AI with a sense of humour


Sep 14, 2017
This happened to me last night - I needed to wage war on America, and I thought, well, maybe the Cree would like to help. So I called up Poundmaker, and the dialogue went something like this:

Me: Would you like to declare joint war with me on Teddy Roosevelt?
Poundmaker: No, this is not to my advantage.
Me: What would it take for you to change your mind?
Poundmaker: 1 gold.
There is clearly a bug with some initial valuation. If you don't want to explot it, just remove 1 gold from the deal and ask "what would it take" or whatever the button says. Then AI gives a normal sane proposition.
There is clearly a bug with some initial valuation. If you don't want to explot it, just remove 1 gold from the deal and ask "what would it take" or whatever the button says. Then AI gives a normal sane proposition.

Exactly. Don't use the exploit (or any of the multitude) if you want a more challenging (rewarding) experience. Not ideal, but it's what we got from FXS (as usual).
Oh dear, I never realized that's a glitch, I just thought they're being silly. But my requests are more benign, like asking to share Open Borders, so them wanting me to add 1 gold didn't seem too incredibly crazy. But now I feel awful because I'm sure I've seen this many times.
I've only seen this in some alliance proposals.
AI proposes a military alliance. I reject and propose a religious/cultural/whatever alliance and they initially reject but accept if I add 1 gold.
I thought it's just a formality "for flavor", but now it looks like an exploit.
Happens in every deal. I thought you have to put in something ridiculous like 2000gold and then ask what it would take.
Are you sure it's enough just to remove the 1g?
Poundmaker just wanted the gold. He loves trying to rope me into joint wars. I've never seen him be a solo warmonger, but he loves those joint wars.
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