I never played either Civ 6 expansion but have played one game with the full patches and city state peoples thing. I didn't play on Deity and am not some expert, am I a fanatic actually? Hasn't everyone needed to play "one more turn?"
I first played Civ II at my cousins' house. Their dad didn't permit them to play videogames or watch TV, but thought this game would give them a proper perspective. I played a lot of Civ II, but when one school friend showed me their turbo WWII insane combat mod I realized I hadn't played at all. I'm convinced btw that Civ II prototyped and created the entire HOI etc. style of tactical wargame. Although the Civ series would rabbit hole into its own features. My cousins once set me up to play Civ I for some reason once and I briefly confused the two during my youth.
In college, I was skipping out on studying for Civ III. I brought it to class and didn't pay attention. One week before final exams, I physically broke the Civ III CD in half, since at that time you had to run it from disk for some reason, and I knew this was the sure and true way to end the cycle.
I was overseas and entirely missed Civ 4. Can you believe that? Can you comprehend an entire psychic vacuum with no Civ in my consciousness just III leading into V.
Played and loved V, but had to quit just after Gods & Kings. Religion was different, "It was in Civ 4" they said. Question mark.
When Civ 6 was announced I was psyched. I was in Japan at the time and attended the TGS for giggles that year. There was a Civ 6 booth, it was across from a massive haunted house displaying RE:7. The Civ display had a very scantily dressed male and female, I mean very. Oily and tanned, muscles on both. I got my picture taken with them. Then, if I proved I posted it on facebook, I got a free Civ 6 pen. Which I still... had... until... where is it now? My TGS free Civ 6 swag pen?
Anyway played the heck out of vanilla 6 in spite of the hate, then life had to move on. Didn't have time for the expansions until lately, but with 7 didn't bother paying for them. Followed the news on the canal hype. Not a fan of global warming sea level rise stuff. Radiative heat trapping is bad science, climate is caused by gravity and pressure. I hate bad science in pop culture and apparatchik tier political correctness.
Anyway, so I never optimized Deity god powers in 4,5,6 and I played III lately and I suck at it. I think 5 and 6 broke my ability to know what to do in III. The happiness thing from population and auto-govern mood was... I didn't even remember it existed.
Still, am I a Civfanatic? A little?
I first played Civ II at my cousins' house. Their dad didn't permit them to play videogames or watch TV, but thought this game would give them a proper perspective. I played a lot of Civ II, but when one school friend showed me their turbo WWII insane combat mod I realized I hadn't played at all. I'm convinced btw that Civ II prototyped and created the entire HOI etc. style of tactical wargame. Although the Civ series would rabbit hole into its own features. My cousins once set me up to play Civ I for some reason once and I briefly confused the two during my youth.
In college, I was skipping out on studying for Civ III. I brought it to class and didn't pay attention. One week before final exams, I physically broke the Civ III CD in half, since at that time you had to run it from disk for some reason, and I knew this was the sure and true way to end the cycle.
I was overseas and entirely missed Civ 4. Can you believe that? Can you comprehend an entire psychic vacuum with no Civ in my consciousness just III leading into V.
Played and loved V, but had to quit just after Gods & Kings. Religion was different, "It was in Civ 4" they said. Question mark.
When Civ 6 was announced I was psyched. I was in Japan at the time and attended the TGS for giggles that year. There was a Civ 6 booth, it was across from a massive haunted house displaying RE:7. The Civ display had a very scantily dressed male and female, I mean very. Oily and tanned, muscles on both. I got my picture taken with them. Then, if I proved I posted it on facebook, I got a free Civ 6 pen. Which I still... had... until... where is it now? My TGS free Civ 6 swag pen?
Anyway played the heck out of vanilla 6 in spite of the hate, then life had to move on. Didn't have time for the expansions until lately, but with 7 didn't bother paying for them. Followed the news on the canal hype. Not a fan of global warming sea level rise stuff. Radiative heat trapping is bad science, climate is caused by gravity and pressure. I hate bad science in pop culture and apparatchik tier political correctness.
Anyway, so I never optimized Deity god powers in 4,5,6 and I played III lately and I suck at it. I think 5 and 6 broke my ability to know what to do in III. The happiness thing from population and auto-govern mood was... I didn't even remember it existed.
Still, am I a Civfanatic? A little?