Anyone play as uncreative?

I've tried a few games using uncreative, but I really don't care for it much. The lack of choice is more of an irritant than an increased challenge. The way research is hamstrung with the creative/standard/uncreative choices is a poor game mechanic in my opinion. It would have been better to have several alternate tech trees using different sets of techs with each offering the necessary advances, but each in their own flavors of advantages and disadvantages. As the game is, choosing uncreative limits the player's play choices to a very narrow band of things they can do. I really don't like being stuck with a choice of just one type of ship and things like that. Much of the appeal of the game is being able to design ship types and experiment with different ship tactics and game strategies. With uncreative, a lot of that simply isn't there in a game.

Bad as uncreative is for the player, for the AI, it really sucks. There is not much of a challenge taking over an empire stuck in the basic early level techs when one is at mid level. The last couple of years, I've only played a MOO2 mod I created ( I hope I'm correct in assuming this thread is about MOO2?) in which I gave the leaders free techs so those using uncreative would have a few more techs in their inventory. Giving the leaders each at least one of the important techs has helped make the poor researcher AI types more of a challenge.
Uncreative is way too random.

It works with Moo1 where there are filler techs and everyone is sort of uncreative, but with Moo2 if you do not have research labs or automated factories, you loose out in the early game.

I do not like playing as one of those Unification/Tolerant combos at all.

Play impossible, play vanilla races and you got a challenge. That way you get good ship designs as well.

For Bulrathi I recommend going with Neutron Blaster + Tractor Beam early and sticky point research through taking over ships.

Uncreative was meant for insane production guys like the Klackons and it works best that way.
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