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Any potential European pitboss players?


Aaargh! Angry!!
Nov 14, 2005
Hi folks

I've been toying with the pitboss, and dedicated a dell laptop with a defective display, defective dvd drive and defective keyboard for this purpose. Luckily, its 1ghz, pentium III mobile and its 512 mb ram seems perfectly ok, and as such, its a perfect machine for at little pitbossing.

I'm thinking of a Terra or continents game, standard world size, 4-6 human players and a few AI's to prey on maybe. Otherwise normal settings. 24 hour turn limit, with maybe a couple of multi-turn gaming sessions if people can find the time.

Thats were the Europeans fit in. I live in Denmark, Central European Time zone, or GMT+1 if you like. If I play, its in the evenings around 20.00 to 22.00 when the kids are tugged in. So, that doesn't mean that you aren't welcome if you are not from Europe - it only means that it would be optimal if you, once in a while, would be able to game at evenings CET.

My pitboss server is configured and ready for action. I only need to attach it to the network and configure the firewall. However, we'll be moving to a new home the 1st of may, and therefore I'll be without Internet (shriek!) until the new broadband connection has been installed.

Thats why I think that at bitpossing testing game during the rest of April would be a nice idea. We could gather some players, sort out any technical difficulties, and see if my proposed game settings are sound. Then, in may, when we have moved and Internet connection is back up, we could start a new game with the intention to find a winner :) What to do during summer holidays we can sort out together I figure.

If you are interested to join - please let me know :)

PS. I'm usually playing singleplayer games on noble, and able to win, say, 75% of the games.

edit: server is up and running - waiting for zenspider and magzi to take a seat :) ...
Hi ill have a go. Im on UK time. PM me.
zenspiderz said:
Hi ill have a go. Im on UK time. PM me.

Excellent. I'll PM you and others interested with details, once the server is attached – that's within a few days.
Perfect!. 5 players plus a few AI's should be enough to test if pitbossing is fun. I expect to have the server up and running this evening - will PM eveyone with details.
I'd be happy to squeeze you in mickeyj. I assume the server can handle an ekstra player ;-)

6 humans and a few AI's - I say we keep it at that when playing standard map size. I'd rather not go larger initally, or the game may take forever.

But keep in mind, this first game is a test game, we may decide on different settings once we've got a bit of experience with pitbossing.
Here's what you gotta do. Start civ4, choose multiplayer, direct IP (gamespy lobby is no longer used) - you'll need to pm or email me for the IP address.

there is no password

choose a leader that has not been assigned to the AI, this testgame is mainly for testing connectivity - do password protect your civ.

once in game, remember to fill in your email address in the details screen (alt-d), so that you can be notified when a new turn is ready for you.

Always remember to end your turn before quitting civ4.

That should be it - please help me test this a couple of turns, then we can start a real game with prefered leaders.

(edit: updated as gamespy lobby is no longer used)
Having to coordinate this using pm's is a pain. Please drop me an email, so I can create a distribution list using you email adresses (I can bcc people if prefered). You can send me an email by selecting my public profile and using the "send email" feature, or, you can drop me a pm with your address.

It will be used for this pitboss game solely and not shared ;)

And now - go pick yourself a leader!
I picked the Arabs - did your moves take place i.e build city and move warrior? or does all that happen at the end of the turn?
mickeyj said:
No end turn option came up, I'm assuming it's the same for everybody?
I think the game was not set up for simultaneous turn.
Was that your intention netbjarne? Or you just forgot to check the simultaneous turns box?
Hi folks.

Not even finished turn one, and I already discovered a few issues.

a) - I find it cumbersome to login to gamespy to take a single turn, so I decided to change the game from a "internet game" to a "direct IP game" with NO password. That makes it much faster to logon to the game. It also means that you won't find the game in the lobby, but you'll need my IP address for it. I've setup a dyndns account, so pm or mail me to get the hostname to connect to the pitboss server.

b) - I've set up 6 human players and 2 AI. However. Anyone can select an AI's civ to play - and some of you guys did just that. That wouldn't be a problem, if it weren't for the now empty human seats. As these are unclaimed, the game won't continue for the next 23.58 hours. The pitboss application is very, VERY, limited in controling the game after the initial setup. So I saw no other way than to create a new game. This time, please select a civ from slot 1-5 (or 6 if all others are occupied), leaving 6-8 to the AI. Remember, once this testphase is over, you'll get to choose a prefered leader.

Lets try once again to tame the pitboss beast :)

ps - I know all my spelling isn't correct, you uk guys will probably notice, but I haven't got patience for spelling checkers when it comes to gaming correspondance - hope you don't mind :)
If some of you guyes tried to connect without success, please try again. Configuring pitboss and firewalls to coexist is no easy task, but I think you should be able to connect now..
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