Well, after years of plodding around, learning XML, and debating game balance on these forums, I'm finally ready to release the first beta verson of the AMM: Antilogic's Minimal Mod.
This mod is designed for guys like me: guys who don't like huge mod or tons of additional features, so much that you get lost immediately. The objective was to rebalance the gameplay and add one or two features I wanted in the game, to make the game I wanted to play. Although I have adjusted the traits, some UUs, and UBs for balance, the primary function or benefit of each trait, UU, and UB has stayed the same (with one possible exception on the Mongolian and Byzantine UUs, which have their positions switched in the tech tree). So, I advertise this as the mod you already know how to play: most of your strategies will work in mostly the same way. It's just a little...different.
So, this idea has dictated the design philosophy for the mod: I consider each new idea, and wonder whether or not it will be "minimal" enough to make it into the mod. That's the primary reason why the new Civics idea I have is probably not going to make the cut, but some new events for variety will make it in.
Well, thanks for reading through that, if you did. Now, here's the part you probably want:
This is the Beta 2 version at the moment, largely because I haven't programmed in all the new event ideas that I have recorded. Here is the current readme file with a list of everything I have altered:
Get the most recent version here: http://forums.civfanatics.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=7916.
A note on installation: since many *.zip file extractors will create a folder of the same name as the compressed file, I simply placed all the files into the compressed folder without making an additional file inbetween. Just extract the files inside your MODS folder, and there shouldn't be a problem. Also, make sure to overwrite any previous versions with the new files in the download.
This post will be edited with more information as time progresses and new versions become available. Of course, I welcome feedback on the mod and further suggestions, although I may not incorporate all of them.
This mod is designed for guys like me: guys who don't like huge mod or tons of additional features, so much that you get lost immediately. The objective was to rebalance the gameplay and add one or two features I wanted in the game, to make the game I wanted to play. Although I have adjusted the traits, some UUs, and UBs for balance, the primary function or benefit of each trait, UU, and UB has stayed the same (with one possible exception on the Mongolian and Byzantine UUs, which have their positions switched in the tech tree). So, I advertise this as the mod you already know how to play: most of your strategies will work in mostly the same way. It's just a little...different.
So, this idea has dictated the design philosophy for the mod: I consider each new idea, and wonder whether or not it will be "minimal" enough to make it into the mod. That's the primary reason why the new Civics idea I have is probably not going to make the cut, but some new events for variety will make it in.
Well, thanks for reading through that, if you did. Now, here's the part you probably want:
This is the Beta 2 version at the moment, largely because I haven't programmed in all the new event ideas that I have recorded. Here is the current readme file with a list of everything I have altered:
Spoiler :
Current Version: Beta
This readme file contains a complete log of everything I have changed in the Minimal Mod, issues, wants, etc. as well as the installation instructions.
If you have questions or feedback, please read and post in this thread: . Thank you and enjoy!
Unzip this folder, "AMM", into your Beyond the Sword\MODS folder.
NOTE: This mod was designed around Civ4: BtS, v3.13: support for vanilla Civ4 and Warlords is not available. Additionally, some of the content was only updated in the English language.
Load the "Antilogic's Minimal Mod" from the main menu in the game, under the "Advanced" menu.
Before I go on and list the issues, work list, and all the features, I need to take the time to thank some people on Civfanatics that have contributed to the success of this mod:
Solver: Your guide has been my textbook on creating the new events for this mod. Without this, a large portion of this mod (okay, the entire events part) would have been impossible.
jkp1187: Although I have messed around with the numbers, there are a handful of events in the AMM that originated in jkp1187's mod. You can see the originals (and try his events mod out) here: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?p=6176956#post6176956. His events, although modified, are marked with a ^ below.
And finally, the rest of the Civfanatics community: I have debated for well over a year with you guys, and although I haven't always agreed, I have borrowed more ideas than I can count from fellow posters.
No icons for the new resources in the city screen.
Event "Levittown" still doesn't work--just destroys the cottage or hamlet; can this be done in Python instead of XML?
Event "Bhopal" still doesn't work--the game crashes whenever the event is triggered.
