archphoenix's HOF attempts -- win


Aug 17, 2005
this thread is for my some classical HOF games.

#1-#25 second turn-based-notes game.
quite detailed.

#26 a common small monarch 20k game.
the only surprise is:
I get first sgl at philosophy,
then free get republic for second sgl.
that is, after revolution in turn, i see 2 sgl in my capital.

#27 an attempt of PTW Deity 20K(=c3c demi), get 15~20MGLs, boring.
finished at 1675AD.

this is #1
I need help!!! (is over)
at 26h turn, I see 4 lux, but no AI!
In this game, will I continue to build colossus,
or think there are another AI on the island, and build ganary, prepare war?

1.small map,demi,
island, 80%water ,AI: America, France, Egpty

I want to start on an isolate island, if meet AI,failed.

It's my second turn-based post.

In this map,start with lake, Wow, two cattle, and a cattle, a wheat in sight, two mountain.
a pretty good start, may God bless me not meet AI on my island.

4000BC city1 settled, start warrior1.
worker1 sw.
Max to Pot(15 turns).
3950BC worker1 mine.
3750BC city1: warrior1->warrior2
from the start territory, I guess mostly AI will be located west of me if have.
so warrior1 w.

3700BC warrior1 w

3650BC city1 grow to 2, slide bar from 100% to 80%
warrior1 nw
worker1, n

3600BC city1: warrior2->settler
since mountain east of me, I will let warrior2 go 1 tiles to see, then south to find a place to settle city2.
warrior1 nw
warrior2 e
worker1, nw

3550BC warrior2 stand on the mountain,see nearby map, I decide return him to captial fortify.
since I have see a wheat south.
warrior1 n, stand on another mountain, I am sure that I am on an isolate island.
warrior2 w
worker1 mine.
slide bar from 80% to 100%

3500BC city1 culture expand, let me see another wheat, sure ensure city2 settle place.
warrior1 continue explore island,
warrior1 fortify,
screenshot1_ensure_my_own saved, I forgot last turn.

3350BC city1 grow to 3,
more pop from forest to fish,
slide bar to happy pop.

3300BC Pot 1turn left, slide bar to save 3g.

3250BC city1: settler1->settler2, pop from 3 to 1, slide bar to 100%
settler1 s
worker1 mine->road

settler1 s
settler1 se

3100BC settler1->city2,start worker
city1: move pop from cattle1 to road built cattle2
work1 s

3050BC city1: pop 1->2
worker1 se
I make the first mistake here:
I find city1 grow in 5 turn,and built settler in 4 turn, I will build a more warrior first before settler2.
now I change to ganary.
In this turn, I explore all the island, what a small island! maybe only 6-7 citys.
screenshot2_my_island saved.
3000BC worker1 road cattle1.
2900BC terrible news! warrior1 find a narrow path northeast the city1!
my island expand!how about that world?
screenshot3_my_island_expand saved.

2850BC worker1 se, warrior1 n

2800BC city1: pop 2->3, slide bar,
city2: move pop from fish to BG, save 1 shield,
work mine BG
warrior1 ne

2750BC I must make a choose! 2 turns left to finish ganary or 22 turns to finish colossus!
after consider, I choose colossus, no reason, because I like colossus.
city2: pop 1->2; slide bar.
warrior1 e

2710BC warrior1 e, find two more lux! thus, there are 4 lux on my island!

I need help!
island, 80%water ,AI: America, France, Egpty

I seldom see a map that there are 4 lux on an island with only one civ!

In this game, will I continue to build colossus,
or think there are another AI on the island, and build ganary, prepare war?
map1:think_i_am_on_an isolated_island
if i were you i wouldn't build expansion is the main thing in the beggining...200shields=almost 7settlers..and getting 7towns earlier is much better than just collosus:1)military support increased,2)luxuries hooked up much faster,3)larger territory,population=higher score,4)larger military,higher income=faster research.and because of despotism penalty you won't get much benefit from collosus in despotism,but later in republic it is beneficial though.that's my opinion
I get this message while attempting to look at your attachments:
"Invalid Attachment specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator."

What victory condition are you going for?
and something is wrong with your attachements:
Invalid Attachment specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator
I myself can visit the picture.maybe other can't visit my profiles.
I will find how to post picture.

and I want to win a SS victory.
this is the 4th sreenshot.


