Agent of Chaos
The wording in the posts you refer to may have lacked in precision.I didn't know about getting the commerce bonuses on those builds instead of hammer bonuses. That would seem to suggest building a market is kind of a prerequisite to building wealth in Vanilla?
The answer is : no. If you're building whatever, including wealth/science/culture, only hammer multipliers are taken into account (and wealth does not count as Buildings for Org Rel bonuses .)
Also, I've been baffled at the Monument tier position. I'd probably rate it class D or so. I'll certainly build more Markets than Monuments in a regular game
The reason to build Courthouses/Markets has probably more to do with what you are doing/planning at the moment than it has to do with their costs. Also, city sizes and happy caps.Dang that seems like a high maintenance threshold for a courthouse
Those are the types of buildings that you can consider when you are exceeding your happy cap and
Certainly, when you are not gearing for war.
If you are gearing for war, then the return from a Market/Courthouse does not have time to pay off,
Even worse, if you whip the building (which you should), then you lose pop that should have been whipped towards units.
In this case, building Wealth/Science may bring limited benefits but preserves the production for military units.
It's really about timelines and what you're doing. Do you need to grow ? Do you need to preserve the population ('cause war is impending) ?
If you're in a recovery phase because you invaded a neighbour and tanked your economy, whipping mass courthouses could be perfectly fine. Working commerce would always be better. Having higher pop would always be better (cap dependent). Depending on whether a city is more hammer/commerce inclined, then a courthouse or multiplier buildings (market/library) might prove better).
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