They're not so much rules as guidelines. Don't read to much gentlemanly behaviour into that. Lucian will probably kill the first scout he sees just for the XP even if the Doviello player doesn't plan to invade. War may be declared for the simple purpose of looking at your territory.
In MP obscenely large stacks of everything is the norm. Theres a very perceptible arms race and good players will be looking at the power graph, peak-hawking, watching your other wars and listening for how often you're Drowning etc. If the units listed in your stack don't go off the top of the screen after the midgame then you don't have enough. In this situation anything that hits the whole stack equally becomes hugely powerful. Something that can kills units with this collateral damage? Very painful indeed.
In MP obscenely large stacks of everything is the norm. Theres a very perceptible arms race and good players will be looking at the power graph, peak-hawking, watching your other wars and listening for how often you're Drowning etc. If the units listed in your stack don't go off the top of the screen after the midgame then you don't have enough. In this situation anything that hits the whole stack equally becomes hugely powerful. Something that can kills units with this collateral damage? Very painful indeed.