Create or fix an ArtDefines_Bonus.xml file for the new resource graphics in cities
Change Civilopedia entry for Amplitheatre, Keshik, Cataphract, Legion, Asabari, US Marine Corps, Men-at-Arms to correct the name and features (check all Civilopedia entries--many more may have errors)
Create a custom title screen (maybe from the original globe, but with Civ4: BtS alternate logo and "Antilogic's Minimal Mod" beneath it) with Baba Yetu playing
Rework the city lists for Prussia and Austria
Program in the new events
Work List: Novelist, Cotton Gin, Aggressive (or Paranoid) Senator, Man of the Shadows, Joint Stock Company, World Expo, Satirist, Royal Family Death, Citizen's Labors
Increase tech costs by 5% or so late in the game (maybe late Industrial to Modern) to account for the new ways to produce commerce?
Add the "Values" civics category?
Add the Public School as a new building? Would need graphics for it...
Add more resources?
Change the American UU to the Minuteman?
Delete those new stupid-looking roads that appear in the Industrial Age (or make them less obvious-looking, or move to Modern Era)
Adjust Imperialistic by removing the Monuments production bonus and giving it to Industrious?
Tone down some of the uprated traits?
Remove airship's bombardment capabilities--recon unit only?
knock the initial health bonus at the beginning of the game down one, and then provide +1 health with some technology?
switch back Augustus's traits, or change them to something else?
Aggressive receives double production on Stables, not Drydocks
Creative receives +3 culture in all cities, no double production on Amplitheatres
Expansive receives double production on Aqueducts, not Harbors
Expansive receives original +50% production on Workers
Financial receives double production on Customs Houses
Organized receives double production on Harbors, not Lighthouses
Imperialistic receives +100% production on Settlers
Imperialistic receives double production on Monuments
Protective receives double production on Security Bureaus, not Castles
Spiritual receives double production on Cathedrals
Renamed the HRE "Austria"
Renamed Charlemagne "Charles V"
Renamed the Native Americans "Sioux"
Renamed Germany "Prussia"
Changed Gandhi's favored civic to Pacifism
Changed Roosevelt's favored civic to Universal Suffrage
Changed Frederick's favored civic to Free Speech
Changed Catherine's favored civic to Serfdom
Railroads now improve wineries and plantations, providing them +1 commerce
Oil Wells provide +4 production and +2 commerce
Oil Wells receive +2 commerce with the Plastics technology
Oil Rigs provide +4 production and +4 commerce
Wheat receives +1 food
Uranium receives +1 commerce
Added Cotton and Tea as new epic-game resources, require plantations--see Civilopedia for details
Research Institute receives +1 free scientist and +1 free spy
Trading Post receives +1 commerce
Pavilion receives +1 happiness from Silk
Rathaus receives -70% city maintenance, not -75% (may nerf further based on new trait system)
Cothon costs the same as Harbor
Ikhanda receives -25% war weariness instead of reduced maintenance
Colosseum renamed "Amplitheatre"
Markets provide +1 happiness with Cotton
Grocers provide +1 health with Tea
Roman Praetorian renamed "Legion"
Persian Immortal renamed "Asabari"
American Navy SEAL renamed "US Marine Corps"
Macemen renamed "Men-At-Arms"
Airship range reduced from 8 to 6
Modern Armor and Mechanized Infantry get 3 movement points
Legion completely changed: receives +1 strength, +10% attack and defense in cities, can build roads and forts half as fast as Workers
Panzers receive free March promotion
Oromo Warriors no longer receive an additional first strike, just the Drill I and II promotions
Keshiks now replace knights, receive a first strike, ignores terrain movement costs, receives terrain defense bonuses, no iron resource required
Cataphract now replaces horse archers, receives +2 strength, not immune to first strikes, requires copper or iron in addition to horses
Dutch East Indiamen may not explore rival's territory like Caravels
Great Generals may start Golden Ages
Great Generals, when attached to units, provide 25 XP instead of 20 XP
Free Religion receives +15% science, not +10%
Added 6 new names for Great People, mostly scientists
Impeachment event corrected; no longer gives 6 unhappiness
There are 11 brand new events added to this mod. Teasers are given below to give you an idea of what has been added:
(ones that do not currently work are marked with a -; jkp1187's events are marked with a ^)
1. Famous Doctor (50/100): a world-reknown doctor is retiring in a randomly selected city, and he is donating his money to further his fellow citizens' health
2. Hardy Crops (80/45): biologists develop a particularly resilient crop of some food resource, ideally suited for a plot of land, that increases food output
3. Prime Timber (75/90): trees in a local region grow particularly tall and strong, and thus provide extra production
4. Magna Carta (60/300): local nobles have grown restless with the monarchy, and have presented a bill of rights; the monarch has the choice to sign or not to sign
5. -Levittown (80/100): innovative homebuilders construct masses of cheap suburban housing, upgrading a cottage or hamlet into a village instantly
6. ^Fiat Money (50/250): if your nation is poor, your bank can start printing money...the upside is you have extra gold to spend, but the downside is the inflation
7. ^More Fiat Money (100/300): if you've already printed some cash but ran out, what's a little more? don't listen to those whiny economists!