  • 4_4lux.JPG
    108.6 KB · Views: 258
this is the 3rd screenshot.


  • 3_my_island_expand.JPG
    104.1 KB · Views: 245
this is the 2nd screenshot, the 1st is not diff much.


  • 2_my_island.JPG
    97.9 KB · Views: 277
thanks to elites ignas and killercane

I want to win a SS victory.
I choose small map,demi,
island, 80%water ,AI: America, France, Egpty

I want to start on an isolate island.
after 26 turns, I don't see any AI,but 4 lux on my island!
does some AI on my island?will I risk to build colossus?
if AI nearby, I think same with ignas.of course no colossus.
archphoenix said:
I want to win a SS victory.
I choose small map,demi,
island, 80%water ,AI: America, France, Egpty

I want to start on an isolate island.
after 26 turns, I don't see any AI,but 4 lux on my island!
does some AI on my island?will I risk to build colossus?
if AI nearby, I think same with ignas.of course no colossus.
If You have't a contact by now You're solo on the island
(with lucky 4 lux!). Forget the colossus, build the GLib and
lighthouse instead. Go for huge navy and do not let the AI expand their initial islands.
The Colossus wouldnt be too bad to have for later research. You have a nice settler factory and commerce galore it looks like. Find the others and fill up your island asap.
thanks a lot!
yes, I am on an isolated island, and with horse and iron on!
by now, I have just researched gunpower, to find no saltpeter on my island.
1.small map,demi,
island, 80%water ,AI: America, France, Egpty

I want to start on an isolate island, if meet AI,failed.

It's my second turn-based post.

In this map,start with lake, Wow, two cattle, and a cattle, a wheat in sight, two mountain.
a pretty good start, may God bless me not meet AI on my island.

I aimed to a SS victory.


4000BC city1 settled, start warrior1.
worker1 sw.
Max to Pot(15 turns).
3950BC worker1 mine.
3750BC city1: warrior1->warrior2
from the start territory, I guess mostly AI will be located west of me if have.
so warrior1 w.

3700BC warrior1 w

3650BC city1 grow to 2, slide bar from 100% to 80%
warrior1 nw
worker1, n

3600BC city1: warrior2->settler
since mountain east of me, I will let warrior2 go 1 tiles to see, then south to find a place to settle city2.
warrior1 nw
warrior2 e
worker1, nw

3550BC warrior2 stand on the mountain,see nearby map, I decide return him to captial fortify.
since I have see a wheat south.
warrior1 n, stand on another mountain, I am sure that I am on an isolate island.
warrior2 w
worker1 mine.
slide bar from 80% to 100%

3500BC city1 culture expand, let me see another wheat, sure ensure city2 settle place.
warrior1 continue explore island,
warrior1 fortify,
screenshot1_ensure_my_own saved, I forgot last turn.

3350BC city1 grow to 3,
more pop from forest to fish,
slide bar to happy pop.

3300BC Pot 1turn left, slide bar to save 3g.

3250BC city1: settler1->settler2, pop from 3 to 1, slide bar to 100%
settler1 s
worker1 mine->road

settler1 s
settler1 se

3100BC settler1->city2,start worker
city1: move pop from cattle1 to road built cattle2
work1 s

3050BC city1: pop 1->2
worker1 se
I make the first mistake here:
I find city1 grow in 5 turn,and built settler in 4 turn, I will build a more warrior first before settler2.
now I change to ganary.
In this turn, I explore all the island, what a small island! maybe only 6-7 citys.
screenshot2_my_island saved.
3000BC worker1 road cattle1.
2900BC terrible news! warrior1 find a narrow path northeast the city1!
my island expand!how about that world?
screenshot3_my_island_expand saved.

2850BC worker1 se, warrior1 n

2800BC city1: pop 2->3, slide bar,
city2: move pop from fish to BG, save 1 shield,
work mine BG
warrior1 ne

2750BC I must make a choose! 2 turns left to finish ganary or 22 turns to finish colossus!
after consider, I choose colossus, no reason, because I like colossus.
city2: pop 1->2; slide bar.
warrior1 e

2710BC warrior1 e, find two more lux! thus, there are 4 lux on my island!
city2: work2->work3
work2 nw

2670BC warrior1 n
work2 n

2630BC city1: move pop from forest to BG
work2 mine
warrior1 n

2590BC BG mine finished.
worker1 road, worker2 road.
warrior1 nw, to find a coast end.

