Airbase magic

Because an airbase is clearly not ment to be a replacement of farmland and railroads, while it does give a big advantage. It's just a bug in the game.
Can airbases be used as a defencive trap? Outside a city radius, can their RR "function" be take advantage of?
The rule is absolutely simple:

Airbases are only allowed as airbases, not as a substitution of any other terrain improvement.

If you build an airbase somewhere to increase the range of your airforce, you do not need to build a railroad in the same square, of course.
But the use is restricted to strategic positions.
So NO building them on hills to increase food production, NO substitution for farmland and railroad, NO surrounding enemy cities or your own for protection against AI planes and missiles, NO lines of airbases instead of railroad, etc.

Just as airbases!
It wouldn't work as a shield against AI missiles though. Planes, yes, but starlifter long ago showed that AI missiles don't actually fly to their targets, they just appear on the square. So if you have an airbase circle around your cities then you can defend it against fighters and bombers but not against CMs or nukes.
I know! :enlighten

I just didn´t want to get into this topic by fully explaining it.
Can you put airbases within 2 squares of a city? Just to keep the planes safe from a nuke attack? But what if the Airbaase is built on an already improved square?

I usually put a line of airbases near my cities to hold extra planes, is that allowed?
Here are some examples of what is allowed and what not! Hope this clears this topic up. :cool:


The usual usage of airbases. Simply strategic outside of any city radius.

An advanced version. If you place your airbase inside a city radius you HAVE TO build the other terrain improvements, too!

NOT allowed:

NO surrounding enemy or own cities for protection!

NO airbases on hills for improved food production and NO airbases instead of usual terrain improvements.
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