All Modmods basic strategy: Specialized cities.


Nov 12, 2005
Is it better, especially on the harder UHV of some Civs to go for specialized cities?
For example, one city just build military units (after some key buildings). One city goes for culture and religion.

I tend to try to build buildings in all the cities depending on circumstances. If I need gold, I would build market in every cities even though it would not be efficient. Need to break that mental barrier.
That depends a lot on the UHV in question. In general you are always better off with city specialization. Especially with regards to production cities vs. commerce cities. Of course if the UHV asks you to achieve special things for your cities these standard strategies can become obsolete very quickly (this is what makes UHVs interesting to me).

It's hard to say more about this in general, better talk about the specific civ in the respective modmod's forum/thread.
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