Atlantic Treaty Organization-TWTUD Subthread

The United Kingdoms of Scandinavia agrees with the Unified Chain of Command, and agrees with the South American Solution.
Upon the request of the President, General Marshall, along with the State Department has issued the following proclamation for how Europe and the Soviet Union should look upon ATO victory.

The Bourbon Empire- The Bourbon Empire should be dissolved, so that they will never again pose a threat to western Europe. We feel that it would be best to divide their territory into 3 territories-Andalusia in the south, Spain in the center and Catalonia in the northeast. Gibraltar is to be returned to Italy, the United States will maintain control of the Azores and New France will become the possession of the UCS. Portugal will be reestablished as an independent country. Brittany will be returned to Ireland, with parts of eastern France going to Germany, southern France to Italy and a new independent French state being created.

The Balkans- Albania and Greece will become the possession of Italy. Bosnia and Bulgaria will be merged with Serbia to create a stable Balkan state. Hungary and Romania will have their borders reestablished.

The Soviet Union-The Soviet Union will be carved up so that it will never again pose a threat to Europe. Karillia will be handed over to the Scandinavians. The nations of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia will be created, each under the guidance of a different ATO country (Germany, UCS and Scandinavia respectively). Poland will return to its older, expanded borders, reabsorbing that territory lost to the Soviets. The peoples of Belarus and Ukraine will receive their sovereignty. The Crimea will become an independent nation, along with Georgia. A new Czarist Russia will be established in the western part of Russia, with the area east of the Volga/ the Urals remaining under the control of the Soviet Union, since we are physically incapable of conquering all of Russia. We feel that this fragmentation will end all Soviet threats to Europe and create enough small states and balances of power to keep the Russians focused on each other for a long time.

We are open to the suggestions of our allies.
This plan pleases Germany.
The United Kingdoms of Scandinavia agrees with this proposal.

*Toasts to a quick and bloody victory*
Italy would like to request a map or some sort of visualization to better help us understand the layout.
OOC: But...but..that would require a lot of effort and research and drawing on my part. I was just gonna give a general overview and make EQ do all the redrawing of the borders. In essence, Portugal gets it independence again, Spain would be divided into 3 regions with southern Spain become its own country and providing a buffer between Spain proper and Gibraltar, Spain itself in the center and northwest and a Catalonian state in the northeast (Barcelona area) and a rather squarish France to the north, with the Irish reclaiming New Ireland and Italy and Germany gaining territory along their respective borders. In the Balkans there would be a Serbian state resembling Yugoslavia, along with Hungary, Romania, and Italian Albania and Greece. There would be a boundary in Russia along the Ural Mountains/Volga River, with a new Czarist Russia in the west and a Siberian based Soviet Union in the East. Everything else in Eastern Europe would be like RL. If you really, really want a map, I can try to draw a crappy one tomorrow.

IC: Here are the proposed maps

The Bourbon Empire
Spoiler :

The Balkans
Spoiler :

Eastern Europe
Spoiler :

Pardon their shoddy appearance. Also, we have come to realize that there would not be a Lithuanian state on the Baltic, as that area is already German territory.
Eire appreciates the return of our holdings in Northern France though is open to the acquisition of a little more if possible, Ireland lost sons in this war as well and as it is impractical to take it from the Soviets the Bourbons may as well pay the price for their betrayal and the Soviet Aggression.
Italy asks under both what authority and under what reasoning the USA has in dividing up Spain and Russia. On one hand you have the Italian Empire and Yugoslavia gathering under its banners numerous nationalities, and at the same time you're giving other nationalities their own countries. As such we feel that White Russia be given control of all these new lands (Ukraine, Belarus, Crimea, Baltic States, etc) be incorporated into White Russia. White Russia must remain a strong and steadfast buffer between Europe and the Soviet Union. We also believe that partitioning Spain into three new nations is also inadvisable on the grounds that a single Spanish state is beneficial to peace and stability in western Europe. The change to a friendly republican regime would easily stop any ambitions for a second Bourbon Empire.

And if the plan remains unchanged, the partitioning of Trotskygrad/St. Petersburg to an Estonian state would also be inadvisable as this city is Russian in its very core and is the traditional seat of power for Czarist Russia.
The Republic of South Africa would like to announce a succesful agreement of peace between the Republic of South Africa and Argentina.
Romania, the Low Countries, and Serbia all denounce the Italian idea. A strong russian state would be just as great a threat as a strong Soviet one. With the USSR stripped of resources, it likely would hardly ever be a threat again. (at USA's proposed borders, the USSR would be lucky to manage at most 5 IC)
ooc: oh, for some reason I figured the USSR would still have a a powerful industrial base east of the Urals like that of otl USSR.
ooc: they do, however it is all work camps fill with Germans, Poles, and other people. This peace will allow for the return of much of this labor to their countries.
Eire appreciates the return of our holdings in Northern France though is open to the acquisition of a little more if possible, Ireland lost sons in this war as well and as it is impractical to take it from the Soviets the Bourbons may as well pay the price for their betrayal and the Soviet Aggression.
If this position were to be ceded, Germany will expect land as well. We have suffered the most of any nation in this war, save those of the South Americans.
As far as we gather you are getting land
Yes, in France, - land which is not historically German, unlike some Polish land or even Austrian land.

We propose the Polish state be enlarged with land to the east, with the entirety of East Prussia being turned over to Germany.
While bickering about land is all well and good, perhaps, before we carve up another country, we defeat it first. We should be dealing with the problem at hand, and have more concern for the battles raging across Europe as opposed to who gets what land.

We are happy with the Scandinavian gains, as these are initially the lands we wanted from Russia.
Germany hereby invokes the Defensive Clause of the ATO, pleading for its allies to send assistance in the German Civil War. Reports of the "Kaiser's aggression" have been exaggerated: these enemy parties have long caused dissent within our borders - the Communists have assaulted Germans with terrorist tactics during the Third World War, and the Nazis before that were causing widespread panic with their Schutzstaffeln. In an act of foresight, Kaiser Frederick sought to put them down - but alas, they have made it abundantly clear that they will not go without a fight!

Germany asks for the assistance in the handling of this civil war, intervention on behalf of the Kaiser, considering that if this nation falls to either the nazis or communists (or no single power at all), all of Europe shall feel the blow!
our troops have done enough in this war to defend German sovreignty. We do not believe that the defensive clause covers asault on a nation by its own people either.

Congratulations ATO on winning this war and defending freedom around the world.
Scotland agrees to send reinforcements for a small return.

Germany thanks Scotland profusely and shall repay the favor quickly and in due quantity.
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