Anybody achieved a cultural victory yet?

My first civilization victory was cultural :D ( )
1990 AD, Gandhi, Quick Speed, Prince Difficulty; 2 cities.

I filled up the Tradition, Piety, Patronage, Freedom and order. I had also opened up the Financial tree and just got the third policy for it on the turn the game ended (see screenie)

My score screen a couple of days ago: ( )

I am currently attempting a BABYLON ZOO - SPACEMAN victory.
Has anyone achieved a cultural victory with Monty? With his unique ability and puppeting everyone it seems doable.
Yep second win was a cultural as Songhai on King, using about 5 cities, in about 1950. The mud pyramids (replaces temple, +5 culture, no upkeep cost) were excellent for it. The triple gold for dispersing barbarian camps were also very useful for gaining early alliances with cultural city states.

I went for the cultural win early, but did mix in a few wars. Important points to my win (not necessarily optimal strategy for cultural wins in general):
- get alliances with the cultural and seafaring city states asap, and patronage policies to back up this approach
- try to have every worked tile produce at least 1 hammer and 1 commerce, since you get a lot of great people and so a lot of golden ages
- where you have a choice between hammer and commerce, go hammers, to build cultural buildings and wonders faster
- the cristo redentor (sp?) was crucial. the +50% golden age wonder and the Taj were very good as well (though not as crucial)
I tried doing it with the French and everything was going swimmingly until a lowly civilization attacked me. Took 'em out easily enough, then my bloodlust got going and I proceeded to go for the quicker domination victory.

I was surprised how strong my civ was (4-5 cities) while just focusing on culture. I think the huge land area and lots of social policies is quite powerful, even when not going for the cultural victory.
Got a deity cultural as Egypt. As long as you play archipelago you can get pretty much any peaceful victory condition without even trying. Pretty good AI.
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