8. ^Cure for Cancer (90/200): if you aren't running an oppressive religious regime, have built a lab and the Red Cross, and know of Genetics...curing cancer might be within your reach
9. -Bhopal (50/150): sometimes Industrial Parks cause industrial accidents, but building a new government agency may help the safety of the surrounding residents
10. Resort Town (80/75): one of your towns can become a tourist trap, bringing in extra commerce
11. Local Mills (80/75): locals outside on of your cities construct small mills, increasing production
Current Version: Beta
This readme file contains a complete log of everything I have changed in the Minimal Mod, issues, wants, etc. as well as the installation instructions.
If you have questions or feedback, please read and post in this thread: . Thank you and enjoy!
Unzip this folder, "AMM", into your Beyond the Sword\MODS folder.
NOTE: This mod was designed around Civ4: BtS, v3.13: support for vanilla Civ4 and Warlords is not available. Additionally, some of the content was only updated in the English language.
Load the "Antilogic's Minimal Mod" from the main menu in the game, under the "Advanced" menu.
Before I go on and list the issues, work list, and all the features, I need to take the time to thank some people on Civfanatics that have contributed to the success of this mod:
Solver: Your guide has been my textbook on creating the new events for this mod. Without this, a large portion of this mod (okay, the entire events part) would have been impossible.
jkp1187: Although I have messed around with the numbers, there are a handful of events in the AMM that originated in jkp1187's mod. You can see the originals (and try his events mod out) here: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?p=6176956#post6176956. His events, although modified, are marked with a ^ below.
And finally, the rest of the Civfanatics community: I have debated for well over a year with you guys, and although I haven't always agreed, I have borrowed more ideas than I can count from fellow posters.
No icons for the new resources in the city screen.
Event "Levittown" still doesn't work--just destroys the cottage or hamlet; can this be done in Python instead of XML?
Event "Bhopal" still doesn't work--the game crashes whenever the event is triggered.
Create or fix an ArtDefines_Bonus.xml file for the new resource graphics in cities
Change Civilopedia entry for Amplitheatre, Keshik, Cataphract, Legion, Asabari, US Marine Corps, Men-at-Arms to correct the name and features (check all Civilopedia entries--many more may have errors)
Create a custom title screen (maybe from the original globe, but with Civ4: BtS alternate logo and "Antilogic's Minimal Mod" beneath it) with Baba Yetu playing
Rework the city lists for Prussia and Austria
Program in the new events
Work List: Novelist, Cotton Gin, Aggressive (or Paranoid) Senator, Man of the Shadows, Joint Stock Company, World Expo, Satirist, Royal Family Death, Citizen's Labors
Increase tech costs by 5% or so late in the game (maybe late Industrial to Modern) to account for the new ways to produce commerce?
Add the "Values" civics category?
Add the Public School as a new building? Would need graphics for it...
Add more resources?
Change the American UU to the Minuteman?
Delete those new stupid-looking roads that appear in the Industrial Age (or make them less obvious-looking, or move to Modern Era)
Adjust Imperialistic by removing the Monuments production bonus and giving it to Industrious?
Tone down some of the uprated traits?
Remove airship's bombardment capabilities--recon unit only?
knock the initial health bonus at the beginning of the game down one, and then provide +1 health with some technology?
switch back Augustus's traits, or change them to something else?