2550BC city1: pop 3->4, slide bar
warrior1 se

2510BC BG road finished, worker1 sw, worker2 sw.
warrior1 se
city2: move pop from fish to BG, to earn 1 shields.

2470BC worker1 mine,worker2 mine.
warrior1 s

2430BC city2: move pop from BG to wheat, save 1 food
warrior1 s, to find I'm mostly on an isolate island.

2390BC city2: worker3->worker4
work3 nw
warrior1 s

2350BC work1,2 mine finished, begin road, work3 nw
warrior1 se, sure I am on an isolate island.
city2: move pop from fish to BG
city1: move pop from forest to fish, city1 can upgrade pop next turn.
since city1 move pop from forest to fish, slide bar from 70% to 80%, earn 1 break.

2310BC work3 road, free work1,2, worker1,2 se
city: pop 4->5, move pop from forest to just mined grassland. slide bar.(forgot to do this line)
warrior1 return city1, 9 turns to return.

2270BC worker1,2 mine wheat, worker3 se

2230BC worker3 road wheat
2150BC worker1,2 finish mine, worker1 road, free worker3, worker2,3 sw
city2: work4-> ganary
worker4 w

2110BC city1: pop 5->6, move pop from forest to lake,squeeze breaks and food, slide bar,
worker2,3,4 road and finish, worker4 sw and mine.

2070BC city1: move pop from mine grassland,to lake,squeeze 1 break
worker2,3 mine, worker4 n,n,nw

2030BC city1: colossus->ganary, move pop from lakes back. slide bar
work4 road.
from now on, city1 become a 4-turn settler factory.

1990BC worker1 e,ne; worker2,3 n,n,nw;
warrior1 return city1, slide bar.

1950BC worker2 road,free worker4; worker3,4 mine; work1 road;
write finished(no SGL:(), start code law(19 turns).

ok, break here, now it's 45th turn, colossus,built, Pot and Write researched.
next some turns I will not detailed describe these:
worker action, move pop from here to there to squeeze food, shield or good; slide bar.
the follow turns I focus on city building, settler and tech.
1790BC city1: ganary->settler2
1700BC city1: settler2->settler3
city2: pop 2->3, move warrior1 to city2 to balance happy.
1625BC settler2->city3: start ganary
1600BC city1: settler3->settler4
1525BC settler3->city4: start ganary

1500BC city1: settler5->settler6
city2: ganary->worker5

1475BC settler3->city4: start ganary

1450BC settler4->city5: start warrior
city2: worker5->worker6
lux sliks connected.
code law researched,start philosophy.
city1: change from settler to CountHouse
city2: worker5->worker6
hire scientist in city3,4,5, philosophy 7 turn left.
from now on, city2 become a 4-turn settler factory.
1400BC city1: pop 6->7
city2: worker6->worker7
1350BC city2: worker7->worker8
join worker1 into city1(It's a mistake, in Anarchy city1 will hungry!)

1300BC philosophy researched, free get republic, advisor ask me, so revolution.
and I know egpty built pyramid!
1200BC republic comes.
start MapMaking(12 turns.)

1175BC city2: worker8->worker9
1125BC city2: worker9->worker(no more number)
1075BC city2: worker->worker, in this turn, I disband the two warrior in city2, maintenance fee too high.
1025BC MoM 2 turns left, maybe I will build Great LightHouse first, I have only 5 citys,golden age to early?

1000BC city2: worker->settler

20 pop
11 workers
colossus built in 2070BC
MoM 1 turn left.
2 ganary.
1 lux connected.
Pot,Write,Code Law,Philosophy,Republic(NO SGL)
no AI meet

975BC researched MakeMaking, switch MoM to Great LightHouse, Switch City3,4 to Dromon.
950BC city4: dromon->ganary
875BC Egpty Built Hanging Gardens!, She must get a SGL!
850BC city5: dromon->ganary
825BC city1 : Great LightHouse->MoM
750BC Literature researched, NO SGL, I happy to declare, I researched 5 AA tech first,but no SGL.
set tech bar to 0%
dromon meet France.

