Any way to get access to Resources the AI can't see yet?


Nov 4, 2001
Is there any way to peacably get access to resources the AI covers with cultural bounds that I can't find elsewhere? They don't have the tech needed to see it, and I have no interest in giving it to them (Being nuclear fission and all).

Strong preference for a peacable solution, smashing in is possible, but these folks are nominally my friends. No source of uranium isn't covered by an AI's culture, and only my "friend's" area is in an area that I can feasibly war for it... No other AI has the tech needed to see it, so they won't trade for it.

What now?! :confused:
You're pretty much beat. Your options are:

a) give the AI the requisite tech and wait for him to build a road to the resource, then set up your trade.
b) invade.

Guess which one I usually choose?
There is another way (sometimes, not always)

IF you can find a spot to do this, sometimes this will work:

Find a crappy square near the resource, with no cities in the way --a clear pathc.
Plant a city (just liek the stupid AI does to you!)
Rush a temple. wait 5 turns for hte borders to expand.

If youve done this right, you should have a square where you can plant another crappy city. Do it.

Rinse and Repeat as needed.

If its set up right, and executed right, you can culturally drill into an AI empire. Since the cities are all touching, and are growing culture -- and hopefully your total culture is better than the "enemy" -- its less likely that theyll flip to the other side. Of course, this all depends on all sorts of factor, but SOMETIMES a "Culture Drill" is what you need to get that elusive resource.
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