Realism Invictus Pitboss game

ok so I had to redownload and install but it went through for some reason. In any case, I typed in the code and joined the network, is that all?
Yes, I just authorized you on the LAN. If you can start the game with the shortcut as explained above, you can already join a test game via DirectIP to address Let me know if it works.
so it says that the version of my game is different from the host's and then asks for a password for a civ
so it says that the version of my game is different from the host's and then asks for a password for a civ
AspiringScholar had the same issue with the version yesterday. We don't know why but we still hope it works. I see you are connected now anyway
@AspiringScholar we tried a connection with bluecivdoom; he also got the warning for a different version but hopefully that won't be an issue. On the other hand, we didn't have the problem about blocking other players connections. I guess today we'll have to do a bit of testing anyway
Game starts in less than 2 hours, still waiting for a reply from Fireblaze and Monsijo here and from Yaldabaoth on discord.

Updated players list:

- 45°38'N-13°47'E (45degrees) - Joseph Stalin of Russia (still not sure)
- bluecivdoom - Chandragupta Maurya of Hindi Empire
- Sinocpm - Xiao of Qin of South China
- Temae
- AspiringScholar - Adolf Hitler of Germani / Theodor Roosvelt of America
- FireBlaze - Random
- connorbot (from discord) - Mutsuhito of Japan
- Yaldabaoth (from discord) - Hanno of Carhtage

- Monsijo (?) - no words since one month
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Thanks for the first session guys, it's been fun. Turn 95 and 2575BC: I'll try to leave the server running as much as possible so everyone can connect almost any time and play their turn. For those of you that have told me their e-mail address, you'll get a notification each time a new turn has started. Ideally, server will be up 8-22 UTC time, possibly more. If you wish to check if the server is online, remember to start ZeroTier (or check if it's running and connected to the virutal LAN) and connect to

A couple of words of caution: OOS (out of sync) might happen as we progress in the game. Sometimes it's enough if a player disconnects from the server and then reconnects. To be on the safe side, it would be better if everyone disconnects, I save the game on the server and then reload, and then everyone reconnects. I guess we'll see how it goes. I'm cautioning you all about this because it happened in one of my test games that I played a dozen of turns after an OOS probably without reconnecting properly. The result was another OOS but when I rejoined the game my civ was completely messed up doing all sort of things that I never instructed it to do, like it was autoplayed by AI. I was able to reload the game from a savegame on my pc instead of one from the server, but it was pretty frustrating.
Also, if the game is configured properly, when you join the game you shouldn't get the "transferring" screen where the savegame is being transferred to your pc: it should be instant. If you get that screen, there's something wrong. The game will probably work anyway but it will probably take ages for you to connect, given the default 10 kb/s speed of Civ4. Right now the savegame is around 330 kb, but in modern era it can get 20 times larger, you do the math for transferring times. Let me know if you run into this kind of problem.
Thanks for the first session guys, it's been fun. Turn 95 and 2575BC: I'll try to leave the server running as much as possible so everyone can connect almost any time and play their turn. For those of you that have told me their e-mail address, you'll get a notification each time a new turn has started. Ideally, server will be up 8-22 UTC time, possibly more. If you wish to check if the server is online, remember to start ZeroTier (or check if it's running and connected to the virutal LAN) and connect to

A couple of words of caution: OOS (out of sync) might happen as we progress in the game. Sometimes it's enough if a player disconnects from the server and then reconnects. To be on the safe side, it would be better if everyone disconnects, I save the game on the server and then reload, and then everyone reconnects. I guess we'll see how it goes. I'm cautioning you all about this because it happened in one of my test games that I played a dozen of turns after an OOS probably without reconnecting properly. The result was another OOS but when I rejoined the game my civ was completely messed up doing all sort of things that I never instructed it to do, like it was autoplayed by AI. I was able to reload the game from a savegame on my pc instead of one from the server, but it was pretty frustrating.
Also, if the game is configured properly, when you join the game you shouldn't get the "transferring" screen where the savegame is being transferred to your pc: it should be instant. If you get that screen, there's something wrong. The game will probably work anyway but it will probably take ages for you to connect, given the default 10 kb/s speed of Civ4. Right now the savegame is around 330 kb, but in modern era it can get 20 times larger, you do the math for transferring times. Let me know if you run into this kind of problem.

Happy Birthday!
@AspiringScholar would you be fine with a short one hour session on the 23rd? And then a normal session on the 30th?

We'd play longer but temae gets back from his flight on sunday so he's going to be later than usual, also messaged him earlier but haven't got a response yet.

@Temae thoughts on this?
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