690BC settler5->city6 : start worker
settler6->city7 : start worker

670BC build an Embassy in France, France still in Despotism, have 1 lux, Paris Build TOA(15 turns left.)
France have 9 citys.

650BC city2: settler->Harbor
city3: settler->Harbor

630BC city4: ganary->settler

610BC I know egpty built statue of Zeus, Was She a Wonder-fans?

590BC settler7->city8 : start ganary
530BC city4: settler->Library
I know egpty built TOA, France Paris change to GreatWall and finished?
finally, I meet egpty, and America border.
Egpty have 8 citys, have researched Write.share an island with America. In Monarchy.

510BC settler8->city9 : start worker
final meet last AI, America, America have 6 citys, In Monarchy. have not researched Write.
build an Embassy in egpty, egpty has 3 lux, capital 12 pop.
build an Embassy in America, America has 0 lux, capital 8 pop.
Why egpty advance? through her build wonder, She must start a early golden age, and 3 lux helps.
my Great Library 5 turns left.

490BC city2 : Library->warrior (ready to dismiss in captial, avoid empty hurry golds penalty)
city6 : worker->ganary
city7 : worker->ganary
13 workers total

470BC city3 : Library->harbor
430BC city5 : ganary->harbor

410BC city1 : Great Library->Library, dismiss a warrior, hurry worker, then switch back to library.
city2 build warrior.
city4 build Library.
finally, Great Library built, and my golden age comes, captial has 35spt! :)
now It's 107th turn.
at 45th turn, I write: the follow turns I focus on city building, settler and tech.
now the follow turns my description focus on city found, tech and wonder building.

390BC I get all tech expect currency.
and I have iron and horse! on my island!
330BC France Beat me by 1 turn on currency! exchange Pot with currency from France, Free get Engineering!

270BC city1: MoM->marketplace; dismiss warrior, hurry swordman, then switch back to marketplace.
250BC Egpty has abroad city! fortunately my island surrounded by ocean.
but I must still build some horseman.
210BC researched Monotheism.
110BC researched Theology.
10BC my golden age end.
10AD researched Education.

ok, second HOF checkpoint here, I will write more less, only intesting turns.

90AD terrible news! Egpty declare war to America!
the America will disappear soon, I must hurry.

150AD researched Astronomy.

210AD a first abroad city settled, city12.

230AD America 4 citys left! Egpty too strong!
declear war to Egpty, and exchange engineer to France, get Feud and military VS. Egpty.
switch sistine to sun Tzu's art of war to waste Egpty's shields,

250AD sun Tzu's art of war built, start Coper's Ovservatory.

270AD researched Banking.

290AD Egpty and America signed peace, America survived.(3 citys left)

310AD researched Chivalry.(Egpty first)

360AD invention researched.

390AD Egpty France signed Peace! I faint!
give Theology to France, repeat her declare war to Egpty.

410AD gunpower researched, I find 3 saltpeter on current visible map, I see 3, but no one own one.
a first Egppy abroad city captured, since I want a SS victory, No reputation need, raze it to get 3 slaves.

450AD Coper's Observatory built, I found I make a HUGE mistake, capital not build university!
I start Coper's Ovservatory immediately after sun Tzu's art of war! forgot university!!

460AD chemistry researched.

520AD physics researched.

570AD Theory of gravity researched.

600AD France Land a archer and a spearman nearby my aboard city, prepare to war!
fotify a pikeman and a horseman.

610AD France Attack me! I shipped Elite knight, and get the first MGL!
since my mainland has only 11 citys, I want expand a New mainland, so my want my MGL hurry FB
on new land. delay Magnetism 1 turns. (wish a SGL.)
make a deal with Egpty, I give banking, she give 53gpt,243g,military VS. France!
the Egpty has Music Theory, but I thnk no use now.

630AD Magnetism researched.

640AD make a deal with Egpty, I give wine,silk; she give 2gpt,20g,fur.

670AD Metallurgy researched.
get Medicine free, why not SteamPower?

MA first tech:
Monotheism, Theology, Education, Astronomy, Banking, invention, gunpower, chemistry,
physics, Theory of gravity, Magnetism, Metallurgy.
Include AA, I have researched tech 17 tech, no SGL.

730AD SteamPower researched.
certainly, since I have 4 lux and horse and iron, I have no coal.
There is only one coal expect AI's mainland, under one of America oversea city!

