Upon the request of the President, General Marshall, along with the State Department has issued the following proclamation for how Europe and the Soviet Union should look upon ATO victory.
The Bourbon Empire- The Bourbon Empire should be dissolved, so that they will never again pose a threat to western Europe. We feel that it would be best to divide their territory into 3 territories-Andalusia in the south, Spain in the center and Catalonia in the northeast. Gibraltar is to be returned to Italy, the United States will maintain control of the Azores and New France will become the possession of the UCS. Portugal will be reestablished as an independent country. Brittany will be returned to Ireland, with parts of eastern France going to Germany, southern France to Italy and a new independent French state being created.
The Balkans- Albania and Greece will become the possession of Italy. Bosnia and Bulgaria will be merged with Serbia to create a stable Balkan state. Hungary and Romania will have their borders reestablished.
The Soviet Union-The Soviet Union will be carved up so that it will never again pose a threat to Europe. Karillia will be handed over to the Scandinavians. The nations of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia will be created, each under the guidance of a different ATO country (Germany, UCS and Scandinavia respectively). Poland will return to its older, expanded borders, reabsorbing that territory lost to the Soviets. The peoples of Belarus and Ukraine will receive their sovereignty. The Crimea will become an independent nation, along with Georgia. A new Czarist Russia will be established in the western part of Russia, with the area east of the Volga/ the Urals remaining under the control of the Soviet Union, since we are physically incapable of conquering all of Russia. We feel that this fragmentation will end all Soviet threats to Europe and create enough small states and balances of power to keep the Russians focused on each other for a long time.
We are open to the suggestions of our allies.