Hello, I did a video ranking and explaining my reasoning behind it on all the buildings in Civ 4. I believe this will be of good value to learning players, especially those struggling to get past monarch/emperor to help prioritize your hammers on the correct stuff. Interested to see what learners have to say to it as well as more experienced players if they'll agree or disagree. If you don't want to listen to me blab for an hour I attached a simple picture below of the end result.
After some review you could make a case to put walls into C tier, as it can be good to buy time from surprise dows, but not a building to spam build randomly in your cities - stick to wealth/research instead. I wouldn't adjust anything else there.
Unique buildings are also ranked in the second half.
Video link:
(I also have tier lists for units, wonders and leaders if you found this helpful as well as some short and longer guides in my channel).
After some review you could make a case to put walls into C tier, as it can be good to buy time from surprise dows, but not a building to spam build randomly in your cities - stick to wealth/research instead. I wouldn't adjust anything else there.
Spoiler :
Unique buildings are also ranked in the second half.
Spoiler :
Video link:
(I also have tier lists for units, wonders and leaders if you found this helpful as well as some short and longer guides in my channel).