780AD make a deal with Egpty, I give chemistry; she give WM,TM,52gpt,12g,Navigation.

790AD Industrialization researched.

810AD declare war to America, capture city settled on coal.

820AD 20 turns military VS. France over, Egpty signed peace with France.

830AD Sanitation researched.
I find France have a lux, so Sign peace to her with her WM and TM.
then make a deal with France , I give Banking; she give Music Theory, Dyes.

850AD signed Peace with America.

860AD make a deal with Egpty, I give Metallurgy; she give 82gpt,120g,

890AD electricity researched.

940AD replaceable parts researched. lucky, there is rubber on my island.
make a deal with France, I give chemistry,Gem; she give Economics, Printing Press.

980AD The Coporation researched,
city1 build Smith's trading company.
make a deal with Egpty, I give physics; she give 140gpt,242g.

ok HOF checkpoint 3 here. I will no more mention deals that only sell tech from golds.

1020AD scientific method researched.
make a deal with France, I give physics,iron; she give Democracy,20g.

1060AD Get Military Tradition

1070AD Steel researched

1080AD Great News! Egpty Declare War to France! Hinder their develop.
first pollution appear.

1120AD refine researched
I have no oil! but oil not important now.

1160AD Get Free Artistry

1170AD Combustion researched.
city1: shakespeare's Theater built.

1210AD Mass Production researched.
since motorize transpotation 4 turns left, I search oil and find an America oversea city.
with oil and saltpeter! great.

1250AD motorize transpotation researched.

1255AD America Oil,saltpeter city captured.

1275AD Atomic Theory researched.
sign peace with America, Egpty and France Signed Peace.

1300AD electronics researched.

1305AD get nationalism

1325AD get Flight.
get Fission Free, why not computer?

IA tech
SteamPower,Industrialization,Sanitation,electricity ,replaceable parts,The Coporation,scientific method,
Steel,refine,Combustion,Mass Production,motorize transpotation,Atomic Theory,electronics,Flight
17+15=32 tech,no SGL yet :(

I get Fission, so I know now I have uranium on my new mainland.
the quickest AI is Egpty, just learned SteamPower, Medine, Sanitation, and nationalism.
so less suprised in MT.

1355AD Rocketry researched,
city4: Theory of evolution built, free get computer, miniaturization.
no Aluminum. Again, there are an Aluminum Under a america oversea city!

1360AD city1: SETI program built.

1385AD ecology researched.

1415AD Nuclear Power researched.

1435AD MISTAKE!! advance flight researched! I mis-click!

1440AD Aluminum city captured.

1460AD Synthetic Fibers researched.

1485AD Space Flight researched.

1505AD satellite researched.

1530AD Superconduction researched.

1550AD The Laser researched.

No more Notes, tired, tired.

32+11=43 tech! no SGL yet :(

In this map, I am sure to make some mistake, some Huge and some minor.
I want to research spece flight, but mis-click to advance flight!
I will build univercity first in city1 ,but forgot, before build Coper's Observatory.

further more,
I get engineer and medicine and fission,
why not Mono, Steam Power, and Computer?

I researched 43 techs first, why not a single SGL?:mad:
yes,maybe it's the only one game that I write so detailed Notes!
My Hof submission break here.
I will focus on Gotm and Gaunlet to improve my skills.
Next I will try from Quantity to Quality.
Maybe no more than 2 attempts per month.
maybe the word "break" misused.

I mean a sit back,
to take part in discuss to further my skills.
then go on with Quality submissions instead of Quantity submissions.:)

thanks for HOF,let me upgrade from heavy-reloader to no reloader, that behavior is a real game spirit.

10 more post?
10 more submission or 10 more thread post?
10 more forum posts. Well, 9 now.

Of course enough HOF submissions do carry their own perks. You can earn membership into a pretty exclusive club.

archphoenix said:
thanks for HOF,let me upgrade from heavy-reloader to no reloader, that behavior is a real game spirit.
Give yourself credit for the upgrade, you're the one who turned around.

Being a reloader isn't bad in itself, just bad for the Hall of Fame. For nonHOF play, it can even help players learn the various outcomes of game decisions. As far as the staff and I go, we only judge the games, not the players.

Bad games don't make it in, good ones do. Simple as that. ;)
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