ARGH! is there any way to turn off global warming?


Dec 27, 2000
The last game I played was toally ruined by global warming, I was in the middle of some pretty intense fighting with an enemy when all of a sudden the "it's global warming time, time to **** up your land buddy!" message came up. I was not pleased.

I started building engineers, and fixing the land, then just when I was starting to get things back to normal, it did it again! Gah! I stopped playing after that. I cannot see what positive effects this has on gameplay.

Does anyone know of a way to fix this?
The only real way to correct this is to watch you production out put. The more shields you have in a town the more pollution its going to create. Make sure you get those recycling centers built as quickly as possible.
Just make sure you clean up pollution squares ASAP. That's the way to keep global warming from happening

A.K.A Gregorius_Luxius Staff and forum moderator

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Oh sure... Lets just nuke all of the civs off the face of the planet. That makes for a fun game... NOT! Just remember the pollution get a lot worse before it gets better.
One of my game when there was a lot of global warming I got desprete and Made a cease fire with my enemys and ran many enginers in to there land just to clean up the pollution that was killing me!
for some reason they kept killing my enginers and NEVER cleaned up there land!
I lost about 12 enginers before I finaly got Global warming under control!

The people in my cool book
Uh, if you were really desperate to play without thought of global warming/pollution you could just enable cheat mode and turn off pollution under one of the options. I do it all the time with scenarios.
this guy must have dropped some soda on the ignission button..................
You cant turn it off in the verson I have, thats what is cool about it I cant cheat!

The people in my cool book
I never cheat! It's not fair that your enemies don't get pollution, even though it benefits you more. If they did get pollution, you would have no choice but to kill them or make an alliance with them and send in your engineers.
The only way to prevent/stop global warming is to control production & the resulting pollution from over-production. If only our nations could agree on that and move on ...

Oh, were you talking about the game? Sorry.

Fuzz, with total respect to you as a fellow Civ player, your game wasn't ruined by global warming. It was ruined by over production. Of course it doesn't have positive effects on gameplay ... we're supposed to avoid it! [Well, when you play in standard mode that is ... when you customize, you can play God and change the rules of life to your liking.] But in standard mode, I feel if you ignore pollution, you're ignoring a significant aspect of the game and global warming is your penalty for that ... kinda like Real Life. Sorry, Charlie.

(huh? what's this Real Life? it's all a simulation anyway ... see also, "The Matrix")

But if this were strictly a war game and not a life simulation, I'd be right there with you, Fuzz. And I think you make a great point about what the AI civs get away with.
(sorry for the bad grammar)

Civing into the New Millenium
(which actually starts TONIGHT!)


Please don't take any of this as harsh as it may sound from a complete stranger over plain text. I just calls 'em as I seez 'em. All other opinions may differ and still retain validity.
huh mabey I should put out my own disclamer

Vanillacube is rude it is just the way he is so deal with it!

The people in my cool book
SpacemanSpiff, I did not even know it had anything to do with pollution, I thought it just happened after a set time. I thought the punishment for pollution was having that stupid skull icon on your land.

My point was, there are parts about this game that are NOT realistic (like how the nukes can only move a set ammount of squares) that are like that for the sake of a good game.

Something that can punish all for one person's negligence, does not add to the game IMO. Read some of the previous threads, about having to start alliances to clean up other peoples pollution, don't you agree that it's all a little silly?

Anyway, I was merely asking how >>I<< could turn it off (by modifying game.txt or something), let people play the game in a way they enjoy it, don't bag them for it.
You have my apologies, Fuzz.

I didn't mean to bag anyone. I was afraid there was chance I might be taken that way ... guess that "disclaimer" and all the "nice nice" padding I added wasn't enough, or was misunderstood.

Actually, it (disclaimer) was more of a description of where I'm coming from, rather than something absolving me from any responsibility, esp. since I'm relatively new here. I hope only few others take me that way.

To your point, no, its not all totally realistic and, yes, I do think creating phony alliances to clean-up AI's pollution is silly (I read those comments already and that's partly what I meant when I said you made a good point about the AI).

Also, I didn't realize you didn't know the pollution/global-warming connection. I was starting from assuming you already knew that part. We were starting from different places. My fault. That's ok, though. Our corporations don't see the same connection, either.

And I was speaking strictly from a "why is it in the game in standard mode" perspective, which I thought was part of your question. I also tipped my hat to anyone who customizes. At least I tried to state it that way. Guess it didn't work.

None of my comments were meant to be derogatory towards anyone (though I admit I was having a little fun with your comments). Please re-read it as if I was an old friend and see if you can see what I really meant and where I was really coming from. I hope it sounds different to you that way, from a fellow Civ-er who considers nearly all other Civ-ers as buds in the same frat. But maybe I assume too much comradery here too quickly.

Again, sorry for any offence, Fuzz. No ill will intended. Can I offer you a gift: knowledge, or a unit perhaps?

Happy New Year!
Hehehe, it's ok, I wasn't really offended that much, sorry if it came across that way.
hey Fuzz there is another way of cutting down your pollution aka global warming, as your cities grow build Mass Transit in your cities to cut down on population based pollution. Then go with your recycling. But most of your pollution you should find will come from your cities populations themselves. Just test it, grabs one of the advanced scenarios and see how one or two engineer's could do the whole problem of pollution. Also hey pollution cuts down on your production or something which further hurts you more. When i play i do not have any pollution anywhere i follow my nukes with engineers.
Maybe it would be a nice idea to be able to turn off pollution like on Call to Power 2.

I have not used it yet though because I think it represents an important disadvantage of using Nukes. Also you may think that you can get away with using nukes but because the computer does not clean it up it makes the game unpredictable.

Also it adds another challenge to the games and stops poeple using too many nukes!
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