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- Jul 21, 2005
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I agree they need a tourism bonus some time after they obsolete regularly.
As for when they are active. Perhaps have castles give 'free' defenders that can only defend. Sort of like scouts except they cost no maintenance or the like.
The free units I would base on the population of the city they are in[such as 1 free unit for every 1 population of the city]. Thus a large city would have more conscripted defenses from population than a smaller city. I would also make it so that these units can NOT gain any xp. In addition if they are killed you would lose some population[I would make it one population for every two killed].
Castle Garrison
Strength 5
1 first strike
+50% city defense
+25% vs Melee
double effect from defenses
starts with 2 xp
requires castle
If castles came at fuedalism+construction this would make the Castle Garrison only available after longbows are out. And they are weaker than longbows in several ways. However, without siege equipment the Castle Garrison is just about impossible to take out.
As another buff to castles we could make it so that castles reduce collateral damage done to units in the city. Maybe reduce collateral by 25% or so. Also of course castles should be EXPENSIVE. Those things should be built with any sort of ease.
Along with their current bonuses this would make castles, at least for me, quite a bit more valuable. And it would boost protective as well since castles would be more favorable[and two free promotions is quite valauble for a unit that can't gain any xp is a good thing].
Of course this is only one idea. I would like to see castles how they were made irl. Often times armies if they could afford to do so would just ignore the castled defenses. It was too difficult unless the position was VERY important to the invader. Between the free defenders that benefit twice from the defenses and the reduced collateral and bombard it would mean conquering a castled defense would likely take more than one turn.