Aggressive receives double production on Stables, not Drydocks
Creative receives +3 culture in all cities, no double production on Amplitheatres
Expansive receives double production on Aqueducts, not Harbors
Expansive receives original +50% production on Workers
Financial receives double production on Customs Houses
Organized receives double production on Harbors, not Lighthouses
Imperialistic receives +100% production on Settlers
Imperialistic receives double production on Monuments
Protective receives double production on Security Bureaus, not Castles
Spiritual receives double production on Cathedrals
Renamed the HRE "Austria"
Renamed Charlemagne "Charles V"
Renamed the Native Americans "Sioux"
Renamed Germany "Prussia"
Changed Gandhi's favored civic to Pacifism
Changed Roosevelt's favored civic to Universal Suffrage
Changed Frederick's favored civic to Free Speech
Changed Catherine's favored civic to Serfdom
Railroads now improve wineries and plantations, providing them +1 commerce
Oil Wells provide +4 production and +2 commerce
Oil Wells receive +2 commerce with the Plastics technology
Oil Rigs provide +4 production and +4 commerce
Wheat receives +1 food
Uranium receives +1 commerce
Added Cotton and Tea as new epic-game resources, require plantations--see Civilopedia for details
Research Institute receives +1 free scientist and +1 free spy
Trading Post receives +1 commerce
Pavilion receives +1 happiness from Silk
Rathaus receives -70% city maintenance, not -75% (may nerf further based on new trait system)
Cothon costs the same as Harbor
Ikhanda receives -25% war weariness instead of reduced maintenance
Colosseum renamed "Amplitheatre"
Markets provide +1 happiness with Cotton
Grocers provide +1 health with Tea
Roman Praetorian renamed "Legion"
Persian Immortal renamed "Asabari"
American Navy SEAL renamed "US Marine Corps"
Macemen renamed "Men-At-Arms"
Airship range reduced from 8 to 6
Modern Armor and Mechanized Infantry get 3 movement points
Legion completely changed: receives +1 strength, +10% attack and defense in cities, can build roads and forts half as fast as Workers
Panzers receive free March promotion
Oromo Warriors no longer receive an additional first strike, just the Drill I and II promotions
Keshiks now replace knights, receive a first strike, ignores terrain movement costs, receives terrain defense bonuses, no iron resource required
Cataphract now replaces horse archers, receives +2 strength, not immune to first strikes, requires copper or iron in addition to horses
Dutch East Indiamen may not explore rival's territory like Caravels
Great Generals may start Golden Ages
Great Generals, when attached to units, provide 25 XP instead of 20 XP
Free Religion receives +15% science, not +10%
Added 6 new names for Great People, mostly scientists
Impeachment event corrected; no longer gives 6 unhappiness
There are 11 brand new events added to this mod. Teasers are given below to give you an idea of what has been added:
(ones that do not currently work are marked with a -; jkp1187's events are marked with a ^)
1. Famous Doctor (50/100): a world-reknown doctor is retiring in a randomly selected city, and he is donating his money to further his fellow citizens' health
2. Hardy Crops (80/45): biologists develop a particularly resilient crop of some food resource, ideally suited for a plot of land, that increases food output
3. Prime Timber (75/90): trees in a local region grow particularly tall and strong, and thus provide extra production
4. Magna Carta (60/300): local nobles have grown restless with the monarchy, and have presented a bill of rights; the monarch has the choice to sign or not to sign
5. -Levittown (80/100): innovative homebuilders construct masses of cheap suburban housing, upgrading a cottage or hamlet into a village instantly
6. ^Fiat Money (50/250): if your nation is poor, your bank can start printing money...the upside is you have extra gold to spend, but the downside is the inflation
7. ^More Fiat Money (100/300): if you've already printed some cash but ran out, what's a little more? don't listen to those whiny economists!
8. ^Cure for Cancer (90/200): if you aren't running an oppressive religious regime, have built a lab and the Red Cross, and know of Genetics...curing cancer might be within your reach
9. -Bhopal (50/150): sometimes Industrial Parks cause industrial accidents, but building a new government agency may help the safety of the surrounding residents
10. Resort Town (80/75): one of your towns can become a tourist trap, bringing in extra commerce
11. Local Mills (80/75): locals outside on of your cities construct small mills, increasing production
Get the most recent version here: http://forums.civfanatics.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=7916.
A note on installation: since many *.zip file extractors will create a folder of the same name as the compressed file, I simply placed all the files into the compressed folder without making an additional file inbetween. Just extract the files inside your MODS folder, and there shouldn't be a problem. Also, make sure to overwrite any previous versions with the new files in the download.
This post will be edited with more information as time progresses and new versions become available. Of course, I welcome feedback on the mod and further suggestions, although I may not incorporate all of them.