your turn.

I don't use Autosaves, and the AI trades on my turn. That not using Autosaves helps is a myth.

I've had the AI trade things away to other people while I was at the trading table. :(
I've never noticed any problems when trading techs to make money. I have run a very succesful gov't with 100% sci and trading the techs for all my monetary needs. I sometimes waited a few turns and the other A.I.s still didn't have the tech.
Originally posted by OneInTen

I don't use Autosaves, and the AI trades on my turn. That not using Autosaves helps is a myth.

I've had the AI trade things away to other people while I was at the trading table. :(

yep, autosave isn`t the reason in my experience.

I just tried it last night: suicided a Galley to a different island. contacted Roman Warrior but saved before I did. Caesar didn`t have contact to me and my three neighbours, but to all others (10). I traded contacts 1:3 so I ended up knowing 9 of the 10. then went to them and sold them contact to my neighbours.

then did the same from reload, but this time closed advisor screen after contact to Caesar, then saved, then opened advisor again. Now, only 1 of the 10 didn`t know my neighbours yet.....
Originally posted by PaleHorse76
I've never noticed any problems when trading techs to make money. I have run a very succesful gov't with 100% sci and trading the techs for all my monetary needs. I sometimes waited a few turns and the other A.I.s still didn't have the tech.

I`m not really surprised; it seems normally everything is as it shouild be. Did you save and maybe even reload in between????

Maybe my prob is with reloads. Since the happyniess control by the gov doesn`t kick in in time to avoid civil unrest and I simply don`t want to check each town before end turn I save, end turn, watch which cities go and then reload and adjust those....

Maybe this screws some things up I don`t know.....
Personally i have no gripes bout the AI trading on my turn, they only get to trade to a few of the others before you anyway.

It gives the AI a chance, makes the game fairer and somewhat stops the trend of research new tech, sell to all civs (bankrupting them), sticking science rate to 100%, reserach next tech first, sell to all civs, etc, etc.

This can be very tedious way of progressing in the latter stage as the Ai will splash out huge amounts for a new tech even if its only one or two turns away from getting the tech themselves.

So, leave it be, give them a chance.
I don't really mind the AI trading stuff during my turn so much.

What pisses me off is when it trades things while at the trading table with me. I kid you not, the bastard Americans trading away the luxury resource that we were bartering a renewal of. My advisor told me it would be acceptable, then I changed the values a bit to try to get a bit more for it, and suddenly the AI doesn't want a bar of it, the left pane tells me he has none of that resource, and no matter what I offer he claims it can't be done.

I was less than happy. ;)
I've found the AI still trades on my turn even if I haven't left the foreign advisor screen. Face it: there ain't no way to avoid it.
The AI definitely trades on your turn even when you're in the foreign advisor screen and there doesn't seem to be any way around it. I don't think this was true prepatch and I think it was implemented to stop some of the more extreme tech trading strategies that used to be out there - so I agree with the comment about leaving it alone as is. The one bit of advice that I read somewhere else was to always sell a tech to the most advanced AI first as the others would have no techs to trade in return and the AI seems to prefer trading over buying/selling (which is a major factor in keeping up with the human player). So sell to the most advanced first then work your way down to the least advanced. I find that this way I get to sell it to most of the other civs - but never yet all.
strange........ my experience was totally different..... spent all last night (yawn) playing a 16/huge game on monarch and they never traded on me as long as the advisor screen was open. And it didn`t matter at all to whom I sold first.....

actually I`m doing the 100%. sell to all routine, I`m just not selling my newest, but my second newest tech.....
At least for my the AI trading on my turn seems to be a hit or miss deal. When it does happen it seems to be confined to contacts and the less juicy techs. Maybe I am just more lenient when I sell my techs, taking any reasonable offer. I will maybe see 2-3 instances of tech selling during my turn over a game at most.
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