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"An Earnest Discussion of the Intricacies and Inherent Contradictions Evident...


north american scum
May 22, 2005
the place where he inserted the blade
...During a Listening of the Newest Album, To Pimp A Butteryfly by the Greatest Rapper Since Nas, Kendrick Lamar, and How It Accurately Elucidates the Commentary Between the Socioeconomic Conditions of the African-American Segment of the American Population and the Supposed 'Blackness' of Jazz, Blues (cf. Howlin' Wolf), and Other Derivative Genres Whilst, Simultaneously, Exploring the Sonic Innovations and Sonic Inventions Affecting the Inter-Racial Dialogue in Urban America"

A thesis by OwenGlyndwr​

- This album seemed like him trying to figure out what he thinks about blacks in America
- It was so eclectic and interesting
- Oh man, the jazz
- And the funk
- Spectacularly produced album
- I should use juxtaposition and sonic at least, like, five more times each
- I'll make a proper Pitchfork writer of me

It needs more analysis of the comments on the ethics in gaming journalism.

As much as I wish to divulge into a graduate-level, dissertation-length post about how To Pimp A Butterfly necessarily posits a position regarding the Gamergate controversy, unfortunately, that would be contrary to the occasionally arbitrarily enforced regulations and directives of this forum. Ich werde auch diesen Satz in deutscher Sprache zu schreiben, um meine erweiterte Kenntnisse in der deutschen Sprache zu veranschaulichen.
Must I consistently and constantly reelucidate my ostensibly tolerant views regarding the equity of nations, sans Poland? Moreover, due to the ethos and the inherent Zeitgeist of the German language, I do not--I can not--believe that Thomas Mann's magnum opus Der Zauberberg will carry the same gravitas and import as a Greek edition of the Bildungsroman, which, should have it existed, been spoiled by Varwnos.
Must I consistently and constantly reelucidate my ostensibly tolerant views regarding the equity of nations, sans Poland? Moreover, due to the ethos and the inherent Zeitgeist of the German language, I do not--I can not--believe that Thomas Mann's magnum opus Der Zauberberg will carry the same gravitas and import as a Greek edition of the Bildungsroman, which, should have it existed, been spoiled by Varwnos.

Yet that does not change the simple truth that all who don't know Greek are simple beasts who can only say bar-bar-bar!
Haven't heard any of his new stuff since something about swimming pools & being drunk which I barely remember, someone mentioned it was a classic but to me it didn't warrant even a 2nd listen. To me this is a classic, something that gets your blood pumping just hearing the first 2 seconds & knowing its coming on.

I barely heard any mainstream hip-hop that touched me in the last 10 years, I'll give a listen to this new album when its not 2:30am and/or I'm alone.
Also, I'm kind of bored of all this introspective speculation on race all the time. I'm glad I'm white & no one expects me to give a damn about my ethnic identify.

I suppose playing off African American culture is mostly how modern American hip-hop makes it's money (look suburban white-boys, I'm black, you can get a taste of the realness of that identify without any of the actual strife or risk by buying my album), thats why I'm enjoying foreign hip-hop so much more, black guys, white guys just having fun with the art & not navel gazing.

That said, I don't like to talk smack & not give stuff a chance so like I said I'll give the album a listen when I won't be keeping a person up by doing so.
My thesis is as long as a haiku, as short as L. N. Tolstoy's War and Piece.

Gadzooks! Thov speaketh a sly mannere of tongve, that I wovldst mistaken thee for the sedvctiones of Satan. Verilie, I applauddest thee for yonder poetrie in thy wordes, whiche, if I do sayeth myselfe, and on behalfe of yon scholasticke philosophers and theologianes who haft gathered in yonder forvme, bringeth mvch evphoricke enlightenmente to ovr mortal sovls.

If thov canst, however, alloweth my moste hvmble and ignorante selfe to proposeth a hvmble svggestione: Methinks thovgh thy wordes seeme moste eloqvente, it is moste propere, if not prvdente, necessarie, and of importance, thate thov vseth more of the lexicon and vocabclarie thate befittes yon civilized era of the 18th centurie. Whate is yon "vrban America" thov speaketh of, for instance? Nay, I say! The better wording - if mine instincktes and reason are correcte - shouldst be "that societie whiche belongeth to the large settlements of these Vnited States of America, the former colonies of the mightie Britishe Empire; in partickvlar those settlements which, say some thinkers - dve to varied misfortvnes great and small - have been svbjecteth to poverty and despair moste unjvst; but,regardless of yon trvth of the previovs comment, at the leaste, possesseth a cvltvre vniqve to itselfe, and befittnge a separate categorie in contraste to, for instance, the societies of svbvrbia."

Nonetheless, I applavdest thee for the pnenetratinge insightes thov haft providede me.
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